C FILE NAME chamber.for --------------------------------------------- C--------------------------------------------------------------------------- c c 14 name.dat files are to be written, corresponding to the 14 objects c of which the chamber is constructed. c parameter (pi=3.14159) real bin(14),tin(14),angf(14),angl(14),zf(14),zl(14) dimension icolor(14) character*12 fname(14) logical adjoutall c Here the file names are defined. data fname/'sol1t.dat', 'sol2t.dat', 'sol3t.dat', 'sol4t.dat', 1 's5cr1t.dat','s5cr2t.dat','s5cr3t.dat','s5cr4t.dat', 1 'gas1t.dat', 'gas2t.dat', 'gas3t.dat', 'gas4t.dat', 1 'sol6t.dat', 'sol7t.dat'/ c c Here are defined bin and tin, the bottom and top inner radii of the c cone for each of the 14 objects. data bin /.2, .5, .8, .9, .91, .92, .9, .9, 1 .9, .9, .9, .9, .9, .89 / data tin /.5, .8, .8, .91, .92, .9, .9, .9, 1 .9, .9, .9, .9, .89, .5 / c c Here are defined the first and last angles subtended by the objects at c the chamber axis. data angf /0., 0., 0., 0., .00, .50, 1.00, 1.50, 1 .40, .90, 1.40, 1.90, 0., 0. / data angl /2., 2., 2., 2., .40, 0.90, 1.40, 1.90, 1 .50, 1.00, 1.50, 2.00, 2., 2. / c c Here are defined the first and last axial-coordinate values of the c objects. data zf /0., .09, .2, .25, .45, .45, .45, .45, 1 .45, .45, .45, .45, .55,.8 / data zl /.09, .2, .25, .45, .55, .55, .55, .55, 1 .55, .55, .55, .55, .8, 1./ c Each object is given a different colour data icolor/ 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 1 110, 120, 130, 140/ c c The objects will be represented as "transparent" isign=-1 c The number of facets per side is set to 32 nfside=32 nx=40 nxin=( .5/tan(angl(5)*pi))*nx write(*,*) 'nxin=',nxin angnew=0.5-asin(float(nxin)/float(nx/2)/bin(5))/pi write(*,*) 'angnew=',angnew do i=5,8 angl(i)=angnew+(i-5)*.5 enddo do i=9,12 angf(i)=angl(i-4) enddo do i=1,14 adjoutall=i.ge.9.and.i.le.12 call make_square_cone(pi, bin(i), tin(i), nfside, 1 angf(i)*pi, angl(i)*pi, zf(i), zl(i),.true.,adjoutall) call write_geometry 1 ('\phoenics\d_satell\d_vrgeom\myshape\'//fname(i),icolor(i), 1 isign) enddo end C c The following subroutine creates objects consisting of what is left c when a symmetrically-placed conical cavity is carved out from a thick c square slab, whereafter then all remaining material is removed which c subtends an angle at the symmetry axis between: c angfst & anglst. c c The slab has lower and upper surfaces at: c z fst & zlst c subroutine make_square_cone(pi, binfr, tinfr, nfside, 1 angfst, anglst, zfst, zlst, adjoutxy,adjoutall) logical adjoutxy,adjoutall,passcorn1,passcorn2,passcorn3,passcorn4 common /myshi1/np,nf,ipf(4,100000) common /myshr1/xp(100000),yp(100000),zp(100000) angfac=(anglst-angfst)/(2.*pi) C ang=angfac * 2.*pi/nfside C np=0 C Points at bottom inner rings binf=binfr do i=0,nfside np=np+1 xp(np)=0.5+0.5*binf*cos(angfst + ang*i) yp(np)=0.5+0.5*binf*sin(angfst + ang*i) zp(np)=zfst enddo C Points at bottom outer edges piby4=pi/4. passcorn1=.false. passcorn2=.false. passcorn3=.false. passcorn4=.false. do i=0,nfside np=np+1 angle=angfst + ang * i if(angle.le.piby4.or.angle.ge.7.*piby4) then xp(np)=1. yp(np)=0.5+0.5*tan(angle) if(angle.ge.7.*piby4.and..not.passcorn1) then yp(np)=0. passcorn1=.true. endif if(adjoutall.or.(adjoutxy.and.(i.eq.0.or.i.eq.nfside))) 1 yp(np)=yp(np-nfside-1) elseif(angle.ge.3.*piby4.and.angle.le.5.*piby4) then xp(np)=0. yp(np)=0.5-0.5*tan(angle) if(angle.ge.3.*piby4.and..not.passcorn2) then yp(np)=1. passcorn2=.true. endif if(adjoutall.or.(adjoutxy.and.(i.eq.0.or.i.eq.nfside))) 1 yp(np)=yp(np-nfside-1) elseif(angle.ge.piby4.and.angle.le.3.*piby4) then xp(np)=0.5-0.5*tan(angle-pi/2) yp(np)=1. if(angle.ge.piby4.and..not.passcorn3) then xp(np)=1. passcorn3=.true. endif if(adjoutall.or.(adjoutxy.and.(i.eq.0.or.i.eq.nfside))) 1 xp(np)=xp(np-nfside-1) else xp(np)=0.5+0.5*tan(angle-pi/2) yp(np)=0. if(angle.ge.5.*piby4.and..not.passcorn4) then xp(np)=0. passcorn4=.true. endif if(adjoutall.or.(adjoutxy.and.(i.eq.0.or.i.eq.nfside))) 1 xp(np)=xp(np-nfside-1) endif zp(np)=zfst enddo C Points at top inner rings tinf=tinfr do i=0,nfside np=np+1 xp(np)=0.5+0.5*tinf*cos(angfst + ang*i) yp(np)=0.5+0.5*tinf*sin(angfst + ang*i) zp(np)=zlst enddo C Points at top outer edges do i=0,nfside np=np+1 xp(np)=xp(np-nfside*2-2) yp(np)=yp(np-nfside*2-2) zp(np)=zlst enddo C facets nf=0 do i=1,nfside c... bottom nf=nf+1 ipf(1,nf)=i ipf(2,nf)=i+1 ipf(3,nf)=i+nfside+2 ipf(4,nf)=i+nfside+1 c... outside nf=nf+1 ipf(1,nf)=i+nfside+1 ipf(2,nf)=i+nfside+2 ipf(3,nf)=i+3*nfside+4 ipf(4,nf)=i+3*nfside+3 c... top nf=nf+1 ipf(1,nf)=i+3*nfside+3 ipf(2,nf)=i+3*nfside+4 ipf(3,nf)=i+2*nfside+3 ipf(4,nf)=i+2*nfside+2 c... inside nf=nf+1 ipf(1,nf)=i+2*nfside+2 ipf(2,nf)=i+2*nfside+3 ipf(3,nf)=i+1 ipf(4,nf)=i enddo if(angfac.lt..999) then c... close the lower angle end nf=nf+1 ipf(1,nf)=1 ipf(2,nf)=1+nfside+1 ipf(3,nf)=1+3*nfside+3 ipf(4,nf)=1+2*nfside+2 c... close the higher angle end nf=nf+1 ipf(1,nf)=nfside+1 ipf(2,nf)=nfside+1+2*nfside+2 ipf(3,nf)=nfside+1+3*nfside+3 ipf(4,nf)=nfside+1+nfside+1 endif end C subroutine write_geometry(filename,icol,isign) common /myshi1/np,nf,ipf(4,100000) common /myshr1/xp(100000),yp(100000),zp(100000) character*(*) filename open(53,file=filename,status='unknown') write(53,'(i6)') np do 30 i=1,np write(53,'(1p3e12.5)') xp(i),yp(i),zp(i) 30 continue write(53,'(i6)') nf do 40 i=1,nf write(53,'(5i6)') (ipf(j,i),j=1,4), icol * isign 40 continue write(53,'(a)') ' 24 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12'// 1 ' 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24' close(53) end c