photon use p;; gr ou z 1;use patgeo msg heavy-phase volume fraction con r2 z 1 fi;0.01; pause;con off;red msg pressure con p1 z 1 fi;0.01; pause;con off;red msg light-phase enthalpy con h1 z 1 fi;0.01; pause;con off;red msg heavy-phase enthalpy con h2 z 1 fi;0.01; pause;con off;red msg velocity vectors vec z 1 sh; pause;vec off;red msg Press e to END enduse l($w574 ans=y mesg(use equvel? (Y/n) readvdu(ans,char,y) if(:ans:.eq.y) then l(equalvel) endif TEXT(W574 with heat transfer; EQUVEL=:equvel: : W576 TITLE SOLVE(H1,H2); FIINIT(H1)=1.0; FIINIT(H2)=2.0 VALUE(INLET,h1,FIINIT(H1));VALUE(INLET,h2,FIINIT(H2)) TERMS(H1,N,P,P,P,P,P);TERMS(H2,N,P,P,P,P,P) CINT(H1)=1.E-2; CINT(H2)=1.E-2