TALK=T;RUN( 1, 1)
  This Q1 provides the input to PHOENICS which sets up a calculation
  of the quasi-steady flow around a walking man, represented by way of
  The LVEL model of turbulence  and PARSOL are used. 
  The following pictures display some of the results:
  streamlines around the man

velocity contours, showing how the man's presence causes a wake of lowered-velocity air:

1. longitudinal component behind the man,
2. longitudinal component in a waist-level horizontal plane,
3. longitudinal component in a vertical plane aligned with the direction of motion,
4. As for 2, but showing how PARSOL produces a smooth flow, even though the grid is coarse,
5. lateral component at the same plane,
6. vertical component at the same plane,

Various representations of the distance from the man's surface, used for the calculation of turbulence:
1. 2. 3.

Various other velocity contour diagrams from a similar laminar-flow calculation:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

   Q1 created by VDI menu, Version 3.3, Date 20/12/00
 IRUNN   =       1 ;LIBREF =       0
  Group 1. Run Title
 TEXT(Walking Man)
  Group 2. Transience
 STEADY  =    T
  Groups 3, 4, 5  Grid Information
    * Overall number of cells, RSET(M,NX,NY,NZ,tolerance)
    * Set overall domain extent:
    *        xulast  yvlast  zwlast
 XSI= 1.000000E+00; YSI= 5.000000E-01; ZSI= 1.000000E+00
  Group 6. Body-Fitted coordinates
  Group 7. Variables: STOREd,SOLVEd,NAMEd
 ONEPHS  =    T
    * Non-default variable names
 NAME(149) =WDIS ; NAME(150) =PRPS
    * Solved variables list
 SOLVE(P1  ,U1  ,V1  ,W1  )
    * Stored variables list
    * Additional solver options
  Group 8. Terms & Devices
  Group 9. Properties
 SETPRPS(1,  0)
 RHO1    = 1.189000E+00
 PRESS0  = 1.000000E+05
 TEMP0   = 2.730000E+02
 CP1     = 1.005000E+03
 ENUL    = 1.544000E-05
 DVO1DT  = 3.410000E-03
  Group 10.Inter-Phase Transfer Processes
  Group 11.Initialise Var/Porosity Fields
 FIINIT(U1  ) =  1.000000E+01 ;FIINIT(WDIS) =  5.000000E-02
   No PATCHes used for this Group
 INIADD  =    F
  Group 12. Convection and diffusion adjustments
   No PATCHes used for this Group
  Group 13. Boundary & Special Sources
   No PATCHes used for this Group
 EGWF    =    T
  Group 14. Downstream Pressure For PARAB
  Group 15. Terminate Sweeps
 LSWEEP  =     100
 RESFAC  = 1.000000E-03
  Group 16. Terminate Iterations
  Group 17. Relaxation
 RELAX(P1  ,LINRLX, 5.000000E-01)
 RELAX(U1  ,FALSDT, 1.000000E-01)
 RELAX(V1  ,FALSDT, 1.000000E-02)
 RELAX(W1  ,FALSDT, 1.000000E-02)
  Group 18. Limits
 VARMAX(U1  ) = 1.000000E+06 ;VARMIN(U1  ) =-1.000000E+06
 VARMAX(V1  ) = 1.000000E+06 ;VARMIN(V1  ) =-1.000000E+06
 VARMAX(W1  ) = 1.000000E+06 ;VARMIN(W1  ) =-1.000000E+06
  Group 19. EARTH Calls To GROUND Station
 USEGRD  =    T  ;USEGRX =    T
 ASAP    =    T
 PARSOL  =    T
 RADIA   = 0.000000E+00 ;RADIB  = 0.000000E+00
  Group 20. Preliminary Printout
 ECHO    =    T
  Group 21. Print-out of Variables
  Group 22. Monitor Print-Out
 IXMON   =      25 ;IYMON  =      20 ;IZMON  =      15
 NPRMON  =  100000
 NPRMNT  =       1
 TSTSWP  =      -1
  Group 23.Field Print-Out & Plot Control
 NPRINT  =  100000
 ISWPRF  =       1 ;ISWPRL =  100000
   No PATCHes used for this Group
  Group 24. Dumps For Restarts
 NOWIPE  =    T
> DOM,    SIZE,        1.000000E+00, 5.000000E-01, 1.000000E+00
> DOM,    MONIT,       4.900000E-01, 4.875000E-01, 4.833330E-01
> DOM,    SCALE,       1.000000E+00, 1.000000E+00, 1.000000E+00
> DOM,    SNAPSIZE,    1.000000E-02
> DOM,    RELAX,       5.000000E-01
> OBJ1,   NAME,        B1
> OBJ1,   POSITION,    1.800000E-01, 0.000000E+00, 0.000000E+00
> OBJ1,   SIZE,        8.000000E-01, 8.000000E-01, 8.000000E-01
> OBJ1,   CLIPART,     man2
> OBJ1,   ROTATION24,        1
> OBJ1,   TYPE,        BLOCKAGE
> OBJ1,   MATERIAL,      198
> OBJ2,   NAME,        B2
> OBJ2,   POSITION,    0.000000E+00, 0.000000E+00, 0.000000E+00
> OBJ2,   SIZE,        0.000000E+00, 5.000000E-01, 1.000000E+00
> OBJ2,   CLIPART,     cube3t
> OBJ2,   ROTATION24,        1
> OBJ2,   TYPE,        INLET
> OBJ2,   PRESSURE,      0.000000E+00
> OBJ2,   VELOCITY,      1.000000E+01, 0.000000E+00, 0.000000E+00
> OBJ2,   TEMPERATURE,   0.000000E+00
> OBJ3,   NAME,        B3
> OBJ3,   POSITION,    1.000000E+00, 0.000000E+00, 0.000000E+00
> OBJ3,   SIZE,        0.000000E+00, 5.000000E-01, 1.000000E+00
> OBJ3,   CLIPART,     cube12t
> OBJ3,   ROTATION24,        1
> OBJ3,   TYPE,        OUTLET
> OBJ3,   PRESSURE,      0.000000E+00
> OBJ3,   TEMPERATURE,  -1.026000E+04
> OBJ3,   COEFFICIENT,   1.000000E+03
 EX(P1  )=   9.422E+00  
 EX(U1  )=   1.008E+01  
 EX(V1  )=   3.818E-01  
 EX(W1  )=   4.053E-01  
 EX(LTLS)=   7.540E-08  
 EX(WDIS)=   3.826E-04  
 EX(PRPS)=   2.497E+00