Encyclopaedia Index

FLAIR Library case: Comfort in a supermarket (105).

  1. Problem.
  2. This case is a three-dimensional model of a supermarket. Customers' comfort is affected both by sun when shining on the side of a big glass window and by two large freezers. Air is constantly exchanged through 8 air-conditioning vents and 6 extracting openings. Turbulence is modelled using the LVEL model.

    The heat-transfer coefficients for the freezers and chillers are all set to 12W/m2/K.

    The results show both air temperature distribution and dry resultant temperature, which also takes into account radiation and air velocity.

    In addition, the ISO 7730 comfort indices Predicted Percent Dissatisfied (PPD) and Draught Rating (PPDR) are calculated. PPD is an index that predicts the percentage of a large group of people who are likely to feel too warm or too cool. Draught Rating is defined as the percentage of people dissatisfied due to draught.


  3. Results.
  4. Contours at four X locations

    Contours at three Z locations

    Iso surface of PPD at 20%