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CHAM'svirtual wind tunnel

  1. CHAM can provide the equivalent of an experimental "wind tunnel", such as is often used for measuring the drag force on an aircraft or automobile, the spread of smoke from a chimney, or the dispersion of a potentially-hazardous gas in a factory environment.

  2. CHAM uses the CFD techniques embodied in its PHOENICS code to simulate the flow phenomena. This is much faster and less costly than the experimental alternative.

  3. Anyone wishing to make use of the service needs only to supply information about the geometry of the object which is to be placed in the "Virtual Wind Tunnel", preferably in the form of .DXF or .STL files produced by a CAD package, together with the direction and speed of the wind.

  4. CHAM will then import this information into PHOENICS, calculate the flow, and supply the results in whatever form the customer requires.

  5. The following results of flow-around-objects calculations illustrate both the CAD-to-CFD process and the older build-the-geometry-directly-in PHOENICS procedure.