Encyclopaedia Index


BY: E. Lopez, CHAM Consultancy, July 99.

FOR: J. Palmer from NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology).

  1. Problem.

  2. Geometrical considerations:

    This case models a fire a a three dimensional room with one door and partitions. Supply and return vents are located below the ceiling. The room dimensions are 28'(length) by 21'(width) by 9.5'(height). The partitions are 6' high and 6" wide. The dimensions of the supply and return vents were 3'*1'.


    Boundary conditions and sources:

    The inflow through the supply vents is 0.5 kg/s, coming at a temperature of 15 degrees C, and the return vents extracts 0.4 kg/s.

    The open door is set as fixed pressure boundary condition (relative to hydrostatic). The temperature of air entering form outside is also set to 15 degrees C.

    The fire was modelled as heat source, uniformly distributed over a volume (30cm*30cm*30cm), releasing 70 kW.

    Flow considerations:

    The flow was simulated as turbulent using the 2-equation k-epsilon model.

    Buoyancy was taken into account using the Boussinesq approximation.

  3. Results.