Encyclopaedia Index


  1. Macros in general
  2. Macros for PHOTON, Autoplot and WinPHOTON
  3. Macros for the Satellite
  4. Macros for the VR-Viewer

a. Macros in general

'Macro' is the name given to a file which contains a succession of commands which are understood, and obeyed, by executable programs.

Their chief functions are:

In the PHOENICS suite of programs, macros are used in conjunction with:

Macros are most-often created by a knowledgable person with the aid of a text editor; however both PHOTON and the Viewer possess some capabilities of creeating macros by recording the action taken by a human user during an interactive session.

b. Macros for PHOTON, Autoplot and WinPHOTON

The first macros introduced into the PHOENICS suite were for the PHOTON results-display module. They were called 'USE files', because the command activating them was:
USE file-name
where file-name was the name of the macro containing the commands.

Often the file name was simply 'u' or 'U'; and indeed both PHOTON and Autoplot, as their first actions, look for a file with such a name in the local directory, and, if they find one, proceed to execute the commands which they maintain.

With the development of the PHOENICS Input-File Library, it has become convenient to include the relevant macro in the Q1 file itself, from which it is also copied into the q1ear; then the only instruction needed in the the 'u' file is:
use q1
use q1ear

If the 'PHOTON USE macro' box is ticked, and preferably some others, such as 'NX=1' and 'time-dependence' so as to prevent many hundreds of cases being found, a window containing a list of cases will appear, of which the top ones might be:

The cases listed below (if any)
 possess the following features:

 dim NX = 1
 dim Time-dependence
 ppp PHOTON USE macro
 case 322 Laminar Flow In Pipe-Transient
 ___ has PHOTON USE macro for displaying results
 ___ has DISPLAY...ENDDIS description of case
 ___ time-dependent
 ___ cylindrical grid
 ___ NX = 1
 ___ computes heat transfer
 case 323 Central Obstacle In Laminar Pipe
 ___ has PHOTON USE macro for displaying results
 ___ has DISPLAY...ENDDIS description of case
 ___ time-dependent
 ___ cylindrical grid
 ___ NX = 1
 ___ computes heat transfer
 case 334 Spherical Blast Wave
 ___ has PHOTON USE macro for displaying results
 ___ has DISPLAY...ENDDIS description of case
 ___ time-dependent
 ___ cartesian grid
 ___ NX = 1
 ___ NZ = 1
 ___ uses isentropic-gas law for density
 ___ fiinit(prps) = -1, so use PIL properties for domain fluid
To take the last-mentioned case as an example, case 334, the relevant macro can be seen by clicking here.

The PHOTON macro here starts on the line below PHOTON USE and ends on the line above ENDUSE.

A similarly-conducted search for library cases containing AUTOPLOT USE macros might yield a list starting as follows:

The cases listed below (if any)
 possess the following features:

 dim Time-dependence
 aaa AUTOPLOT USE macro
 case p112 Trans. phase separation of gas/liq:P112
 ___ has AUTOPLOT USE macro for displaying results
 ___ has DISPLAY...ENDDIS description of case
 ___ time-dependent
 ___ cartesian grid
 ___ NY = 1
 ___ NZ = 1
 ___ involves buoyancy
 case c203 CHEMKIN - 0D-Transient Reaction
 ___ has AUTOPLOT USE macro for displaying results
 ___ has DISPLAY...ENDDIS description of case
 ___ time-dependent
 ___ cartesian grid
 ___ NX = 1
 ___ NY = 1
 ___ NZ = 1
 ___ computes heat transfer
 ___ uses CHEMKIN option for density 

The AUTOPLOT macro here starts on the line below AUTOPLOT USE and ends on the line above ENDUSE.

WinPHOTON, which is a Windows-based version of the older PHOTON (which now contains AUTOPLOT) can handle most PHOTON USE macros, but is currrently (October 2005) less satisfactory with AUTOPLOT USE files. This deficiency will be remedied.

c. Macros for the Satelllite

Many macros provided by CHAM for the Satellite take the form of library cases. Examples are: The SATELLITE's macro facility is thus of very great use to those users of PHOENICS who prefer sometimes to write a Q1 directly, rather than having it written for them by the VR-Editor.

d. Macros for the VR-Viewer

  1. The function of a VR-Viewer macro
  2. How to create a macro
  3. Running a macro

1. The function of a VRV macro

A typical use of a VRV macro is to record a particular view and magnification, and then restore it whenever required, for example when replaying the macro commands included in a Q1 file for the graphical display of the results.

Using a macro in this way will guarantee that a sequence of images from different phi files, perhaps generated on separate occasions, can all use the identical view and magnification settings.

A macro file can contain a single image, or a sequence of images separated by PAUSE commands.

Macro command files are ASCII text files, and can be edited (or created) by hand using any convenient text-file editor.

2. How to create a macro

Macro files can be created by using the VR-Viewer macro facility or by hand-editing using any text editor as follows

The macro files created by the VR-Viewer function can be very lengthy, especially if the macro is to be included in a Q1 input file; in that case many of commands can be removed by hand-editing. The following two macro files will produce the same images.

The Macro saved by the VR-Viewer macro function

The above macro after hand-editing

As seen, only those commands that change a default or change an existing setting need be placed in the macro file.

The following are simple rules for hand-editing:

Once you are getting familiar with the commands, you may create macros without VR-Viewer in the same way as for PHOTON USE commands. A complete list of valid VR-Viewer macro commands is given in Appendix VR-Viewer Macro Commands below.

VR-Viewer can also read a limited range of commands in the PHOTON command language. This enables it to display images from PHOTON USE files, which may be embedded in the Q1. Those compatible PHOTON commands are also listed at the end of the Appendix.

However, if you need to change the default settings or draw streamlines, it is recommended to use the VR-Viewer macro function to save the macro commands first into vrvlog and then reduce its size by hand-editing before adding it to a Q1 file.

3. Running a macro

The macro commands can be copied into the Q1 input file, by placing them between the statements VRV USE and ENDUSE. These two lines, and all the macro lines, must start in column 3 or more to ensure that they are treated as comments by the VR-Editor.

Macros can be run as follows:

IMAGE: MACRO Functions dialog (run)

The default file name is Q1.

Appendix VR-Viewer Macro Commands

The commands set the state of the VR-Viewer settings. The screen image is updated when a PAUSE command is encountered, or the end of the file is reached. The image is the outcome of the final states of all the settings.

The commands making up the macro language can be divided into a number of groups. Only those commands that change a default or change an existing setting need be placed in the macro file.

The individual commands can be shortened, as long as the remaining part is unique.

Setting the File Name

FILE name [xyz name for BFC case] Sets the name of the PHI (and XYZ file) to plot

FILE + Read the next saved PHI file (equivalent to F8)

FILE - Read the previous saved PHI file (equivalent to F7)

USE file Read commands from another file. Use files can be nested to a depth of 5.

Setting the View

VIEW x, y, x Sets the View direction
UP x, y, z Sets the Up direction

VIEW CENTRE x, y, z Sets the Cartesian co-ordinates of the view centre - the point about which the image rotates.
[VIEW DEPTH depth For the Windows Viewer, sets the View Depth. The default is 3.0. A value of 100000 makes the view isometric]
[VIEW TILT angle For the DOS/Unix Viewer, sets the perspective angle. The default is 0.8. A value of 0.0 makes the view isometric]

SCALE scalex, scaley, scalez Sets the overall domain scaling factors

The View Centre, Scale factors and View Depth/Tilt settings can be seen by clicking on ' Reset '.

Setting the Position of Screen Items.

The primary keyword POSITION is followed by a secondary keyword to identify which item is under consideration. The two integers represent the normalised location in the range 0.0 - 1.0 for the first character of the item. [Origin is at the top left hand corner of the client area.]


Setting the Variable to be Plotted

VARIABLE name Sets the name of the current plotting variable
VARIABLE RANGE min max Sets the minimum and maximum values for the plot.

If the minimum/maximum values are changed from the default (i.e. the current field values), the set values will be used for all subsequent plots for this variable. Setting specific minimum and maximum values ensures that contour plots from different PHI files are scaled consistently.

Controlling the Plot Elements


CONTOUR ON / OFF / CLEAR Clear also deletes all saved slices.
CONTOUR SCALE ON / OFF Controls the display of the contour scale.
CONTOUR OPAQUENESS iopaq Sets the contour opaqueness to iopaq.
CONTOUR BLANK ON / OFF Sets the out-of-range transparency.
CONTOUR AVERAGE ON / OFF Sets contour averaging on or off.


VECTOR ON / OFF / CLEAR Clear also deletes all saved slices.
VECTOR SCALE vscal Sets the vector scaling factor
VECTOR REFERENCE vref Sets the vector reference velocity
VECTOR INTERVALS intx, inty, intz Sets the vector plotting frequency
VECTOR PHASE 1 / 2 Sets the phase for the vectors

If the vector scale or reference is changed from the default, this value will be used for all subsequent vector plots. Setting a specific vector reference will ensure that vectors from different PHI files are scaled consistently.


SURFACE VALUE surfvall Sets the surface value, otherwise uses the probe value if not set.


STREAM DELETE / CLEAR Clear also deletes all saved slices.
STREAM x y z Start a streamline at (x,y,z)
STREAM MODE line/arrow/ribbon Set stream mode
STREAM DIRECTION downstream/upstream/both Set stream direction
STREAM COLOUR variable/track/total Set stream colour mode
STREAM ORIGIN probe/line/circle Set stream start point
STREAM START x y z Set start of line for start along line
STREAM END x y z Set end of line for start along line
STREAM RADIUS rad Set radius for start around circle
STREAM TIME tmin tmax Set minimum and maximum track flight time
STREAM TRACKS ntrack Set number of tracks for line or circle mode
STREAM WIDTH ipixel Set the streamline width to ipixel
STREAM DRAW Create streamlines based on current mode settings

Streamline Animations

A secondary keyword, ANIM, is added to streamlines. By default the animation will be with a grey ball. Optional keyword COLOURED for animation balls to be coloured appropriately. Alternatively VECTOR will produce coloured vectors.

Animate as vectors

The secondary keyword FREQUENCY has two integers, the first is the number of frames per cycle, the latter the number of balls/vectors. and number of balls.
STREAM VISIBILITY [ON/OFF] Determines the streamline visibility during animation.

The ball size and vector scale are set as shown below.

Controlling Slices

SLICE X / Y / Z Sets the slice direction
SLICE SAVE / DELETE / CLEAR Saves, deletes and clears slices
SLICE OUTLINE ON / OFF Turns the slice toggle on and off
SLICE LIMITS XYZ xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,zmin,zmax Sets the plotting limits in physical co-ordinates
SLICE LIMITS IJK ixmin,ixmax,iymin,iymax,izmin,izmax Sets the plotting limits in cell numbers

Probe Position

PROBE x, y, z Places the probe in Cartesian co-ordinates
PROBE Theta, r, z Places the probe in Polar co-ordinates
PROBE i, j, k Places the probe in BFC co-ordinates

Low and High Spots

MINMAX ON/OFF Turns low/high spots on or off

BALLLSIZE rad Radius to be used for low high spots

General Display Toggles


Controlling the Display of Objects

OBJECT SHOW ALL / NONE Show or hide all objects
OBJECT SHOW NAME name Show named object
OBJECT SHOW TYPE type Show all objects of the given type
OBJECT SHOW LIST Show objects listed in following list
[LIST name1, name2, name3.....] List of names to show.
[LIST namen, namen+1...]

OBJECT HIDE ALL / NONE Hide or show all objects
OBJECT HIDE NAME name Hide named object
OBJECT HIDE TYPE type Hide all objects of the given type
OBJECT HIDE LIST Hide objects listed in following list
[LIST name1, name2, name3.....] List of names to hide.
[LIST namen, namen+1...]

OBJECT PAINT ALL / NONE Colour all objects by the surface value of the plotting variable
OBJECT PAINT NAME name ON / OFF Colour the named object
OBJECT PAINT TYPE type ON / OFF [or ALL / NONE] Colour all objects of the given type
OBJECT PAINT LIST ON / OFF Colour the listed objects
[LIST name1, name2, name3.....] List of names to colour.
[LIST namen, namen+1...]

Saving Images

DUMP filename Generates GIF file of the current screen image

Progress Controls

PAUSE Displays a 'Press return to continue' dialog
UPAUSE n Pauses for n seconds, where n is an integer
REWIND [n] Rewinds the macro file an optional n times.
MSG text Displays the text in the status bar
ANIMATE [START m] [END n] [INTERVAL o] [DUMP] the image defined by the macro is regenerated in an animation sequence starting at time step m, ending at step n every o steps, and optionally dumping an animated GIF file containing each frame of the animation.


For compatibility, VR-Viewer can also read a limited range of commands in the PHOTON command language. This enables it to display images from PHOTON USE files, which may be embedded in the Q1.

The commands it can interpret are:

PHI (+ scale +XYZ) filename
VIEW dir, UP dir
VECTOR plane number(+ MVECTOR)
CONTOUR variable plane number(+ MCONTOUR)
filename (restricted to PLINE)
DUMP filename
MSG text