The RSTM coding can be found in the following GREX files:
GXRSTM is called from EARTH when RSTM=T in the Q1 file. It serves as the main junction-box for the RSTM. There are calls to various RSTM subroutines in the following groups: Groups 1, 8, 9, 13 and 19.
UST12 is called from GXRSTM when IGR=1, ISC=2 so as to set indices for geometrical quantities.
UPRELM is called from GXRSTM when IGR=1, ISC=3 (Preliminary); it allocates storage for some geometrical and turbulence quantities.
UST193 is called by GXRSTM when IGR=19, ISC=3 (Start of IZ slab); it calculates most of the zero location indices. Some of these locations depend on whether whole-field storage has been provided. It also calculates some geometrical quantities.
UST194 is called by GXRSTM when IGR=19, ISC=4 (Start of iteration); calculates velocity gradients, stress production terms, and other stored fields.
UST199 is called by GXRSTM when IGR=9 and ISC=9 (Start of solution sequence for a variable). It calculates gradients, production and pressure-scrambling terms for the Reynolds flux equations. It also calculates the Reynolds fluxes for the generalised-gradient diffusion model.
UPRODK is called by UST194; it calculates the generation term for turbulence kinetic energy.
UPRDCT is called by UST194; it calculates the generation term for stresses.
UPROD2 is called by UST194; it calculates the second pressure-strain term.
UREDIS is called by UST194; it calculates the whole redistribution term for the stress equations.
UTURSO is called by GXRSTM when IGR=8, ISC=12; it adds the source terms as Ap and Su for all variables.
URSVIS is called by GXRSTM when IGR=9, ISC=5; it calculates the turbulent viscosity, which is used to calculate the diffusion coefficients for the turbulent stresses.
URSLEN is called by GXRSTM when IGR=9, ISC=12; it calculates the turbulent lengthscale, which is used to calculate the wall-damping function in the wall-reflection model.
UDFMOD is called by GXRSTM when IGR=8, ISC=9; it modifies the diffusion terms as follows: (a) for the turbulence equations, to account for non-isotropic effects; (b) for polar grids, adds an extra term to Su and Ap.
UCNMOD is called by GXRSTM when IGR=8, ISC=10. For swirling flows, it adds extra convection terms either as source terms or convection neighbours.
UCOGND is called by GXRSTM when IGR=13, ISC=1. It sets COefficients for the wall-functions.
UVLGND is called by GXRSTM when IGR=13, ISC=12. It sets the VALue parts for the wall-function terms and wall-reflection source terms.
USYMPL is called by UCOGND. It calculates the COefficient for the symmetry-plane source terms of the Reynolds stress/flux equations.
UWALFN is called by UCOGND and UVLGND. It calculates the COefficients and VALues for the Reynolds-stress equations when the user activates the option to fix the near-wall values of the stress components.
UWDAMP is called by UVLGND. It computes the VALues for the wall- damping source terms in the wall-reflection model.