GROUP 1. Run title and other preliminaries TEXT(Pot. Flow; Perpendicular Plate. USP Test 12 #cls TITLE DISPLAY An inviscid fluid flows steadily in a direction normal to a flat plate. Since the potential-flow equation involves only diffusion- type terms, sources, convection and transient terms are switched off automatically within EARTH. The geometry of the problem is as follows: frictionless wall ----------------------------------------------------- --------> ----> --------> ----> ^ ----> Plate ----> | | y| ---------------------------|------------------------- | frictionless wall z---> The plate is introduced by the setting of PRPS=199 for the appropriate cells. ENDDIS #pause GROUPs 3, 4 and 5: grid specification nx=1; ny=40; nz=80 xulast=1.0; yvlast=4.0; zwlast=8.0 #unigrid GROUP 7. Variables stored, solved & named STORE(POT,PRPS,V1,W1); SOLUTN(POT,Y,Y,Y,N,N,N) Usp related variables USP = T UAUTO = F USPDBG = F UTCPLT = T USPVTK = T USPIMB = F MXLEV = 0 MYLEV = 0 MZLEV = 0 DOMAT = -1 MINPRP = -1 MAXPRP = 250 CELLST = 10 FACEST = 10 mesg(Do you want to view results in the centres of cells? (y/n) readvdu(ans,char,n) if(:ans:.eq.y)then SPEDAT(SET,USPIO,VERTCENT,L,F) endif GROUP 11. Initialization of variable or porosity fields FIINIT(PRPS)=-1.0 **Plate PATCH(PLATE,INIVAL,1,1,1,NY/4,NZ/2,NZ/2,1,1) INIT(PLATE,PRPS,FIXVAL,199) REAL(HEIGHT);INTEGER(IYTOP) mesga(Plate height = 0.5 * domain height. OK? mesg(If not, insert new factor READVDU(HEIGHT,REAL,0.5) IF(HEIGHT.GE.1.) THEN + HEIGHT=0.9 mesg(Factor has been re-set to 0.9 ENDIF HEIGHT=NY*HEIGHT; IYTOP = HEIGHT PATCH(PLATE,INIVAL,1,1,1,IYTOP,NZ/2,NZ/2,1,1) INIT(PLATE,PRPS,FIXVAL,199) GROUP 13. Boundary conditions and special sources **Upstream boundary PATCH(UPSTRM,LOW,1,1,1,NY,1,1,1,1) COVAL(UPSTRM,POT,FIXVAL,4.0) **Downstream boundary PATCH(DWNSTRM,HIGH,1,1,1,NY,NZ,NZ,1,1) COVAL(DWNSTRM,POT,FIXVAL,-4.0) GROUP 15. Termination of sweeps LSWEEP = 200 POTVEL=T GROUP 16. Termination of iterations LITER(POT)=500 SELREF = T; RESFAC =1.0E-15 ECHO=T;IZMON=NZ/3;IYMON=NY/2 TSTSWP=-1 NXPRIN= 1; NYPRIN=1 GROUP 24. Dumps for restart STOP