L(W895) TEXT(WATER DISPLACED BY AIR FROM ABOVE :W894 TITLE DISPLAY Case 894 is similar to case 895; but the air supply is at the top of the pipe rather than at the bottom. Interestingly, convergence proves harder to obtain for this case, in which the air and water travel in the same direction, than in case 895, in which the flow directions were opposed. So heavier under-relaxation, and a larger number of sweeps, are employed. ENDDIS PATCH(AIRIN,NORTH,1,1,NY,NY,1,1,1,LSTEP) LSWEEP=100;SELREF=T;RESFAC=1.E-6 RELAX(GAS,LINRLX,0.1);RELAX(LIQ,LINRLX,0.1) TSTSWP=LSWEEP-1;iymon=ny-1