PHOTON USE p phi 10 1 msg grid (scale enlarged 10 times in y direction) gr x 1 msg Pressto continue pause cl msg 1st-phase (dense fluid) velocity vectors vec x 1 sh gr ou x 1 msg Press to continue pause cl msg contour of pressure con p1 x 1 fi;0.002 gr ou x 1 msg Press to continue pause cl msg contour of 1st-phase (dense fluid) volume fraction con r1 x 1 fi;0.002 gr ou x 1 msg Press to continue pause cl msg contour of 1st-phase (dense fluid) enthalpy con h1 x 1 fi;0.002 gr ou x 1 msg Press to continue pause cl msg contour of 2nd-phase (light fluid) enthalpy con h2 x 1 fi;0.002 gr ou x 1 msg Press e to END enduse GROUP 1. Run title and other preliminaries TEXT(2D STEADY BOILING IN PIPE: W370 TITLE GROUP 3. X-direction grid specification CARTES=F;XULAST=0.1 GROUP 4. Y-direction grid specification IREGY=1; GRDPWR(Y,5,0.00587,1.0) GROUP 5. Z-direction grid specification NREGZ=2 IREGZ=1; GRDPWR(Z,2,0.15,1.0) IREGZ=2; GRDPWR(Z,3,0.225,1.0) GROUP 7. Variables stored, solved & named ONEPHS=F SOLVE(P1,V1,V2,W1,W2,R1,R2,H1,H2) ** Provide storage for inter-phase mass transfer STORE(MDOT) GROUP 9. Properties of the medium (or media) PRNDTL(R1)=1.E10;PRNDTL(R2)=1.E10 RHO1=749.94;RHO2=35.55 GROUP 10. Inter-phase-transfer processes and properties ** Set a constant inter-phase friction coefficient and activate the computation of inter-phase mass transfer by means of a heat balance. CFIPS=2500.0;CMDOT=HEATBL ** Set the inter-phase heat transfer coefficients. CINT(H1)=1.E1;CINT(H2)=1.E1 ** Set the enthalpy values at the interface. PHINT(H1)=0.;PHINT(H2)=1.513E+6 GROUP 11. Initialization of variable or porosity fields FIINIT(W1)=2.0;FIINIT(W2)=2.0;FIINIT(R1)=0.9999 FIINIT(R2)=1.E-4 FIINIT(H1)=0.0;FIINIT(H2)=1.513E6;FIINIT(MDOT)=0.0 GROUP 13. Boundary conditions and special sources ** Inlet at bottom PATCH(INLET,LOW,#1,#1,#1,#NREGY,#1,#1,1,1) COVAL(INLET,P1,FIXFLU,1500.0);COVAL(INLET,W1,ONLYMS,2.0) COVAL(INLET,H1,ONLYMS,-0.06E6) ** Heated wall PATCH(HEATER,NORTH,#1,#1,#NREGY,#NREGY,#2,#2,1,1) COVAL(HEATER,H1,FIXFLU,1.366E6) ** Gravity PATCH(BUOYANCY,PHASEM,1,1,1,NY,1,NZ,1,1) COVAL(BUOYANCY,W1,FIXFLU,-9.81);COVAL(BUOYANCY,W2,FIXFLU,-9.81) ** Outlet PATCH(OUTLET,HIGH,#1,#1,#1,#NREGY,#NREGZ,#NREGZ,1,1) COVAL(OUTLET,P1,FIXP,0.0);COVAL(OUTLET,P2,FIXP,0.0) COVAL(OUTLET,W1,ONLYMS,0.0);COVAL(OUTLET,W2,ONLYMS,0.0) COVAL(OUTLET,H1,ONLYMS,SAME);COVAL(OUTLET,H2,ONLYMS,SAME) GROUP 15. Termination of sweeps LSWEEP=25 RESREF(P1)=1.E-5;RESREF(V1)=1.E-4 RESREF(V2)=1.E-4;RESREF(W1)=1.E-4 RESREF(W1)=1.E-4;RESREF(H1)=1.E-4 RESREF(H1)=1.E-4;RESREF(R1)=1.E-4 RESREF(R1)=1.E-4 GROUP 17. Under-relaxation devices RELAX(V1,FALSDT,0.1);RELAX(V2,FALSDT,0.1) RELAX(W1,FALSDT,0.1);RELAX(W2,FALSDT,0.1) RELAX(R1,LINRLX,0.25);RELAX(R2,LINRLX,0.25) RELAX(MDOT,LINRLX,0.1);RELAX(H1,FALSDT,1.0) RELAX(H2,FALSDT,1.0) GROUP 22. Spot-value print-out IYMON=5;IZMON=1 GROUP 23. Field print-out and plot control ICHR=1;IPLTL=100;NPLT=2;TSTSWP=-1 PATCH(CONT,CONTUR,1,1,1,NY,1,NZ,1,1) PLOT(CONT,R1,0.0,10.0);PLOT(CONT,W1,0.0,10.0) PLOT(CONT,W2,0.0,10.0)