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---- Autoplot Help ----

EN[D] or QU[IT] or ST[OP] Terminate session.


---------------------------------------- Photon Help ----

E[nd]....terminates the plotting session, closes all open files and returns to the operating system.

See also : STOP

End of Segment

-------------------- End of S Photon Help ----

[End of Segment] closes the current GEOMETRY segment and goes one level up.


----------- Advanced PIL command --- -

ENDCASE is the final element of the PIL CASE construct. See the HELP entry on CASE for further information.




------------- Advanced PIL command --- -

ENDDO denotes the end of a PIL DO-loop. See the HELP entry on DO for further information.


------------- Advanced PIL command --- -

ENDIF is the final element of the PIL IF construct. See the HELP entry on IF for further information.


----- PIL real array; default= 1.E-3; -

When greater than zero, ENDIT influences the termination of iterations in the built-in linear-equation solver by requiring that, before termination can occur, either

unless LITER iterations have been performed.

When less than zero (but not = GRND1), ENDIT represents the negative of the over-relaxation factor to be used for the variable in question, in the built-in linear-equation solver, and has no other effect.

See PHENC entry: over-relaxation.

When ENDIT = GRND1, the conjugate-gradient solver is called instead of the built-in (Stone-type) solver for the PHI in question, whereas the setting CSG3=CNGR causes that solver to be called for all variables.

The conjugate-gradient solver ends its iterations by reference to RESREF, RESFAC and LITER in the same way as the Stone solver, with 0.001 replacing the ENDIT multiplier.

Whenever ENDIT is negative, the multipliers referred to in the first paragraph are taken as 1.0E-3.

Information on how the linear equation solver is performing can be elicited by adding the line


to Group 19 of Q1. For each variable on each sweep the solver will write a line to RESULT stating how many iterations were performed, and giving an indication of why iteration stopped. A typical extract of the printout is shown here:

Done LU-CR solver for P1 isweep 73 IZ 20 iter 12 2 8.168808E-08 1.364782E+00 6.493849E-04
Done STONE solver for U1 isweep 73 IZ 20 iter 1 2 1.028983E-12 1.673497E-01 1.673497E-04
Done STONE solver for V1 isweep 73 IZ 20 iter 1 2 1.391361E-12 2.119821E-01 2.119821E-04
Done STONE solver for W1 isweep 73 IZ 20 iter 1 2 2.556446E-12 3.189903E-01 3.189903E-04

The first line states that the conjugate-gradient solver is in use for the pressure variable, P1. On sweep 72, 12 iterations were performed. For the velocity variables, U1,V1 and W1 the default Stone solver is in use. This terminated after 1 iteration for each velocity. If the slabwise solver is in use, the line will be repeated for each IZ plane.

The next number, in this case 2, is an exit code. The exit codes for the various solvers are as follows:

1. Stone Solver

2. Conjugate-Gradient (LU-CR) Solver

3. Sequential GCV Solver

4. Parallel Solver

5. Parallel GCV Solver (Par-GCV)


----------- Advanced PIL command --- -

ENDLOOP marks the end of the a PIL loop. See the HELP entry on LOOP for further information, or inspect case b542 for an example.


----------- Advanced PIL command --- -

ENDMAIN marks the end of the 'main' PIL program. It causes the satellite to stop executing the Q1 file. All subroutines must follow the ENDMAIN statement in the Q1 file.


------------ Advanced PIL command --- -

ENDSUB denotes the end of a PIL subroutine. See the HELP entry on SUBROUTINE for further information.
