Encyclopaedia Index

MICA: a mid-1996 statement


  1. What MICA is
  2. The objective of MICA
  3. How the objective is to be attained
  4. The special sectors currently attended to by MICA
  5. Diagrammatic representation
  6. What is meant by a front end
  7. The time frame

1. What MICA is

MICA is an acronym which stands for Model for Industrial CFD Applications.

It is a project, partially funded by the European Commission, as part of the ESPRIT Framework IV Program.

CHAM is the proposer and coordinator of the project; the partners are:

INRIA (France),
U Paderborn & LSTM-Erlangen (Germany),
LITEC-Zaragoza (Spain),
CMR (Norway),
Vattenfall & SMHI (Sweden),
NTUA (Greece),
IST-Lisbon (Portugal)
and Hoogovens & Stork-Comprimo (Holland).

The general idea is that:-

2. The objective of MICA

MICA is intended to create, test and publicise,

for the practical use of CFD by industry,

a New Model, which exploits:

3. How the objective is to be attained

10 industrial sectors have been identified,
5 in the "furnace" and 5 in the "built-environment" areas.

10 sector-specific interfaces are to be designed, created and tested with the aid of associates with special knowledge of each.

Where necessary, sector-specific physical-model attachments will be added to the core software.

Enhancements will be provided to the core software, to enable it better to provide the needed simulations, these enhancements comprising:-

4. The special sectors currently attended to by MICA

The ten sectors which have been selected for attention are:

"Environmental" group

Heat-transfer-equipment group

5. Diagrammatic representation

                     10 front ends
  ___   ___   ___   ___   ___   ___   ___   ___   ___   ___
 |___| |___| |___| |___| |___| |___| |___| |___| |___| |___|
   |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |
   |                                                       |
   |                Internet connexion                     |
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      | // // |           | // // |         | // // |
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    3 computer centres with  parallel software

6. What is meant by a front end

6.1 What is meant by the Internet connexion

6.2 What must be done at the Computer Centres

7. The time frame

By the end of 1996, create the elements of the MICA model, and the system which connects them.

By the end of 1997: