Encyclopaedia Index

POLIS, the PHOENICS On-Line Information System

Documentation about PHOENICS consists mainly of HTML and other files contained in the directory
/phoenics/d_polis , of which the main sub-directories are:

As is to be expected of a body of information which has been accumulating for over thirty years (PHOENICS was first released for public use in October 1981), POLIS contains material of varied styles, degrees of modernity, and (let it be at once admitted) correctness; for the software has been growing in power continuously; and what might have been properly recommended in 1989 or 1999 may have become less than the best now.

More-experienced information-seekers, who already know what topics they are interested in, are advised to turn first to the Encyclopaedia, a link to which is at the top of the page. Also helpful may be this 'documents' hyperlink.

Those who seek information and do not find it, or who are nor satisfied by what they find, are earnestly requested to send an e-mail to phoenics@cham.co.uk to explain what they need, in order that it can be provided for them and for all PHOENICS users.