The scripts listed in the tables below are supplied with the PHOENICS installation.
They can be used from:
provided that the path has been set by issue of the command: /phoenics/d_utils/phoepath.bat, or an equivalent setting.
The command names for UNIX and LINUX installations are the same as those for windows.
The scripts are classified as PHOENICS Utilities, and are to be found in \phoenics\d_utils\d_win_32 for 32-bit installations, \phoenics\d_utils\d_win_64 for single-precision 64-bit installations and \phoenics\d_utils\d_windble for double-precision 64-bit installations. In the tables below, the folders are generically referred to as 'windf'.
Command | What executable is or does |
vre | VR Editor serves as environment I |
The satellite executable can be run in several modes, namely:
The command sat followed by the appropriate one of the following parameters:
f, t, vre or vrv
suffices to launch the executable in the selected mode.
For the convenience of users, however, mode-specific commands are also provided.
The commands beginning run have been retained because users of earlier versions of PHOENICS may have become used to them.
Command | What executable is or does |
sat | SATELLITE: text-interactive |
sil | SATELLITE: silent |
vre | VR Editor |
vrv | VR Viewer |
runsat | same as sat |
runvre | same as vre |
runvrv | same as vrv |
Command | What it does |
aut | AUTOPLOT display module |
ear | public EARTH solver module |
earpri | private (local) EARTH solver module |
pho | PHOTON display module |
runaut | same as aut |
runear | same as ear |
runpho | same as pho |
runpri | same as earpri |
Command | What it does |
bldear | builds EARTH executable |
bldsat | builds SATELLITE executable |
bldsatx | builds text-only SATELLITE |
Command | What it does |
compile | compiles a Fortran file |
builds a solver-module executable, earexe.exe, in the local directory (also called a "private earth").
It uses whatever main.for and ground.for files exist in the local directory.
If one of these files does not exist, the "public" version of it is copied from /phoenics/d_earth.
builds a SATELLITE executable, satexe.exe, in the local directory (also called a "private SATELLITE").
It uses whatever satlit.for file exists in the local directory.
If no such file exists, the "public" version of it is copied from /phoenics/d_satell.
The PLANT menu program is a stand-alone executable, residing in \phoenics\d_satell
It makes use of three ASCII files, residing in the same directory, namely: plntsttm, plntlist and plnthelp
is a command which may be followed by arguments, with various consequences, as follows:
has the same effect as runsat vre
has the same effect as runsat vrv