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CHAM's CFD-simulation-service spectrum


The higher the number, the larger is customer's participation in the work.

  1. Consultancy, which results in reports by CHAM to customer
  2. Consultancy, with delivery to the client of virtual-reality worlds which customer explores
  3. The same, but customer sets up the geometry
  4. The same, but customer also makes physical-model decisions
  5. The same, but customer also makes numerical decisions
  6. Customer makes all decisions; CHAM computes and transmits results, intervenes only if run fails
  7. As 6, but expert advice, from CHAM or specialist, assists results interpretation
  8. Customer leases PHOENICS; does everything on own hardware
  9. As 8, but CHAM supplies add-on software,
  10. CHAM additionally supplies customised parallel hardware,

More details

CHAM and PHOENICS provide computer-simulation solutions for:-

who are concerned with:

The services form a spectrum, from which the customer chooses the "colour" which best fits his or her needs.

At one end lies consultancy, with CHAM doing the flow-simulation work and the customer receiving the required report or advice;
at the other lie sales of software and hardware to the customer, who himself does the simulation work with their aid.

The full spectrum of what CHAM supplies is as follows:-

  1. Reports, containing numbers graphs and pictures, resulting from computer simulations made by CHAM to solve the problem specified by the customer.

    Click here for a typical example

    Often these result from the use by CHAM of its "Virtual Wind Tunnel"

  2. Briefer reports supplemented by computer-output files plus "virtual-reality-viewer" software which enables the customer to explore the results of the simulation.

    Click here for a look at the viewer

  3. A problem-set-up software package, of virtual-reality style similar to the viewer, enabling the customer to specify the geometrical conditions (from a CAD file or by other means) and the physical conditions (known temperatures, wind speeds, etc) which define his problem, and to transmit the specifications electronically to CHAM.

    Click here for an AUTOCAD-to-VR example

    CHAM then performs the simulations and transmits the results electronically to the customer, who inspects them via the viewer.

  4. The same problem-set-up package with provision for the customer to make decisions about material properties and physical models (eg regarding how turbulence, radiation and chemistry are to be simulated) before transmitting the specifications to CHAM.

    Click here to see the material-properties menu

    Click here to see the physical-models menu menu

    CHAM examines, and if necessary gives advice on, the customer's choice, then supplies the numerical inputs (grid size, relaxation parameters) enabling the computer simulations to be run, and transmits the results as before.

  5. As for item 4, except that the customer is enabled also to supply the numerical inputs, which CHAM will scrutinise before the computations are run, making modifications if necessary. Results are supplied as before.

    Click here to see the initial-values menu

    Click here to see the numerical-settings menu

  6. As for item 5, except that CHAM's contribution is confined to performing the computations and transmitting the results, unless during-the-run diagnostics indicate untoward behaviour, whereupon CHAM intervenes so as to minimise waste.
  7. As for item 6, except that, if the customer has requested it, the simulation results (and perhaps also the problem specification which has led to them) are inspected by an associated expert in the relevant field of engineering, etc. The recommendations of the expert as to reliability and quality are supplied via CHAM along with the results.
  8. CHAM supplies the simulation-software module, as well as the input and viewer modules, for use on the customer's own hardware.

    Click here to learn how to rent or purchase PHOENICS software modules

    To assist the customer's personnel to learn how to use it, PHOENICS contains on-line tutorials and lectures.

    CHAM can also supply on-site training courses, free user support, and further consultancy services as requested.

  9. As for item 8, except that CHAM additionally supplies add-on software, designed to perform supplementary simulation, diagnostic or results- interpreting computations requested by the customer.
  10. As for items 8 or 9, except that CHAM additionally supplies the hardware, suitably adapted to run the software economically and reliably.