Encyclopaedia Index
Add-ons to CHAM's Flow-Simulation software
CHEMKIN Interface
- CHEMKIN is a public-domain program created by Sandia National
- CHEMKIN consists of:
- a thermodynamics database;
- a library of Fortran subroutines which the user may call from
his applications programmes to supply thermodynamic data,
reaction-rate data and various other thermo-chemical data
- a "stand-alone" interpreter programme that reads a
"plain-language" file that specifies the chemical elements, the
chemical species, the reactions, and any additional
thermodynamic data for the thermo-chemical system under
Associated with CHEMKIN, is a further system that supplies
transport data. It consists of:-
- a transport-property database;
- a library of Fortran subroutines which the user may call from
his application programmes to supply viscosities, thermal
conductivities, diffusion coefficients, and thermal diffusion
ratios or coefficients calculated according to two
- a fitting programme that generates polynomial fits to the
detailed transport properties in order to make more efficient
the calculations performed by the subroutine library.
- The PHOENICS CHEMKIN Interface provides a range of facilities,
from which the user may choose those that he requires, namely:
- calculation of thermodynamic and transport properties of
gas mixtures;
- an improved formulation of the transport equations in the
"mixture-averaged" approximation, including thermal-diffusion
(the Soret effect);
- calculation of source terms for laminar flow for chemical
species and enthalpy that result from chemical reactions
when the system is to be solved within the usual PHOENICS
- a fully implicit solver for the solution of the chemical
species and enthalpy variables in laminar-flow reacting
systems with stiff chemical source terms;
- the calculation of inlet properties, ie. the inflowing enthalpy
of the gas-mixture, and either the mass-flux from the inlet gas
velocity, or an inlet gas speed from the inlet mass-flux.
- CHEMKIN is extensively used in connexion with the
special-purpose program.
- For more complete information about CHEMKIN, and the PHOENICS interface
to it,
click here.
- CHEMKIN, and the interface, may be ordered from CHAM.
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- GENIE is an
interface program supplied as part of PHOENICS, which facilitates the linking
of PHOENICS (including multi-block) with third-party grid-generators
and viewers, especially those devised originally for finite-element
- GENIE consists of two parts: a set of subroutines used for the
conversion of grids and patches from external programs into
SATELLITE Q1 and XYZ files, called the PEN (PHOENICS Element
Neutral file) system; and a set of subroutines for the conversion
of PHOENICS results, called the NEP (ir "PEN" backwards) system.
- A full description can be found by
clicking here.
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The TECPLOT Interface
- TECPLOT is a graphics
package designed for displaying the results of CFD calculations.
- CHAM can supply the program, together with an interface which
facilitates its use for the display of the results of
calculations produced by PHOENICS.
- Some pictures resulting from the combined use of PHOENICS, TECPLOT
and GeoGrid-CSI may be seen by clicking below.
temperature contours
pressure contours
iso-surface of
- TECPLOT, and the interface to it, may be ordered from CHAM.
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