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VR Object Management


Managing Objects

Object Menu

New Object, Import CAD Object, Import CAD Group, Import Object, Copy Object, Array Object, Select All, Refresh, Close

Action Menu

Open object dialog, Hide object, Reveal object, Delete object, Modify colour, Object Wireframe, Object affects grid, Object constrained by domain, Object selectable, Move to object centre, Datmaker operations, Shapemaker, Surface vectors, Surface vectors, Surface contours, Dump surface values, Dump object profile, Show nett sources

View Menu

Group Menu

Save, Delete, Modify

Context Menu


In the VR-Editor, all geometrical features are represented by objects. They may represent for example: blockages, inlets, outlets or heat sources. Complex objects can often be represented by suitable combinations of simpler objects.

Objects can be volumes or areas, but never lines. Even in a two-dimensional case, PHOENICS requires a depth in the third dimension, or in a one-dimensional case, width and depth. This is because of the finite-volume numerical solution method.

This chapter describes how objects can be manipulated - created, modified or deleted. The next chapter gives more detail on how to size and position objects, how to assign shapes to objects and how they interact with the mesh. VR Object Types and Attributes describes the attributes of each object type.

Managing Objects

Objects are manipulated via the Object Management Panel (OMP), which is reached by:

Image: Object Management Dialog

The OMP contains a list of the object names along with associated key data for each object . By default the objects are sorted by their reference number, column two. They may also be sorted by name, type, geometry or colour by clicking on the appropriate column header. The colour number listed is the palette entry for the first facet in the geometry file.

Objects can be selected from the list using standard Windows techniques:

When the OMP is open, multiple objects can also be selected by picking them from the screen with the control key held down. If the shift key is held down as well, all objects under the cursor will be selected, not just the nearest one. (This only works with the Legacy renderer).

The final column in the OMP, labeled 'Selectable', determines whether an object can be picked from the screen with the cursor or not. Objects can always be selected from the OMP list.

The OMP has four pull-down menus which enable objects to be created, updated or deleted. The updating and deleting actions are performed on all the selected objects. Each column also has its own context menu, displayed by right-clicking in the column.

Object Menu, Action Menu, View Menu, Group Menu, Context Menu

Object Management - Object Menu

Image: Object Management - Object Menu

New Object, Import CAD Object, Import CAD Group, Import Object, Clipping plane, Plotting Surface, Copy Object, Array Object, Select All, Refresh, Close

  1. New
  2. Copy Object(s)

    This makes a copy of the selected object(s), including all attributes. Objects and active groups can also be duplicated by clicking on the Duplicate Object or Group button of the hand-set.

    The duplicated object or group is always created with its origin at the same position as the original. It can then be moved to its desired location.

  3. Array Object(s)

    Arraying is a variation on duplication. It allows the creation of an entire array of objects or groups, all copied from the original.

    Select one or more objects from the list, then click Object - Array objects. Alternatively, click on an object to make it the current object and click on the Duplicate using array button on the hand set. The dialog box shown below will appear:

    Image: Array Objects Dialog

  4. Select All

    Selects all objects (except the domain) in the object management panel.

  5. Refresh

    It is possible for the object management to become out of sync with the current status of the model, in these cases use refresh to update its contents.

  6. Close

    Closes the object management panel.

Object Management - Action Menu

Image: Object Management Action Menu

Open object dialog, Hide object, Reveal object, Delete object, Modify colour, Object Wireframe, Object affects grid, Object constrained by domain, Object selectable, Move to object centre, Datmaker operations, Shapemaker, Surface vectors, Surface contours, Dump surface values, Dump object profile, Show nett sources

  1. Open object dialog

    This opens the object dialog box for the current object. The current object is the one highlighted in the list. If more than one object has been selected, the dialog box for the last object to be selected is opened. When the object dialog is closed, the changes made can be optionally propagated through all the other selected objects which are of the same type.

    Care should be taken when propagating changes to ensure that unwanted changes are not made; for example propagating changes through a group of INLET objects where some are side High and some are side Low will result in all of them taking the side of the one whose dialog has been displayed.

  2. Hide object(s)

    This hides (makes invisible) all the currently selected objects.

  3. Reveal object(s)

    This reveals (makes visible) all the currently selected objects.

  4. Delete object(s)

    This deletes all the currently selected objects. The user will be prompted for confirmation before objects are deleted. Objects cannot be undeleted!

  5. Modify colour

    Opens the object dialog for the current object on the options page; click on the object colour button to modify the colour. The object transparency may also be set from here. When the object dialog is closed the colour changes will be applied to all selected objects.

  6. Object Wireframe

    Check menu item toggles wireframe mode for selected objects.

  7. Objects affects grid

    Image: Object Management Action Menu

    Check menu item toggles whether the selected objects affect the model grid in the X, Y or Z directions. Selecting 'All' turns all directions on or off together.

  8. Object constrained by domain

    Check menu item toggles whether the selected objects are constrained by the domain.

  9. Object selectable

    When set to 'Yes', the object can be picked from the screen with the cursor. When set to 'No', it can only be selected from the OMP list. This can be very useful when objects get in the way of the target object.

  10. Move to object centre.

  11. Datmaker operations

    This brings up the Datmaker dialog, described here. Datmaker performs repair and boolean operations on objects.

  12. Shapemaker

    Shapemaker is a utility which can create many different parameterised shapes, from a pre-defined list. If an object has been selected, its geometry will be replaced by that created during the Shapemaker session, as described here.

  13. Surface vectors (Viewer only)

    Check menu item toggles whether vectors are displayed on surface of current object. Surface vectors cannot be displayed at the same time as surface contours.

  14. Surface contours (Viewer only)

    Check menu item toggles whether surface contours are displayed on the current items. Surface contours cannot be displayed at the same time as surface vectors.

  15. Dump surface values (Viewer only if Surface contour ticked)

    Writes a file, <objname>_<varname>.csv, which contains four columns of data, x,y,z,value, which were used to generate the surface contours. So, if the current object was named FENCE and the current variable is Pressure, the filename would be FENCE_Pressure.csv.

  16. Dump object profile (Viewer only if Surface contour ticked)

    Writes a file similar to the above, although, it will only dump the values along the current slice. The filename is composed as <objname>_<varname>_<plane>_<planeval>.csv. Where <objname> is the object name, <varname> the current variable, <plane> the currently selected plane (X,Y or Z) and <planeval> the current position of that plane. This latter will be moved to the cell centre in the file. If the current object was named FENCE, the current variable was Pressure, the current plane was X at X=0.5, the file name would be FENCE_Pressure_X_0.5.csv.

  17. Show nett sources (Viewer only)

    Displays sources and sinks for the selected object in the text box. The values are read from the 'Sources and sinks' section of the RESULT file. Force and moment data for blockages is also displayed if present.

Object Management - View Menu

Management View Menu

The first ten check menu entries indicate whether the corresponding column is visible in the listbox. Note that the surface contour column is only visible in the Viewer. The final check menu item 'Assembly objects' indicates whether the child assembly objects are visible in the list of objects.

Object Management - Group Menu

Image: Object
Management Group Menu

Save, Delete, Modify

  1. Save

    When more than one object is selected, a temporary group is created. This group may be saved to be recalled later by using this option. Any saved group will subsequently be listed in the list of objects in the object management panel. Details of any saved groups will be written to the Q1.

  2. Delete

    If the current object is a saved group then this option becomes active and may be used to delete the group. The user is also prompted as to whether they wish to also delete the objects contained in the group.

  3. Modify

    This option may be used to modify the membership of a saved group.

Object Management - Context Menu

Image: Object Management Context Menu

A context menu is available in the OMP by clicking the right mouse button on one of the columns. The context menu is an extension to the Action menu described above. The items in the menu depend on the column. It enables the rapid selection of objects of a single type or geometry, and also provides a shortcut access to the geometry generation program Shapemaker.

A similar context menu is accessed by right-clicking on an object in the graphics window.

The context menu for the 'Reference' column is different from the others - it allows the sequence number of the selected object(s) to be changed.

Image: Context
  menu for Reference column

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