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Appendix 4. In-Form operands
The following paragraphs explain the meaning of the operands which may
appear in In-Form formulae.
The operands are introduced in alpabetical order.
Clicking in the variable name will evoke the the relevant
Encyclopaedia entry,
It should be noted that the name used by In-Form is not
always the same as the name of the variable known to EARTH, and used
in Ground coding. See, for example, DXG.
is the east area of a cell.
is the north area of a cell.
is the high area of a cell.
is the variation of DZ with z distance.
is the variation of XULAST with z distance.
is the variation of YVLAST with z distance.
is linear coefficient for the downstream impressed pressure level PBAR.
is the nominal value of built-in source term in finite-volume equation
calculated by PHOENICS EARTH.
It can be used in formula of (MODSOR statement only.
determines the reference coefficient for inter-phase transport.
- CMDOT is
interphase mass-transfer parameter.
is the nominal value of convection term in finite-volume equation
by PHOENICS EARTH. It can be used in formula of (MODCON statement only.
- CP1
is the specific heat of the phase-1 material.
- CP2 is
the specific heat of the phase-2 material.
- DEN1 is the
density of phase 1.
- DEN2 is the
density of phase 2.
is the nominal value of diffusion term in finite-volume equation
calculated by PHOENICS EARTH.
It can be used in formula of (MODDIF statement only.
- DRH1DP is
the compressibility of the phase 1 fluid.
- DRH2DP is
the compressibility of the phase 2 fluid.
- DT is the
current time-step size.
- DVO1DT is
the volumetric coefficient of thermal expansion of the
phase-1 material.
- DVO2DT is
the volumetric coefficient of thermal expansion of the
phase-2 material.
- DXG is the
distance in the IX-direction between centres
of scalar-variable cells.
- DXU is the
distance in the IX-direction between walls
of scalar-variable cells.
- DYG is the
distance in the IY-direction between centres
of scalar-variable cells.
- DYV is the
distance in the IY-direction between walls
of scalar-variable cells.
- DZG is the
distance in the IZ-direction between centres
of scalar-variable cells.
- DZW is the
distance in the IZ-direction between walls
of scalar-variable cells.
- DZ is the
current width of the slab, and the forward-step size
in parabolic calculations.
- DZL is the
z-thickness of the previous slab.
- DZGL is the
distance between the cell centres
of the low slab-cell and the current-slab cell.
- DZRAT is
- EL1 is the
mixing length-scale of the first-phase fluid.
- EL2 is the
mixing-length scale of the second-phase fluid.
- EMISS is the
emission (and absorption) coefficient of
a transparent medium.
is the reference laminar kinematic viscosity.
is the turbulent kinematic viscosity.
- FIXFLU is 2.0E-10, a coefficient recognized in the third argument
of COVAL, to be used to indicate a fixed-flux condition.
- FIXP is 1.0, a coefficient name recognized in the third argument
of COVAL, to be used when the external pressures are fixed.
- FIXVAL is 2.0E10, a coefficient name recognized in the third
argument of COVAL, to be used to indicate a fixed-value condition.
is the first time step size.
is the number of first sweep.
- GREAT is 1.0E20, a large number, used in EARTH.
- GRND is -10110.0, a special flag.
- GRND1 is -10120.0, a special flag.
- GRND2 is -10130.0, a special flag.
- GRND3 is -10140.0, a special flag.
- GRND4 is -10150.0, a special flag.
- GRND5 is -10160.0, a special flag.
- GRND6 is -10170.0, a special flag.
- GRND7 is -10180.0, a special flag.
- GRND8 is -10190.0, a special flag.
- GRND9 is -10200.0, a special flag.
- GRND10 is -10210.0, a special flag.
is the number of current dependent variable.
is the current run number.
is the compressibility of the phase 1 fluid.
is the compressibility of the phase 2 fluid.
is the volumetric coefficient of thermal expansion of the
phase-1 material.
is the volumetric coefficient of thermal expansion of the
phase-2 material.
is the specific heat of the phase-1 material.
is the specific heat of the phase-2 material.
is the time-step number.
is the current sweep number.
is the current iteration number at the current z-slab.
is the west extent of the current patch.
is the east extent of the current patch.
is the south of the current patch.
is the north of the current patch.
is the grid-point location in the z-direction.
- LEN1
is the length scale of phase 1.
- LEN2
is the length scale of phase 2.
is the maximum number of hydrodynamic iteration.
- LSGLN is the length of a part of line sub-grid object
which is located in a cell. The number of In-Form object should be specified
in 'INFOB_' flag of In-form statement.
- LSGTL is the total length of line sub-grid object.
The number of In-Form object should be specified in INFOB_ flag
of In-Form statement.
is the maximum number of time steps
a transient-flow simulation.
is the maximum number of iterative sweeps.
is the mass of phase-1.
is the mass of phase-1.
is the maximum number of runs (in a multi-run calculation).
- NX
is the number of intervals in the x-direction.
- NY
is the number of intervals in the y-direction.
- NZ
is the number of intervals in the z-direction.
- OPPVAL is -10250.0, a special flag.
- PBAR is
downstream mean pressure for use in parabolic calculations.
- RG is
radius of the cell centre (for polar-coordinate grids).
- RHO1
is the density of the first phase.
- RHO2
is the density of the second phase.
is the inner radius (for polar-coordinate grids).
- RV
is radius of the v-velocity node (for polar-coordinate grids).
is -10260.0, special flag.
is scattering coefficient of the transparent medium.
is grid-edge slope in parabolic grids.
is the temperature of the first phase, when this
is deduced from the enthalpy.
is the temperature of the second phase, when this
is deduced from the enthalpy.
is the starting time in the calculation
of a time-dependent process.
is the current time size in seconds.
is a small real number, defaulted to 1.E-20.
is the finishing time in the calculation
of a time-dependent process.
- TMP1
is first-phase temperature, when the variable TEM1
is not being solved for directly.
- TMP2
is second-phase temperature, when the variable TEM2
is not being solved for directly.
- TSURR is the temperature of the surroundings.
is the laminar kinematic viscosity.
- VISTis the turbulent kinematic viscosity.
- VLFRIO is volume fraction of In-Form object.
It is equal 1 if the cell is completely filled by object.
The number of In-Form object should be specified in INFOB_
flag of In-Form statement.
is the volume of the cell.
- VOLU is the volume of the cell (for multi-domain calculation).
- XG
is the x-coordinate of the centre point of a grid cell.
is the multiplier of the previous XULAST which gives
the current XULAST.
- XU
is the distance in x direction from the origin
of the corresponding velocity-storage points.
is the overall size of the integration domain in the x-direction
- YG
is the y-coordinate of the centre point of a grid cell.
is the multiplier of the previous YVLAST which gives
the current YVLAST.
- YV
is the distance in y direction from the origin
of the corresponding velocity-storage points.
is the overall size of the integration domain in the y-direction.
- ZG
is the z-coordinate of the centre point of a grid cell.
is the overall size of the integration domain in the z-direction.
is the addition which is made to z-coordinate
values when these are used for grid-stretching.
- ZW
is the distance in z direction from the origin
is the z coordinate of the high face of the current slab.