Appendix D; List of Run-Time Errors

D.1 Introduction

All the errors reported by GENTRA-EARTH at runtime have an identification number. This section contains a compilation of the errors, with explanations and, where appropriate, avoidance instructions.

This list is also available interactively through the menu. See Section 2.5 for instructions on how to access it. If your version of GENTRA is more recent than the one described in this manual, you should also refer to menu for an updated list of errors.

Section 2.5 of this Guide provides additional information on how errors are classified and handled by GENTRA.

D.2 Warning messages

Warning number 001:

Stochastic turbulence model active but no KE or EP


The stochastic model for the dispersion of particles owing to turbulence was activated in the GENTRA menu, but KE (the continuous-phase turbulence-kinetic-energy) or EP (its rate of dissipation) are not stored in the Q1 file. The stochastic turbulence model is automatically deactivated by GENTRA.


Activate the storage or solution of KE (and/or EP) in the Q1 file, through STORE, SOLVE or SOLUTN; or, if using a menu system for problem set-up, choose a turbulence model that uses KE and EP.

Warning number 002:

Stochastic turbulence model not available for stubborn particles


The stochastic model for the dispersion of particles owing to turbulence was activated in the GENTRA menu, but the particle type does not allow it. The stochastic turbulence model is automatically deactivated by GENTRA.


Warning number 003:

Particle removal is the only wall condition available for lazy and stubborn particles


On hitting a wall or obstacle, the lazy and stubborn particles are always removed from the computational domain. Other wall effects are not available for these particles.


Warning number 004:

GENTRA first sweep less than FSWEEP


The user has specified a GENTRA first sweep that is less than FSWEEP (the EARTH first sweep). The GENTRA first sweep is reset automatically to FSWEEP.

Warning number 005:

Particle <ip> initially in wrong position

Tracking for the particle skipped


The initial position of a particle (identified by its number <ip>) was initially an incorrect one (e.g., outside the computational domain or in a blocked region). The particle was skipped.


Specify a correct initial position in the inlet-data table.

Warning number 006:

Error reading inlet data in line:


Not enough or too many data items for

this particle:

Read- <read> Needed- <needed>

The data line has been ignored


A inlet-data line had a number of data items different from that required; the line was ignored. The <line>, the number of data-items <read> and the number of data-items <needed> are displayed.

The number of inlet data-items needed for each particle varies from case to case; a suitable heading for the table is provided for your guidance in the Q1 file by the GENTRA menu.


Warning number 007:

Error reading inlet data in line:


Line discarded


A inlet-data line could not be read correctly. The likely causes of this warning are: (1) A character was used instead of a number (e.g. letter O instead of number zero); (2) A comment line was included in the table, but without an asterisk.

Warning number 008:

Inlet data from Q1 but no

<END-GENTRA-INLET> mark. Mark assumed


When reading inlet data from the Q1 file, the <END-GENTRA-INLET> mark, which flags the end of the inlet-data table, was not found. The mark was assumed and the calculation continues.

Warning number 009:

Variable out of range

Variable: <var>

Value: <value>

Valid range: <range>


Variable <var> was supplied a <value> which is not within the permissible <range>.

Warning number 010:

FALSDT relaxation not available for <source name>

The source is left unrelaxed


False-time-step (FALSDT) relaxation was specified for the inter-phase source indicated in the warning message. Since only linear relaxation (LINRLX) is allowed for the sources, the source in question was left unrelaxed by GENTRA.


D.3 Error messages

Error number 301:

Mass transfer active but MASS not STOREd


Mass transfer between particles and gas was activated in the GENTRA menu, but the user has not STOREd the variable MASS in the Q1 file.


STORE(MASS) in the Q1 file. (This is done automatically by the GENTRA menu when the particle type chosen by the user entails mass transfer)

Error number 302:

Invalid particle type (GPTYPE)


An invalid particle type was specified through the variable PIL variable GPTYPE.


See the information on GPTYPE in the GENTRA User Guide (or through the menu) for a list of available particle types.

Error number 303:

NCRT must be 1


In BFC cases, the PIL variable NCRT (the sweep frequency for the calculation of the Cartesian components) must be 1.


Set NCRT=1 in the Q1 file; then re-run the SATELLITE and EARTH.

Error number 305:

GENIUS called but property not set ?

Property: <prop>


A GRNDn flag was used for the particle property <prop>, indicating that its value was to be computed in the FORTRAN subroutine GENIUS. However, no value for the property was supplied there.


Insert the appropriate coding in GENIUS, and then re-compile and re-link.

Error number 306:

Inlet data from Q1 but no



The user has specified that the Q1 file is the file where the inlet data table is to be found, but GENTRA could not find the <GENTRA-INLET-DATA> mark.


If there is no <GENTRA-INLET-DATA> mark at the beginning of your data, insert it. If there is, check that: the line starts from the third column of the Q1 file; the mark is separated from other text in the line by blank spaces; there is not an asterisk in the same line.

Error number 307:

F-Array too small for particle data

Current size: <size>. Increase !


GENTRA stores the particle-inlet data in the F-array (the central storage array of EARTH). The message is produced when there is not enough F-array space to store further particles. <size> is the current F-array size


You can increase the F-array dimension by changing the parameter NFDIM in the MAIN PROGRAM of EARTH. (In the GENTRA version of EARTH, the MAIN PROGRAM is in the file GENTRA.) The storage needs for GENTRA are case-dependent, but the maximum requirement is 13 F-array positions per particle.

Note that recompilation of the file GENTRA and re-linking of the EARTH executable is needed after this change.

Error number 308:

No inlet data found !


GENTRA could not find any inlet data for particles.


Check the name of inlet data file supplied to GENTRA (ie, the variable GENFIL in the Q1 file). If the file name is Q1, then your data should be inserted as comment lines in the Q1 file, between the marks <GENTRA-INLET-DATA> and <END-GENTRA-INLET>.


Error number 309:

GENTRA is not unlocked !


The password (also called ID string) that authorises the EARTH run does not allow the execution of GENTRA.


Possible causes are:- (1) your licence type does not include GENTRA; (2) your GENTRA licence has expired; (3) you have not inserted the CHAM-supplied ID string in the CONFIG file.

In cases (1) and (2), please contact the Sales Department at CHAM. In case (3), please refer to the PHOENICS Installation Manual (CHAM TR/110) for instructions, and contact CHAM if in doubt.

Error number 310:

Exit/symmetry patch type must be EAST,


Offending PATCH: <patchname>


One of the symmetry or exit patches declared by the user has a patch type (such as CELL, VOLUME, LWALL, etc) which is not of the 'area' type. <patchname> is the name of the patch causing the error.


Change, in the Q1 file, the patch type to one of the allowed types (listed above). (The help facility in the GENTRA menu system provides advice on patch types.) The SATELLITE must be re-run after changing the Q1 file, but the GENTRA menu does not need to be loaded again.

Error number 311:

Variable out of range

Variable: <var>

Value: <value>

Valid range: <range>


Variable <var> was supplied a <value> which is not within the permissible <range>

Error number 312:

GENTRA cannot be used for PARABolic flows


GENTRA cannot be used in conjuction with the parabolic option of PHOENICS (activated by PARAB=T)


Parabolic flows can also be solved as elliptic by supplying outlet boundary conditions and setting PARAB=F.

D.4 Internal errors

Errors with numbers greater than 600 are internal errors. Internal errors should be reported to CHAM via the User Support Team.

Please e-mail the Q1 causing the error to CHAM, and report as many details as you can; further details might be requested by CHAM upon notification of the error.


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