C FILE NAME frustrum.for ----------------------------- 180299 c This file creates shapes which form sectors of truncated c thick-walled cones, the configurations of which are c defined by the following parameters: c boufr = bottom outside radius c binfr = bottom inside radius c toufr = top outside radius c tinfr = top inside radius c nfside = number of facets on the full conical surface c angfac = fraction of 2 pi occupied by actual conical surface c angf = angle at which the actual surface starts c zpf = first z location, ie that of bottom c zpl = last z location, ie that of top c isign = 1 for opaque and -1 for transparent objects C-------------------------------------------------------------- real xp(100000),yp(100000),zp(100000) integer ipf(4,100000) character*8 name c c...................default data input c boufr=1.0 binfr=0.7 toufr=0.49 tinfr=0.4 nfside=10 angfac=0.1 angf=0.1 zpf=0.2 zpl=0.4 name='frustrum' isign=-1 c.... logical units for infile and outfile luin=7 open(luin,file='frustrum') c.... read data from shapdat file read(luin,'(a)',err=10) name write(*,*) name read(luin,*,err=10) boufr read(luin,*,err=10) binfr read(luin,*,err=10) toufr read(luin,*,err=10) tinfr read(luin,*,err=10) nfside read(luin,*,err=10) angfac read(luin,*,err=10) angf read(luin,*,err=10) zpf read(luin,*,err=10) zpl read(luin,*,err=10) isign close(luin) go to 11 10 write(6,*)'unable to read frustrum file. defaults taken' c.... echo data to the screen 11 write(6,*)' name = ', name write(6,*)' boufr = ', boufr write(6,*)' binfr = ', binfr write(6,*)' toufr = ', toufr write(6,*)' tinfr = ', tinfr write(6,*)' nfside= ', nfside write(6,*)' angfac= ', angfac write(6,*)' angf = ', angf write(6,*)' zpf = ', zpf write(6,*)' zpl = ', zpl write(6,*)' isign = ', isign C......................................... start calculation C pi=3.14159 c.................the angle subtended by a single side facet ang=angfac * 2.*pi/nfside C C cartesian coordinates of points defining the bottom inner ring, of c which, because of truncation, the radius is as on the next line. binf=binfr + (tinfr - binfr) * zpf bouf=boufr + (toufr - boufr) * zpf tinf=binfr + (tinfr - binfr) * zpl touf=boufr + (toufr - boufr) * zpl c......................... do loop starts at 0 not 1 np=0 radius=binf do i=0,nfside np=np+1 angle= angf + ang*i xp(np)=0.5 * ( 1.0 + radius*cos(angle) ) yp(np)=0.5 * ( 1.0 + radius*sin(angle) ) zp(np)=zpf enddo C similar coding for the bottom outer ring radius=bouf do i=0,nfside np=np+1 angle= angf + ang*i xp(np)=0.5 * ( 1.0 + radius*cos(angle) ) yp(np)=0.5 * ( 1.0 + radius*sin(angle) ) zp(np)=zpf enddo C Points at top inner rings radius=tinf do i=0,nfside np=np+1 angle= angf + ang*i xp(np)=0.5 * ( 1.0 + radius*cos(angle) ) yp(np)=0.5 * ( 1.0 + radius*sin(angle) ) zp(np)=zpl enddo C Points at top outer rings radius=touf do i=0,nfside np=np+1 angle= angf + ang*i xp(np)=0.5 * ( 1.0 + radius*cos(angle) ) yp(np)=0.5 * ( 1.0 + radius*sin(angle) ) zp(np)=zpl enddo C facets nf=0 do i=1,nfside c... bottom nf=nf+1 ipf(1,nf)=i ipf(2,nf)=i+1 ipf(3,nf)=i+nfside+2 ipf(4,nf)=i+nfside+1 c... outside nf=nf+1 ipf(1,nf)=i+nfside+1 ipf(2,nf)=i+nfside+2 ipf(3,nf)=i+3*nfside+4 ipf(4,nf)=i+3*nfside+3 c... top nf=nf+1 ipf(1,nf)=i+3*nfside+3 ipf(2,nf)=i+3*nfside+4 ipf(3,nf)=i+2*nfside+3 ipf(4,nf)=i+2*nfside+2 c... inside nf=nf+1 ipf(1,nf)=i+2*nfside+2 ipf(2,nf)=i+2*nfside+3 ipf(3,nf)=i+1 ipf(4,nf)=i enddo if(angfac.lt..999) then c... close the lower angle end nf=nf+1 ipf(1,nf)=1 ipf(2,nf)=1+nfside+1 ipf(3,nf)=1+3*nfside+3 ipf(4,nf)=1+2*nfside+2 c... close the higher angle end nf=nf+1 ipf(1,nf)=nfside+1 ipf(2,nf)=nfside+1+2*nfside+2 ipf(3,nf)=nfside+1+3*nfside+3 ipf(4,nf)=nfside+1+nfside+1 endif C c.... create and write the geometry file into the local directory open(53,file=name//'.dat',status='unknown') write(53,'(i6)') np do 30 i=1,np write(53,'(1p3e12.5)') xp(i),yp(i),zp(i) 30 continue write(53,'(i6)') nf do 40 i=1,nf write(53,'(5i6)') (ipf(j,i),j=1,4),isign*( 20+mod(i,200)) 40 continue c.... the following line indicates that the object can have any of c the 24 possible orientations within the bounding box write(53,'(a)') ' 24 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12'// 1 ' 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24' close(53) end c