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Default Geometries

When an object is first created, and a type is selected, one of the following .dat files will be used as the default geometry:

Object Type Cartesian Grid Polar Grid
Blockage (solid) Box (grey 33) Poldef (grey 33)
Blockage (solid+heat) Box (red 15) Poldef (red 15)
Blockage (fluid) Box (transparent grey 33) Poldef (transparent grey 33)
Blockage (fluid+heat) Box (transparent red 15) Poldef (transparent red 15)
Inlet / Angled-in Box (transparent purple 194) Poldef (transparent purple 194)
Outlet / Angled-out Box (transparent light blue 214) Poldef (transparent light blue 214)
Plate Box (light brown 80) Poldef (light brown 80)
Plate + heat Box (orange 177) Poldef (orange 177)
Thin plate Box (light brown 80) Poldef (light brown 80)
Foliage Box (transparent light green 125) Poldef (transparent light green 125)
Fan Box (transparent white 154) or Cylpipe if circular Poldef (transparent white 154)
Point_history Box (transparent khaki 56) Poldef (transparent khaki 56)
Fine grid volume Fine (special wire-frame) Polfgv
User defined Box (khaki 56) Poldef (khaki 56)
Null Wirexyz (wire-frame) Wirexyz (wire-frame)
Pressure relief Box (transparent grey 21) Poldef (transparent grey 21)
ROTOR n/a Poldef (transparent white 17)
Sun Sun (transparent orange 177) n/a
Transfer Box (transparent green 183) Poldef (transparent green 183)
Wind_profile / Wind Wind (transparent mauve) n/a
Celltype Box (khaki 56) Poldef (khaki 56)
Drag_lift Drag (special wire-frame) Poldrag (special wire-frame)
PCB Box (green 121) Poldef (green 121)

These files are in the \phoenics \d_satell\d_object\public\default folder.

When the type of an object is subsequently changed, the colour and / or geometry file will be changed according to the above table, as long as the colour is set to 'Default based on object type'.

If the colour is set to 'Colours in geometry file', the these colours will be used.

If the colour is set to 'Palette index' then the colour will not be changed.

A description of the data file format is given in How do I make my own Clipart/Geometry files for PHOENICS-VR?

On exit from VR-Editor, a file called FACETDAT is created, which contains the definitions of the all the facets for all the non-cuboid objects. This file is read and interpreted by EARTH.

It is possible to make VR-Editor use a different geometry from that displayed on screen to create the FACETDAT file. This can be useful if the displayed geometry contains more detail than is required for the simulation.

Geometries whose file names appear in the file \phoenics \d_satell \d_object \replace.lst will be replaced by the default cube, or any other geometry specified there. The default replace.lst contains:

* File name replace.lst --------------------------------------- 24.12.02
* Geometries whose file names match those listed below will be
* replaced by the default cube at the time of setting facet cells and
* before writing facetdat file. If a second geometry name is listed,
* that will be used instead of the default cube.
* If a rotation code is required for the replacement geometry, it can
* be specified after the second name.
elgouna1  elg8
elcomp1   elcorep
frnt_whl cylinder 5
back_whl cylinder 5

On the last four lines, the second string contains the name of the geometry used to create the FACETDAT entry. On the last two lines, a rotation code is also specified.

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