Group 1: Lazy and stubborn particles
Group 2: Particles in isothermal flow
Group 3: Particles with heat transfer
Group 4: Particles with solidification
Group 5: Particles with mass transfer
Group 6: Particle tracking with density calculation
Loading instructions:
To load a library case, click on File, Load from Libraries, enter the case number in the Library dialog box and click OK.
Group 1 - Lazy and stubborn particles
G704: Tracers in pipe with bend (BFC=T,3D)
G706: Beams in reaction turbine (BFC=T, LIBREF=525)
Group 2 - Particles in isothermal flow
G200: Particles in backward-facing step (STM test)
G201: Spray dryer (BFC=T)
G204: Particles in radial impeller (BFC,rotating,LIBREF=424)
G205: Particles through ball valve (BFC=T,LIBREF=534)
G207: Rain in sample cup (CARTES=F,LIBREF=237)
G209: Particles in 2D curved duct (BFC=T, CONJUGATE HEAT TRANSFER)
Group 3 - Particles with heat transfer
G301: Particle heating in pipe with constant gas temperature
and particle velocity (transient)
G302: Heat-exchanging, 1-d, steady, cp=a+bt
G303: Heat-exchanging, 1-d, transient, cp=a+bt
Group 4 - Particles with solidification
G401: Solidifying, 1-d, transient, m=3.0
G403: Solidifying, 1-d, transient, l=l(t)
G405: Isothermal solidification (TRANSIENT).
Group 5 - Particles with mass transfer
U502: Particle evaporating in pipe with constant gas
temperature and particle velocity, but changing vapour
concentration (particle temperature is also kept
constant, TRANSIENT)
U505: Evaporating particles in spray dryer (BFC)
U506: Particles in 2D curved duct (BFC=T, CONJUGAT HEAT
U507: Particles in 2D channel (SOLVE H1)
U508: Isothermal evaporation, constant prop's, steady
Group 6 - Particle tracking with density calculation
G722: Oblique impingement of box in water