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---------------------------------------- Photon Help ----

SET.... permits the user to set the following switches and parameters :

      SET  VECTOR    REFERENCE   -  reference value for vector
                                    plotting (formerly TYPVEC)
                     AVERAGE     -  set vector averaging on/off
                     KEY         -  set vector key display on/off
                     CENTRE      -  plot vector arrows centred or
                                    radiating from cell centres
                     UNITS       -  set label for vector key
                     COMPONENTS  -  change vector components
                     PHASE       -  set vector components to phase
                                    1 or phase 2 velocities

SET CONTOUR SCALE - set contour scaling to plane or field values UNITS - set label for contour key FILL - set method to fill contours

SET AXES - display/hide axes SET BOX - display/hide box SET HOLD - set deferred plotting on/off SET LHAND - set left-hand coordinate system SET RHAND - set right-hand coordinate system SET POROSITY - enable/disable porosity checking. SET GEOMETRY - set geometry scaling factors

These can either be specified as a complete command (eg. SET VECTOR AVERAGE ON), or by entering 'SET' and following the sequence of prompts. The sequence may be terminated at any point by entering a slash '/'.


---------------------------------------- Photon Help ----

[Set] activates the sub-menu for setting the vector attributes.


---------------------------------------- Photon Help ----

[Set] activates the sub-menu for setting contour parameters.


---------------------------------------- Photon Help ----

[Set] activates the sub-menu to set the initial position for tracking streamlines and tracking direction etc.

SET a curve

(see GSET(V,...))

SET a frame

(see GSET(F,...))

SET a line

(see GSET(L,...))

SET a point

(see GSET(P,...))


----------------------------------- Photon Help ----

SET AX[es] <ON or OFF>....controls the visibility of the axis orientation marker in bottom right-hand corner of the plot. The result of this command will be seen after the next REDRAW.

See also : SET BOX


------------------------------------ Photon Help ----

SET BO[x] <ON or OFF>.... controls the visibility of the border and other information drawn around the plot. The result of this command will be seen after the next REDRAW.

See also : SET AXES


-------------------------- Photon Help ---- SET CO[ntour] FI[ll]....determines which fill method is used to perform the contour fills. One of three methods can be selected from :- SIZE, NUMBER and DEPTH.

    SIZE   cells are filled with polygons of a specified size.
    NUMBER cells are filled with a specified number of polygons.
           (minimium 4)
    DEPTH  cells are filled using the Warnock method: each cell
           is subdivided until :-
           i)  a subdivision can be filled with one colour
           ii) the size of the subdivision is smaller than pixel
           iii) the cell has been subdivided a specified number
                of times. This is the parameter DEPTH.  Suggested
                values of DEPTH range from 1 to 8.
                1 fills each cell with one polygon.
                8 fills each cell to pixel level.


------------------------ S Photon Help ----

SET CO[ntour] SC[ale] <FI[eld] or PL[ane]> ....determines whether the colour scale for shaded and filled contours is determined by the maximum and minimum values of the whole field (SCALE FIELD) or those of the plane on which the contour is being plotted (SCALE PLANE). Use of FIELD scaling will ensure that contours on different planes show consistent colours, while PLANE scaling may be used to plot contours on a single plane where the range of values is narrow compared to the overall field range.


------------------------ S Photon Help ----

SET CO[ntour] UN[its]....sets the units used for labelling the key on shaded and filled contour plots. The default is no contour key labelling. Any string of up to 20 characters may be entered to denote the units, and will appear when the colour key is plotted.



------------------------------- Photon Help ----

SET GE[ometry] ... This enables you to scale geometry to be in proportion with the current grid proportions. This command can be used only if no geometry elements have been defined. The command GEOMETRY SAVE will save the GEOMETRY unscaled.


SET grid dimension

(see GSET(D,...))


----------------------------------- Photon Help ----

SET HO[ld] <ON or OFF>.... controls whether output from plotting commands (eg. GRID, VECTOR, CONTOUR, TEXT) will appear immediately on the screen. If HOLD has been set ON, no output will appear on the screen until HOLD is reset to OFF.

SET internal grid points

(see GSET(B,...))


---------------------------------- Photon Help ----

SET LH[and]....changes to a left-handed coordinate system. The default coordinate system is right-handed.

See also : SET RHAND


---------------------------------- Photon Help ----

SET OR[der].... enables you to change the order in which PHOTON plots the various types of graphical elements (grids, vectors etc) when redrawing. The default order is 1=grids, 2=contours, 3=vectors, 4=geometry, 5=surfaces, 6=streamlines, 7=text

The SET ORDER command causes PHOTON to prompt for a new plotting order.


------------------------------- Photon Help ----

SET PO[rosity] <ON or OFF>....where the variable VPOR has been stored, PHOTON will automatically disable plotting vectors and contours within cells where VPOR=0.0. If it is required to plot within blocked cells, then SET POROSITY OFF will disable the porosity checking within PHOTON. The command SET POROSITY ON will restore checking.


---------------------------------- Photon Help ----

SET RH[and]....changes to a right-handed coordinate system. As this is the default, SET RHAND should be needed only to reset the sense of the coordinate system when SET LHAND has been used.

See also : SET LHAND


---------------------- SE Photon Help ----

SET VE[ctor] AV[erage] <OFF or ON>....sets the averaging method for vector calculation in BFC cases. When AVERAGE is set OFF, only the High, North and East values of the Cartesian components for each cell are used, whereas if it is set ON, all six Cartesian components are used. This may affect the resulting velocity vector in some cases.


-------------------- SET Photon Help ----

SET VE[ctor] BO[undary] <OFF or ON> ....By default, PHOTON does not use velocity values at domain boundaries. Use of the SET VECTOR BOUNDARY OFF command will cause PHOTON not to ignore the boundary values, and to process the vector field exactly as it was read in.


------------------------ S Photon Help ----

SET V[ector] CE[ntre] <ON or OFF>.... is used to set the vector-plotting mode. Two modes are available, with vectors being plotted either radiating from cell centres (SET VECTOR CENTRE ON) or centred about the cell centre (SET VECTOR CENTRE OFF). The default is to plot vectors radiating from cell centres.

See also : VECTORS


---------------- SET V Photon Help ----

SET V[ector] CO[mponents] <v1> <v2> <v3>.... selects the three stored variables that are to be used as vector components.

Although three variables must be specified, for 2D runs the third variable may be specified as a dash, e.g. VC - V1 W1 for a 2D Y-Z run. In this case, component 1 is taken as zero. The default setting is U1,V1,W1, and the PHASE command can be used to switch to second-phase velocity vectors.



----------------------------- Photon Help ----

SET V[ector] K[ey] <ON or OFF>.... controls the visibility of the key displayed at the bottom of vector plots.


-------------------------- Photon Help ----

SET VE[ctor] PH[ase] <1 or 2>....enables you to select the plotting of first- or second-phase velocity vectors. PHASE 1 is the default, and second-phase vectors may be plotted by issuing the PHASE 2 command. This command is inactive for single-phase runs.



------------------ SET Photon Help ----

SET V[ector] RE[ference] <value>....is used to change the reference velocity used for vector plotting. If a value is not given, the program will prompt for one. The reference velocity is the value associated with the reference arrow in the vector key, and all vectors in the plot are scaled to this value.

See also : VECTORS


-------------------------- Photon Help ----

SET V[ector] UN[its] <value>.... sets the units used for labelling vector plots. The default value for vector units is meters/second (m/s). Any string of up to 20 characters may be entered to denote the units, and will appear when the reference arrow is plotted at the bottom of a vector plot.



---- PIL logical ; default=F; group 6 --- -

SETBFC.... when set T, causes GREX3 to call GXBFGR, which computes the set of cell-corner coordinates defining a body- fitted-coordinate grid. Library case 966 illustrates the use of this feature.


Setting SETBFC = T causes GREX3 to call a new subroutine, GXBFGR, which exemplifies the use of GROUND coding to create a body-fitted-coordinate grid. Setting MOVBFC = T further causes GXBFGR to be called at each time step, in order that the grid can be changed; and, if storage is provided for CONI, CONJ and CONK, GREX3 will calculate the grid-movement contributions to the convection fluxes. Library case 966 illustrates the use of this feature.


---- Command; group 6 (Body-fitted co-ordinates)

SETLIN....is a command used to set the corner coordinates of cells on a line of constant I, J or K the location of which is set by the DOMAIN which precedes it.

For example, DOMAIN(1,1,5,5,3,NZ-2) preceding a SETLIN command signifies that SETLIN is to set the coordinates on the line I=1, J=5 from K=3 to K=NZ-2 inclusive. Thus, SETLIN incorporates a DO loop in which ( in this example ) the running index is K.

SETLIN can also be applied to areas and volumes, according to the setting of DOMAIN. For example, DOMAIN(1,NX+1,1,NY+1,1,NZ+1) results in a subsequent SETLIN command setting the coordinates on all lines of constant J and K one line after another with the J index running faster than the K index.

In terms of FORTRAN, the order of visitation of SETLIN for the commands:

is equivalent to:

DO 1 K=K1,K2
DO 1 J=J1,J2
DO 1 I=I1,I2
1 XC(I,J,K)=....

SETLIN has 2 arguments the first of which is set to XC or YC or ZC to indicate which cartesian coordinate is to be set. The second argument of SETLIN is used to specify the variation of XC, YC or ZC as a function of:

  1. the corner coordinate indices I, J and K ;
  2. the cartesian coordinates of the first point (XF,YF,ZF) and last point (XL,YL,ZL) of the current line; and
  3. the indicial coordinates of the first point (IF,JF,KF) and last point (IL,JL,KL) of the current line.

In addition to the above parameters, the following key words are recognized in argument 2:

    LNI...which equals (I-IF)/(IL-IF)
    LNJ...which equals (J-JF)/(JL-JF)
    LNK...which equals (K-KF)/(KL-KF)
    SNI...which equals SIN(2*3.14159*LNI)
    SNJ...which equals SIN(2*3.14159*LNJ)
    SNK...which equals SIN(2*3.14159*LNK)
    CSI...which equals COS(2*3.14159*LNI)
    CSJ...which equals COS(2*3.14159*LNJ)
    CSK...which equals COS(2*3.14159*LNK)
    XC... the current setting of XC(I,J,K)
    YC... the current setting of YC(I,J,K)
    ZC... the current setting of ZC(I,J,K)
    SIN(expression).... where "expression" may include other key words
                        but not SIN(...), or COS(...).
    COS(expression).... where "expression" may include other key words
                        but not SIN(...), or COS(...).

Any PIL variable may be used as a parameter in the formula.

The following command would set a cylindrical-polar grid of unit radius in the Y-Z plane:


The DOMAIN command has not been inserted because, when the instruction BFC=T is encountered, the SATELLITE automatically sets DOMAIN(1,1,NX+1,1,NY+1,NZ+1). It is however crucial that the BFC=T instruction comes after the setting of NX, NY and NZ. (It is not necessary that the BFC option should be used for the cylindrical-polar coordinate system, for this system is provided for by CARTES=F ).

Many more examples of the use of SETLIN are provided in the BFC section of the PHOENICS Input Library.

See also BODY-F for related information.

Note that the FORTRAN subroutine equivalent to the PIL command SETLIN is called SETTLN; thus to set BFC corner coordinates via the subroutine SATLIT, the following call should be used: CALL SETTLN(...

and not: CALL SETLIN(...



Ground logical.

SETPOR....must be set .TRUE. if the user wishes to reset the porosity stores in the course of the calculation.

SETPRPS, a PIL command facilitating the setting of material properties for the flow domain.


----- Command; group 6 ---------------

SETPT(I,J,K,XC,YC,ZC) ....is a command for SETting the corner coordinates of any control cell for a body-fitted grid. It has six arguments: the first 3 specify the corner indices I, J, K, and the last three the cartesian coordinates of the corner (XC, YC, ZC).

For example, SETPT(2,2,2,2.,3.,4.)SETs the East-North-High corner of the cell at IX=IY=IZ=1 to the cartesian locations XC=2.0, YC=3.0 and ZC=4.0 .

See entry BODY-F for a full description of the nomenclature used.

SETting cyclic boundary conditions

(see XCYCLE and XCYIZ)

SETting default dimensions

(see REGEXT)

SETting grid distributions

(see RSET)


-------------------------------------- Photon Help ----

[SETup] activates the sub-menu to define the domain (if there is no PHI or XYZ file attached), block region, coordinate system and activate/deactivate porosity.
