Encyclopaedia Index

9. What is special about EXPLOITS; inspecting the results


    9.1 Probing the domain of study
    9.2 Streamlines
    9.3 Velocity vectors on planes
    9.4 Temperature contours on planes
    9.5 Equal-temperature surfaces
    9.6 Variations with time at particular locations
    9.7 Other means of representation of data

9.1 Probing the domain of study

The EXPLOITS interface is used for viewing and exploring the results of the simulation, as well as for setting up the problem at the start.

Entry is by way of the VR Viewer option of the PHOENICS Commander, choice of which presents the user with a picture of the world which he created; but this now has a different set of control buttons.

Important features to note are:-

View 1

View 2

View 3

View 4

View 5

9.2 Streamlines


9.3 Velocity vectors on planes

Velocity vectors 1

Velocity vectors 2

9.4 Temperature contours on planes

temperature contours 1

temperature contours 2

temperature contours 3

temperature contours 4

temperature contours 5

9.5 Equal-temperature surfaces

Equal-temperature surface

9.6 Variations with time at particular locations

These can also be provided, if ordered in advance.

9.7 Other means of representation of data

Quite apart from the EXPLOITS Virtual Reality interface, the standard graphical-display program of PHOENICS, called PHOTON, is available for representing and exploring the results of the simulation.

The pictures shown in sections 1 and 3 above were created with its aid.

PHOENICS also possesses interfaces to the best-known display packages produced by independent vendors, for example TECPLOT, WAVEFRONT, AVS, etc.

The following examples related to flow around automobiles and to stirred reactors (other PHOENICS specialities) were produced by way of TECPLOT.

World User Association Conference, Freiburg, 1996

The grid used for the flow-around-automobile test case

Slava Syomin's GCV (General Colocated Velocities) method was used

grid view 1

grid view 2

pressure on surface

Surface pressure profile

Velocity vectors
