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---- Autoplot Help ----

DA[TA] [n]

Creates a new data element by reading data from file number n. Only need to specify n if more than one file attached. Program response depends on file type. If the response is known, it can be specified together with DATA.
Type 1 - PLOT file : Response asks for item number on file. eg:- DATA 1 1 - plots item 1 from file 1.
Type 2 - Table file. Response asks for headings of X & Y columns. eg:- DATA 1 xcol ycol plots ycol vs xcol from file 1
Type 3,5,7 - PHOENICS Restart file . Response asks for variable name and up to 2 coordinate locations. Plot will be of variable against unspecified coordinate. A range for the unspecified coordinate may also be given.
eg:- DATA 1 P1 X 1 Y 1 plots P1 from file 1 at IX=1,IY=1 vs Z for IZ=1-NZ
DATA 2 P1 X 3 Y 4 Z 5 12 plots P1 from file 2 at IX=3, IY=4 vs Z for IZ=5-12
Type 4,6,8 - BFC grid file : Response asks for limits of grid to
be plotted.
eg:- DATA 1;X 1;2 4 1 M plots the grid from file 1 at
IX=1 for IY=2-4 and IZ=1,Maximum.

In all cases, the limits of grid can be specified as M for Maximum.



When you finish a plot and need to create a new plot, you must remove the old data elements from memory to make way for the new ones. Use the CLEAR command for this, which also deletes any text, keys and levels. To remove the data elements without losing text, keys and levels, you should use the command DATA CLEAR. The commands TEXT KEEP, KEY KEEP and LEVEL KEEP will also prevent the text, keys and levels respectively from being deleted during CLEAR.

Data communication by SATELLITE to GROUND

(see GROUP 19)


The DATA DELETE command erases the last element, whereas DATA CLEAR deletes all elements.

The command CLEAR deletes all elements (including text and keys if they have not been kept) for a fresh start.

Data elements,association with line type

The plotting commands that have been described so far, ie PLOT, DOTn and BLBn, each plot all those data elements which are in memory but do not appear on the screen and whose status is ON. The line type used remains associated with the data element(s) drawn, and subsequent REDRAW commands will retain the same line types for the data elements in question. You can also use the same commands to change the line types of individual data elements, or ranges of data elements, already appearing on the screen. For example:


will plot or redraw the third element using solid lines, and:

DOT3 2 5

will plot or redraw the second to the fifth elements inclusive, using medium-dashed lines.

Data elements,drawing of in colour

In the same way that elements can be drawn with PLOT, DOT and BLOB, you can use the command COLOURh to draw an element in colour h. Here h is a hexadecimal number representing the colour to be used. The standard PGI colour map has colour 0 as the background, colour 1 as the normal drawing and writing colour, and colours 2 to 15(F) ranging from blue to red.

If a particular data element is not already on the screen, COLOUR will draw it with a solid line. If it has already been drawn with PLOT, DOT or BLOB, it will be redrawn with the same line style but in the new colour. Thus:


will plot or redraw elements 3 to 5 inclusive in colour E (14, dark orange).

The use of COLOURh without arguments will plot in memory all elements in colour h, but it will not draw or redraw them on the screen.

Data elements,generation of by Digitising

The command DIGITISE causes the graphics cursor to appear, for use in picking values from the screen. Data points are picked by pressing particular keys, as shown below:

C - To get the coordinates and continue digitising.
The digitised points will be joined by a solid

G - K - To get the coordinates using BLB1-BLB5 to
mark the points.

Y - To close the generated profile and exit. An
extra data point is generated with the same
coordinates as the first point.

X - To exit without the last set of coordinates.

Any other key to exit with coordinates.

The points will be saved as the next data element, and can be treated just as any other data element.

Under certain circumstances it is possible to configure AUTOPLOT to accept data from a digitising tablet or digitising drawing board. In such cases the DIGITISE command has a second argument, S[CREEN] or D[RAWINGBOARD], to choose the source of data. This option does not form part of the standard installation, and CHAM should be contacted if it is required.

Data elements,listing of

You can use the SHOW ELEMENTS command to list the data elements currently in memory, together with the number of the file from which they were taken, their status (on/off), colour, line style and brief description of contents.

Data elements,Saving of

Individual data elements can be saved to disc file by the command ELEMENT SAVE. This is particularly useful if the data have been manipulated or transformed in some way, or have been obtained by digitising, and it is wished to transfer the values to some other utility or to save them for plotting on a future occasion.

The file is saved in TABLE format, ie as two columns of numbers. The column headings are prompted for, as is the file name. The default column headings are xcol, ycol; and the default file name is ELESAV.

Data Finite Element Generation (DFEG) directive

(see TR206)

Data Visualizer

Data Visualizer offers a complete set of exploration tools for interactive viewing and animation of scalar and vector field variables. Designed for individual researchers, it provides a cost- effective way to examine quickly and easily detailed numeric data and complex simulations.

Data Visualizer adds an impressive range of features complmentary to those provided by the PHOENICS post-processor PHOTON, including:-

When advanced rendering techniques are required, all data representations can be passed to Wavefront Advanced Visualizer, to provide realistic imagery and precise animation.

The PHOENICS -> Data Visualizer interface can be used for the analys of problems in BFC geometries. It uses sequential PHI and XYZ files.

Data-display commands of PIL

(see SEE)
