Encyclopaedia Index

K location, index for specifying

(see KMON integer, Group 6)

K-Epsilon turbulence model

(also referred to as KE-EP)


Name reserved for 3D-stored thermal conductivity of phase 1.
When STORE(KOND) is present in the Q1 file, and first-phase temperature or enthalpy is being solved, the fields of thermal conductivity are printed in the RESULT and PHI (or PHIDA) files.


As for KOND, but for phase 2.


----- PIL integer; default=0; group 17 --- -

KELIN....is a parameter determining which linearization practice is used for the source terms of KE and EP. Although these practices make no difference to the final solution, they can considerably alter the rate at which the solution is achieved.

KELIN can take the values 0 (the default), 1, 2 and 3.

KELIN=1 is contrived so that it anticipates the effects of walls (near which production of turbulence approximately equals dissipation), and turbulent decay in shear-free zones.

KELIN=2 has proved of use in confined flows in which the turbulence level otherwise increases without control.

KELIN=3 is a strict Newton-Raphson linearization based on the presumption that the local length scale changes only slowly.

The FORTRAN embodiment of these linearizations is in Subroutine GXKESO of the open-source file GXTURB.FOR.

For KELIN=0, 1 and 2 the source terms per unit mass of fluid in the cell are given by:

  Sk = Ck (Vk-k)   and   Se = Ce (Ve - e

where the values of Ck, Vk, Ce, and Ve are defined below: 


Ck = nt Cd /(Lm2 Cm)                 Vk = E Lm2 Cm/Cd               

Ce = C2e Cd nt /(Cm Lm2)             Ve = C1e nt E/C2e


Ck = C2e Cm Cd k/nt + nt E/(2k)      

Vk = [(C2e - 1) Cm Cd k2/nt + 3nt E/2 ]/ Ck


Ce = (2C2e - 1) CmCd k/nt               

Ve = [C1e nt E + (C2e - 1) e ]/ (2C2e - 1)


Ck = CmCd k/nt                  Vk = E nt2/(kCmCd)                 

Ce = C2eCmCd k/nt               Ve = C1e nt E/C2e


For this option, the source terms per unit mass of fluid in the cell are given by:

Sk = Ck (Vk-k) + nt E    and   Se = Ce (Ve - e)  + C1e e nt E/k


   Ck = 3e /2k             Vk = k/3

   Ce = 4C2e e/(3k)       Ve = e/4      

The setting of KELIN=3 automatically triggers whole-field storage of EPKE, the turbulent frequency e/k of the large-scale turbulent motion.

In the foregoing source-term expressions, Lm is the mixing length (provided in the store LEN1) and E is the mean rate of strain (provided in the store GEN1) defined by E= (Ui,j + Uj,i)2 /2.                                          

K-Omega turbulence model

(also referred to as KE-OMEG)

See PHENC entry: K-Omega turbulence model




See PHENC entry: Saffman-Spalding KE-VO model

Kinematic viscosity

(see VISL and VIST integer names, Group 7)

Kinetic-heating sources

KINETIC-heating sources for TEM1 & TEM2.

If TERMS(TEM1,Y,.... or TERMS(TEM2,Y,...., the kinetic- heating source terms become active in the same way as for enthalpy.

Warning: This may not always be desirable, for example when stress-analysis is being simulated and the velocity variables have the significance of displacements.


------ PIL integer; default=1; group 6 ----

KMON....index for specifying K location ( in BFC nomenclature ) at which the coordinates XC(IMON,JMON,KMON), YC(IMON,JMON,KMON), ZC(IMON,JMON,KMON) are displayed for sweep-by-sweep monitoring in the course of grid generation by the "Laplace solver", MAGIC(L).


------- PIL integer; Default=0 ------------

Read only.

Zero location in F array for the storage of time distribution. It is used in SATLIT FORTRAN for accessing time distribution information.


------- PIL integer; Default=0 ------------

Read only.

Zero location in F array for the storage of X direction grid distribution. It is used in SATLIT FORTRAN for accessing grid information.


------- PIL integer; Default=0 ------------

Read only.

Zero location in F array for the storage of Y direction grid distribution. It is used in SATLIT FORTRAN for accessing grid information.


------- PIL integer; Default=0 ------------

Read only.

Zero location in F array for the storage of Z direction grid distribution. It is used in SATLIT FORTRAN for accessing grid information.