- AREA dictates that the source should be calculated
as 'per unit area' of a plane VR object.
This option is used only in the (SOURCE statement.
- BLAS[IUS] dictates that the source calculated
by the formula is to be multiplied by the surface area times
the relevant effective exchange coefficient (viscosity for velocities,
thermal conductivity for temperature, etc), calculated from the Blasius
This option is used only in the (SOURCE statement and for patches
of wall type.
- CORREC dictates that that the formula should be evaluated
at the moment of calculation of corrections.
This option is used with the CORR() function only in the
(STORED statement. The option is created by Satellite automatically
if the formula contains the CORR() function.
- EAST notes the cell face where diffusion or convection
terms of finite-volume equitions can be modified.
This option is used only in the (MODDIF and (MODCON statements.
It can be specified together with NORTH and HIGH options.
- EQCOEF dictates that the formula should be evaluated
at the moment of calculation of the coefficients of the finite-volume
This option is used with AECO(), AWCO(), ANCO(), ASCO(), AHCO(),
ALCO() or APCO() functions only in the (STORED statement.
The option is created by Satellite automatically if the formula
contains one from these functions.
- FIXF[LU] dictates that the source is of a fixed magnitude.
This option is used only in the (SOURCE statement, for which it
is the default condition.
- FIXV[AL] dictates that the source is such as to fix the value of the
relevant dependent variable, which is achieved by making the source
equal to:
2.0e+10 * (the fixed value minus the current value)
This option is used only in the (SOURCE statement.
- GAMCOF dictates that the formula should be evaluated at the moment
of calculation of the exchange coefficients .
This option is used with the GAMM() function only in the
(STORED statement. The option is created by Satellite automatically
if the formula contains the GAMM() function.
- HIGH notes the cell face where diffusion or convection
terms of finite-volume equitions can be modified.
This option is used only in the (MODDIF and (MODCON statements.
It can be specified together with EAST and NORTH options.
- IF(condition) dictates that the formula should be
evaluated only when and where "condition" is true. The format
of the "condition" expression is the same as that of Fortan.
This option can be used in all In-Form statements.
- IMAT=iprp dictates that the formula should be evaluated
only for cells where the PRPS variable, which indicates the material index
IMAT, is equal to a prescribed value: iprp.
This option can be used in all In-Form statements. Other possible
relations between IMAT and iprp may be expressed as:
- IMAT>iprp greater than iprp
- IMAT<iprp less than value iprp
- IMAT>=iprp greater than or equal to iprp
- IMAT<=iprp less than or equal to iprp
- IMAT!=iprp not equal to iprp
- INFOB_n dictates that the formula should be evaluated
only for cells occupied by the In-Form formula-set object with
"n" number.
"n" is a positive integer number.
This option can be used in all In-Form statements.
- ITHSTR means that the formula should be evaluated
at the start of the hydrodynamic iteration.
This option is used only in the (STORED statement.
- ITHFIN means that the formula should be evaluated
at the finish of the hydrodynamic iteration.
This option is used only in the (STORED statement.
- LAMW[AL] dictates that the source calculated
by the formula is to be multiplied by the surface area times
the relevant laminar exchange coefficient (viscosity for velocities,
thermal conductivity for temperature, etc).
This option is used only in the (SOURCE statement and for patches
of wall type.
- LINE dictates that the value of the source is to be
linearised with respect to the dependent variable in question.
This option is used only in the (SOURCE statement.
At should be used whenever the formula implies that the source
diminishes when the dependent variable increases.
- LOGL dictates that the source calculated by the formula
is to be multiplied by the surface area times the relevant effective
exchange coefficient (viscosity for velocities, thermal conductivity for
temperature, etc), calculated from the logarithmic-profile formula.
This option is used only in the (SOURCE statement and for patches
of wall type.
- LSWEEP dictates that the formula should only be evaluated on the last sweep of every time step.
- NORTH notes the cell face where diffusion or convection
terms of finite-volume equitions can be modified.
This option is used only in the (MODDIF and (MODCON statements.
It can be specified together with EAST and HIGH options.
- ONLY[MS] dictates that the source calculated
by the formula is to be multiplied by the inflowing mass of the relevant
This option is used only in the (SOURCE statement.
- PORO[S] dictates that after the setting of In-Form object
the volume and face porosities will be calculated if they are declared
by store(vpor), store(epor), store(npor) or store(hpor) PIL command.
This option is used only in the (INFOB statement.
See also
- RESIDU dictates that the formula should be evaluated
at the moment of calculation of the residuals.
This option is used with the RESI() function only in the (STORED
statement. The option is created by Satellite automatically if the formula
contains the RESI() function.
- SWPFIN dictates that the formula should be evaluated at the finish of
the SWEEP loop.
This option is used only in the (STORED statement.
- SWPSTR dictates that the formula should be evaluated
at the start of the SWEEP loop.
This option is used only in the (STORED statement.
- TSTFIN dictates that the formula should be evaluated
at the finish of the time step.
This option is used only in the (STORED statement.
- TSTSTR dictates that the formula should be evaluated at the start of
the time step.
This option is used only in the (STORED statement.
- VOLU dictates that the source should be calculated as
'per unit volume' of the relevant VR object.
This option is used only in the (SOURCE statement.
Note that VOLUME will not be accepted
- WHOL dictates that the source calculated by the formula is
the total for whole VR object, distributed between cells in proportion to the
volume of the cell which is occupied by the object.
This option is used only in the (SOURCE statement.
Note that WHOLE will not be accepted
- ZSLFIN dictates that the formula should be evaluated at the finish of
the operations at the particular IZ slab.
This option is used only in the (STORED statement, and is the
- ZSLSTR dictates that the formula should be evaluated before the start
operations at the particular IZ slab.
This option is used only in the (STORED statement.