TALK=F;RUN( 1, 1) CPVNAM=VDI;SPPNAM=Core GROUP 1. Run title and other preliminaries TEXT(2D Laminar B-Layer On A Hot Wall TITLE DISPLAY This run shows what happens in a boundary-layer flow adjacent to a heated wall. An expanding grid is used in the direction normal to the wall so as to match the growth of the boundary layer. Fixed, zero pressure boundary. W=1.0m/s Prescribed - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - mass inflow rate, -----> -----> -----> velocity -----> ----> ----> and -----> ---> --> enthalpy _________________________________________________ ^ ///////////////////////////////////////////////// y| Wall |---> z ENDDIS Users may like to try changing : the grid-expansion rate; the velocity of the fluid at the leading edge and the boundary values on the plate. GROUP 4. Y-direction grid specification GRDPWR(Y,20,5.0E-3,1.0) GROUP 5. Z-direction grid specification ** Z-direction distances GRDPWR(Z,40,0.1,1.0) REAL(Win,Hin,Hw,Vis,PRND) Win=1.0 Hin=1. Hw=0. Vis=1.E-5 PRND=0.7 GROUP 7. Variables stored, solved & named SOLVE(P1,V1,W1,H1) GROUP 8. Terms (in differential equations) & devices TERMS(H1,N,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y) USP = T UAUTO = F USPDBG = F UTCPLT = T USPVTK = T USPIMB = F MXLEV = 0 MYLEV = 0 MZLEV = 0 DOMAT = -1 MINPRP = -1 MAXPRP = 250 CELLST = 10 FACEST = 10 PARSOL = F mesg(Default values of problem are: mesg(Inlet velocity is :Win: m/s mesg(Inlet enthalpy is :Hin: J/kg mesg(Enthalpy on wall is :Hw: J/kg mesg(Viscosity is :Vis: m2/s mesg(Prandtl number is :PRND: mesg(Do you change default values? (y/n) readvdu(ans,char,n) if(:ans:.eq.y)then mesg(Enter inlet velocity readvdu(Win,real,Win) mesg(New value of inlet velocity is :Win: m/s mesg(Enter inlet enthalpy readvdu(Hin,real,Hin) mesg(New value of inlet enthalpy is :Hin: J/kg mesg(Enter enthalpy on wall readvdu(Hw,real,Hw) mesg(New value of enthalpy on wall is :Hw: J/kg mesg(Enter viscosity readvdu(Vis,real,Vis) mesg(New value of viscosity is :Vis: m2/s mesg(Enter Prandtl number readvdu(PRND,real,PRND) mesg(New value of Prandtl number is :PRND: endif GROUP 9. Properties of the medium (or media) ENUL=Vis PRNDTL(H1)=PRND GROUP 13. Boundary conditions and special sources ** South wall PATCH(plte,SWALL,1,1,1,1,1,NZ,1,1) COVAL(plte,H1,1.0,Hw) COVAL(plte,W1,1.0,0.0) ** Upstream boundary PATCH(UPSTREAM,LOW,1,1,1,NY,1,1,1,1) COVAL(UPSTREAM,P1,FIXFLU,RHO1*Win) COVAL(UPSTREAM,W1,0.,Win) COVAL(UPSTREAM,H1,0.,Hin) ** Downstream boundary PATCH(DSTREAM,HIGH,1,1,1,NY,NZ,NZ,1,1) COVAL(DSTREAM,P1,FIXVAL,0.) RELAX(P1,LINRLX,0.5) RELAX(U1,FALSDT,0.001) RELAX(V1,FALSDT,0.001) mesg(Do you want to use collocated arrangement (y) or staggered one (n)? (y/n) readvdu(ans,char,n) if(:ans:.eq.y)then SPEDAT(SET,USP,METHOD,I,1) RELAX(P1 ,LINRLX, 1.000000E-01) RELAX(U1 ,FALSDT, 1.000000E+02) RELAX(V1 ,FALSDT, 1.000000E+02) mesg(Do you want to use SIMPLEST (y) or SIMPLE (n)? (y/n) readvdu(ans,char,n) if(:ans:.eq.y)then SPEDAT(SET,USP,SIMPLEST,L,T) endif endif mesg(Do you want to view results in the centres of cells? (y/n) readvdu(ans,char,n) if(:ans:.eq.y)then SPEDAT(SET,USPIO,VERTCENT,L,F) endif LSWEEP = 10000 ENDIT(P1) = 1.e-4 LITER(P1)=200 ENDIT(H1) = 1.e-4 LITER(H1)=200 GROUP 22. Spot-value print-out IYMON=5; IZMON=5 GROUP 23. Field print-out and plot control NZPRIN=NZ/2 TSTSWP=-1 mesg(Do you want to use max&min(y) on monitor instead of default(n)? (y/n) readvdu(ans,char,n) if(:ans:.eq.y)then #maxmin endif selref=t; resfac=1.e-6 STOP