Encyclopaedia Index
by : F. de Trogoff, Engineer, Consultancy
Date: 1997 - PHOENICS Version: 3.0
- The case was three dimensional, and the flow was steady.
- The geometry within the domain was created using PHOENICS-VR.
As the auditorium was very nearly symmetrical, only half of the
domain was modelled.
- The theatre includes balconies modelled as a series of stepped
Cartesian blockages, and a new object was created to model the
curved roof and stage.
- The computational domain is 33m long by 11.4m wide by 12.7m high,
a 60*20*50 cells Cartesian grid was used, and the Arbitrary Source
(or Solid) Allocation Procedure (ASAP) was used to map the non-
Cartesian elements of the geometry; e.g. the curved roof and stage.
- The domain is filled with air, and ideal gas law was used in
calculating pressure-temperature-density relationships. The roof,
floors and walls were modelled using a material with the following
properties; density: 1700kg/m***3, specific heat: 800J/kg/degK,
thermal conductivity: 0.62W/m/degK.
- The effects of gravity were included by way of sources of momentum
in the equations for the z component velocity using the built in
buoyancy facilities available in PHOENICS.
- The LVEL model of turbulence is used to close the
Reynolds-averaged Naviers-Stokes equations.
- The air supply under the balcony, on the long side of the theatre,
is introduced at 12degC. The incoming air velocity, from this long,
slot is fixed at 3m/s, giving a mass flow rate of about 2.5m***3/s.
- Further air is supplied under the seating, at the rear of the
auditorium only, at 18degC. The inflow supply rate is 0.7m***3/s,
providing by seven 70mm high inlets.
- The occupant and light gains were modelled using heat sources
respectively equivalent to 145W/m**2 and 50W/m**2.
- The ten outlets at the top of the domain were modelled as 500mm
long by 250mm wide fixed pressure openings.
The following illustrates the geometry and results.
1. PHOENICS-VR model of Hackney Central Hall
2. Temperature and velocity in a centrally-located cross-section
3. Temperature and velocity in the longitudinal plane of symmetry