Encyclopaedia Index

List of Geometry DAT files

The complete set of .dat files supplied with the current version of PHOENICS is:

In directory /phoenics/d_satell/d_object/public

These are the basic default shapes for cartesian and cylindrical-polar coordinates. If an object is given this shape, it will be replaced by the default shape for that object type.

default.dat poldef.dat

In directory /phoenics/d_satell/d_object/public/default

The following geometry files are used as the default shapes for the various object types, as shown here. They should not be used for any other purpose.

cubesrf.dat cylpipe.dat diffsr-r.dat diffsr-s.dat
fine.dat invis.dat jetfan-r.dat jetfan-s.dat
polfgv.dat sitting.dat spray.dat standing.dat
wind.dat wirexyz.dat

In directory /phoenics/d_satell/d_object/public/Basic_Shapes

This folder contains 'primitives' which can be used to build up more complex shapes

coil.dat cone.dat corner.dat cube.dat
cylinder.dat half-cone.dat half-cylinder.dat half-pyramid.dat
half-sphere.dat hexagon.dat octagon.dat pipebend.dat
prism.dat pyramid.dat quarter-cone.dat quarter-cylinder.dat
quarter-pyramid.dat quarter-sphere.dat sphere.dat tallwedge.dat

In directory /phoenics/d_satell/d_object/public/Basic_Shapes/Furniture

This folder contains 'furniture objects' which can be used to build up more complex arragements

bar.dat bed.dat bookcase.dat chair_wooden.dat
cupboard_small.dat desk_large.dat desk_l-shape.dat desktop_computer.dat
monitor.dat office_chair.dat office_chair_small.dat sofa_large.dat
sofa_small.dat stool.dat tv.dat window_frame.dat

In directory /phoenics/d_satell/d_object/public/Basic_Shapes/Human

This folder contains 'human figures' which can be used to build up more complex arragements

person_sitting.dat person_standing.dat

In directory /phoenics/d_satell/d_object/public/Basic_Shapes/Polar

These geometries are designed for use in cylindrical-polar coordinates. They will follow the X-grid.

polbox.dat polcorner.dat polcube.dat polcylinder.dat
polhalfcylinder.dat polhalfsphere.dat polquartercylinder.dat polwedge.dat

In directory /phoenics/d_satell/d_object/public/Basic_Shapes/Transport

This folder contains 'transport objects' which can be used to build up more complex arragements

acjet.dat blucar1.dat blucar2.dat bus.dat
car.dat car1.dat car2.dat car3.dat
car4.dat fireng1.dat hull.dat policar.dat
submarine.dat truck.dat

In directory /phoenics/d_satell/d_object/public/Equipment

airfoil.dat fan.dat fan1.dat fan2.dat
heatsink.dat ingot.dat louver.dat naca2414.dat

In directory /phoenics/d_satell/d_object/public/flair/miscllns

floor2.dat roofvis2.dat side1.dat side2.dat

In directory /phoenics/d_satell/d_object/public/Formula-1

These geometries are used by the F1-in-schools version

back_whl.dat balsa.dat balsa_gt.dat balsa_r.dat
co2_can.dat denfordex.dat design_2_r6.dat frnt_whl.dat
grndprix.dat jag_f1.dat

In directory /phoenics/d_satell/d_object/public/Furniture

archs.dat barheat.dat bigben.dat blinddwn.dat
blindup.dat bseat2.dat build1.dat build2.dat
build3.dat chair1.dat chair2.dat chair2s.dat
chairs.dat chairs3.dat cooker.dat cpseat.dat
desk.dat factory.dat filecab.dat fire.dat
fire2.dat front.dat gantrys.dat house1.dat
kettle.dat light.dat microwav.dat monitor.dat
plants.dat plants1.dat postbox.dat rad1.dat
radiator.dat scatty.dat smoke.dat soilcorn.dat
strplite.dat table.dat telly.dat temp.dat
tower0.dat window.dat window1.dat window2.dat
window3.dat window4.dat

In directory /phoenics/d_satell/d_object/public/mofor

These geometries are used by some MOFOR library cases

block.dat chamsoft.dat drivers1.dat engine.dat
piston.dat skijmpv3.dat tempo102.dat

In directory /phoenics/d_satell/d_object/public/usp

These geometries are used in some of the UnStructured-PHOENICS library cases

fluidreg.dat prmat_1.dat prmat_2.dat u704.dat

The following geometry files are in the process of being withdrawn. They may be used, but it is not guaranteed that they will always remain available.

In directory /phoenics/d_satell/d_object/public/deprecated/shapes

10.dat 11.dat 14.dat 2cyls.dat
3bens.dat 4.dat 8.dat ahcyl.dat
arch.dat cbe.dat cencube1.dat cencube2.dat
cube1.dat cube10.dat cube11.dat cube12.dat
cube12t.dat cube13.dat cube14.dat cube15.dat
cube16.dat cube2.dat cube2t.dat cube3.dat
cube3t.dat cube4.dat cube5.dat cube6.dat
cubet.dat cubet1.dat cyl1.dat cyl16.dat
cyl1t.dat cyl2.dat cyl3.dat cyl4.dat
cyl5.dat cyl96.dat cylinda.dat cylpipe.dat
cylwall.dat diag.dat diag1.dat diag3.dat
elbowpip.dat ellip.dat fine1.dat hemis.dat
hexagon.dat hfcone.dat hfcyl.dat hfpipe.dat
hfsphere.dat hfsphet.dat hh1.dat hlftube.dat
holcyl.dat lin_cyl.dat oct.dat oldcylin.dat
paddle.dat pip2.dat pipecolo.dat pipes.dat
polcu3.dat polcu4.dat polcu5.dat polcu6.dat
polhh1.dat polwe2.dat port_vca.dat qtpipe.dat
qtrtube.dat recwedge.dat smoosphe.dat sphere1.dat
sphere2.dat sphere3.dat sphere4.dat spiral.dat
subm.dat thinpipe.dat triangle.dat triwedge.dat
vrg4.dat wedge1.dat wedge2.dat wedget.dat

In directory /phoenics/d_satell/d_object/public/deprecated/equipmt

50cyl.dat alftuy.dat babet.dat backfoil.dat
billet.dat bitron.dat burner.dat cock-sym.dat
cock.dat cock2.dat cock2s.dat cool-sym.dat
coolfan.dat cutter.dat drill.dat drillbit.dat
drill_6.dat eng-comp.dat engc-sym.dat franp.dat
frf.dat links.dat nose.dat pcb.dat
pccf.dat pipe.dat race_car.dat roadbend.dat
sidepan2.dat spiral_floor.dat tuyaux.dat wheel.dat
wing.dat wuaful.dat wuawel.dat

In directory /phoenics/d_satell/d_object/public/deprecated/mofor

cube0001.dat cubelin.dat cuberot.dat sphe0001.dat
sphe0002.dat sphe0003.dat sphe0004.dat sphe0005.dat
sphe0006.dat sphe0007.dat sphe0008.dat sphe0009.dat
sphe0010.dat sphe0011.dat sphe0012.dat sphe0013.dat
sphe0014.dat sphe0015.dat sphe0016.dat sphe0017.dat
sphe0018.dat sphe0019.dat sphe0020.dat sphe0021.dat
sphe0022.dat sphe0023.dat sphe0024.dat sphe0025.dat
sphe0026.dat sphe0027.dat sphe0028.dat sphe0029.dat
sphe0030.dat sphe0031.dat sphe0032.dat sphe0033.dat
sphe0034.dat sphe0035.dat sphe0036.dat sphe0037.dat
sphe0038.dat sphe0039.dat sphe0040.dat sphe0041.dat
sphe0042.dat sphe0043.dat sphe0044.dat sphe0045.dat
sphe0046.dat sphe0047.dat sphe0048.dat sphe0049.dat

In directory /phoenics/d_satell/d_object/public/deprecated/scones

4el_cw.dat cwb.dat cwf.dat cwl-r.dat