Encyclopaedia Index


TITLE : Closed circuit cooling of a package

BY : CHAM Development Team

DATE : 2023

FOR : Demonstration case

PHOENICS version: HOTBOX-2022


The case illustrates the simulation of closed circuit cooling of PCB (mother board) - fin heat connector - module (daughter board) with heat sink combination.

The internal fan recirculates the air flow in the closed unit. Heat gain from the heated surfaces is followed by heat loss to the cooling bundle located at the unit bottom.

Heat sink (spreader device) at the top of daughter board is simulated as the porous domain fluid object with linear heat and quadratic momentum sources.

Pin fin heat connector is represented as the porous domain fluid object of highly anisotropic conductivity.

The cooling tube bundle is modelled as heat sink in the the porous domain fluid object with quadratic momentum losses.

Pictures are as follows :