TALK=T;RUN( 1, 1) ** LOAD(x309) from the x Input Library TEXT(Realisable KE_2D Elliptic Round Free Jet: T309 TITLE DISPLAY The problem considered is the submerged free turbulent round jet in stagnant surroundings. The jet issues from a pipe of diameter D at a Reynolds number of 38,500. The calculation is carried out with the elliptic solver for a domain which is 30D long by 7.5D wide. Calculations are performed with the standard, Chen-Kim, RNG and Realisable k-e variants. Simulations are also made with the 1988 & 2008 Wilcox k-w models, the Menter k-w model and the k-w SST variant. The experimental data indicate a velocity half-width spreading rate of 0.086 in the self-similar region of the jet. The present calculations predict the following spreading rates: data KE CK RNG RKE KW KWR KWM KWS dyh/dz 0.086 0.111 0.107 0.167 0.10 0.077 0.082 0.119 0.119 Apart from the Wilcox 2008 k-w model, all other models seriously overestimate the measured spreading rate, and especially the standard k-w model and the RNG k-e model. The realisable k-e model is reported to predict the correct spreading rate, but here the improvement over the standard k-e model isn't remarkable. This needs further investigation. The value reported above for the Wilcox 1988 model was obtained with a 40% reduction in the value of C2w in the w-equation. It should be mentioned that the results reported here have not been subjected to a grid-sensitivity test. The half-width spreading rate is calculated approximately using In-Form commands and then written to the text-output file named inforout. ENDDIS GROUP 1. Run title and other preliminaries REAL(WINJ,WIN_FS,KE_FS,EP_FS,KEINJ,EPINJ,DIAM,PRADO,PRADI,CD) REAL(OM_FS,OMINJ,LAMVIS,ENUT_FS,TINJ,TIN_FS,REYNO) BOOLEAN(KWMOD);KWMOD=F REYNO=3.85E4 DIAM=0.058;PRADI=0.5*DIAM;PRADO=15.*PRADI CD=0.1643 ** jet-inflow conditions WINJ=20.;TINJ=0.05 KEINJ=(TINJ*WINJ)**2; EPINJ=CD*KEINJ**1.5/(0.1*PRADI) ** laminar kinematic viscosity LAMVIS=WINJ*DIAM/REYNO ** free-stream conditions WIN_FS=WINJ/100.;TIN_FS=0.05 ENUT_FS=LAMVIS KE_FS=(TIN_FS*WIN_FS)**2;EP_FS=0.09*KE_FS**2/ENUT_FS GROUP 3. X-direction grid specification CARTES=F;XULAST=0.1 GROUP 4. Y-direction grid specification INTEGER(NYF,NYO,NYG) NYF=10;NYO=50;NYG=NYF+NYO NREGY=2;NY=46 IREGY=1;GRDPWR(Y,NYF,PRADI,1.0) IREGY=2;GRDPWR(Y,NYO,-(PRADO-PRADI),1.04) GROUP 5. Z-direction grid specification NZ=120;GRDPWR(Z,NZ,-(30.*DIAM),1.01) GROUP 7. Variables stored, solved & named SOLVE(P1,V1,W1);STORE(ENUT) SOLUTN(P1,P,P,Y,P,P,P);SOLUTN(V1,P,P,P,P,P,N) SOLUTN(W1,P,P,P,P,P,N) CHAR(CTURB) MESG( Enter the required turbulence model: MESG( KE - Standard k-e model MESG( CK - Chen Kim k-e model MESG( RNG - RNG k-e model MESG( RKE - Realisable k-e model (default) MESG( KW - Wilcox 1988 k-w model MESG( KWR - Wilcox 2008 k-w model MESG( KWM - Menter 1992 k-w model MESG( KWS - k-w SST model MESG( READVDU(CTURB,CHAR,RKE) CASE :CTURB: OF WHEN KE,2 + TEXT(Standard KE_2D Elliptic Round Free Jet + MESG(Standard k-e model + TURMOD(KEMODL) WHEN CK,2 + TEXT(Chen-Kim KE_2D Elliptic Round Free Jet + MESG(Chen Kim k-e model + TURMOD(KECHEN) WHEN RNG,3 + TEXT(RNG KE_2D Elliptic Round Free Jet + MESG(RNG k-e model + TURMOD(KERNG) WHEN RKE,3 + TEXT(Realisable KE_2D Elliptic Round Free Jet + MESG(RK k-e model + TURMOD(KEREAL) + STORE(CMU,C1E) + OUTPUT(CMU,P,P,P,P,Y,Y);OUTPUT(C1E,P,P,P,P,Y,Y) WHEN KW,2 + TEXT(Wilcox 1988 k-w Elliptic Round Free Jet + MESG(Wilcox 1988 k-w model + TURMOD(KOMODL);KWMOD=T + STORE(EP);OMINJ=EPINJ/(0.09*KEINJ) + OM_FS=EP_FS/(0.09*KE_FS) ** use enut_fs=0.1*enu_lam + OM_FS=KE_FS/(0.01*LAMVIS) ** lower C2f to reduce excessive jet spreading + SPEDAT(KECONST,C2E,R,0.6*0.075) WHEN KWR,3 + TEXT(Wilcox 2008 k-w Elliptic Round Free Jet + MESG(Wilcox 2008 k-w model + TURMOD(KWMODLR);KWMOD=T;FIINIT(FBP)=1.0 + OMINJ=EPINJ/(0.09*KEINJ) + OM_FS=EP_FS/(0.09*KE_FS) WHEN KWM,3 TEXT(Menter k-w 2D Elliptic Round Free Jet + MESG(Menter 1992 k-w model + TURMOD(KWMENTER);KWMOD=T + OMINJ=EPINJ/(0.09*KEINJ) + OM_FS=EP_FS/(0.09*KE_FS) + STORE(CDWS,SIGK,SIGW) WHEN KWS,3 TEXT(SST k-w 2D Elliptic Round Free Jet + MESG(Menter 1992 k-w SST model + TURMOD(KWSST);KWMOD=T + OMINJ=EPINJ/(0.09*KEINJ) + OM_FS=EP_FS/(0.09*KE_FS) + STORE(CDWS,SIGK,SIGW) ENDCASE STORE(LEN1) GROUP 8. Terms (in differential equations) & devices GROUP 9. Properties of the medium (or media) ENUL=LAMVIS GROUP 11. Initialization of variable or porosity fields FIINIT(W1)=WIN_FS PATCH(INIT,INIVAL,1,NX,1,NYF,1,NZ,1,LSTEP) INIT(INIT,W1,0.0,WINJ); FIINIT(KE)=KEINJ;FIINIT(EP)=EPINJ GROUP 13. Boundary conditions and special sources ** Jet Inlet Conditions INLET(IN1,LOW,1,NX,1,NYF,1,1,1,LSTEP) VALUE(IN1,P1,RHO1*WINJ); VALUE(IN1,W1,WINJ) VALUE(IN1,KE,KEINJ);VALUE(IN1,EP,EPINJ) IF(KWMOD) THEN +VALUE(IN1,OMEG,OMINJ);FIINIT(OMEG)=OMINJ ENDIF ** Free Boundary Conditions INLET(IN2,LOW,1,NX,#2,#2,1,1,1,LSTEP) VALUE(IN2,P1,RHO1*WIN_FS);VALUE(IN2,W1,WIN_FS) VALUE(IN2,KE,KE_FS);VALUE(IN2,EP,EP_FS) IF(KWMOD) THEN +VALUE(IN2,OMEG,OM_FS) ENDIF PATCH(FREEB,NORTH,1,NX,NYG,NYG,1,NZ,1,LSTEP) COVAL(FREEB,W1,ONLYMS,WIN_FS) COVAL(FREEB,KE,ONLYMS,KE_FS);COVAL(FREEB,EP,ONLYMS,EP_FS) COVAL(FREEB,P1,1.E4,0.0) IF(KWMOD) THEN +VALUE(FREEB,OMEG,OM_FS) ENDIF OUTLET(OUT,HIGH,1,NX,1,NYG,NZ,NZ,1,LSTEP) COVAL(OUT,P1,1.E4,0.0) VALUE(OUT,V1,0.0); VALUE(OUT,W1,0.0) VALUE(OUT,KE,0.0);VALUE(OUT,EP,0.0) IF(KWMOD) THEN +VALUE(OUT,OMEG,OM_FS) ENDIF GROUP 15. Termination of sweeps LSWEEP=1000 GROUP 16. Termination of iterations GROUP 17. Under-relaxation devices IF(.NOT.KWMOD) THEN + KELIN=3 ENDIF REAL(RLXFAC); RLXFAC=8.*ZWLAST/WINJ/NZ RELAX(V1,FALSDT,RLXFAC); RELAX(W1,FALSDT,RLXFAC) RELAX(KE,LINRLX,0.4); RELAX(EP,LINRLX,0.4) CASE :CTURB: OF WHEN RKE,3 + RELAX(KE,FALSDT,RLXFAC); RELAX(EP,FALSDT,RLXFAC) + RELAX(ENUT,LINRLX,0.2);VARMAX(ENUT)=0.1 WHEN KW,2 +RLXFAC=ZWLAST/WINJ/NZ +RELAX(V1,FALSDT,4.*RLXFAC);RELAX(W1,FALSDT,4.*RLXFAC) +RELAX(EP,LINRLX,1.0);RELAX(ENUT,LINRLX,0.25) +RELAX(KE,FALSDT,4.*RLXFAC);RELAX(OMEG,FALSDT,4.*RLXFAC) +LSWEEP=1800 +OUTPUT(EP,P,P,P,P,Y,Y) WHEN KWR,3 +RLXFAC=ZWLAST/WINJ/NZ +RELAX(V1,FALSDT,4.*RLXFAC);RELAX(W1,FALSDT,4.*RLXFAC) +RELAX(EP,LINRLX,1.0);RELAX(ENUT,LINRLX,0.25) +RELAX(KE,FALSDT,4.*RLXFAC);RELAX(OMEG,FALSDT,4.*RLXFAC) +LSWEEP=1800 +OUTPUT(EP,P,P,P,P,Y,Y) WHEN KWM,3 +RLXFAC=ZWLAST/WINJ/NZ +RELAX(V1,FALSDT,4.*RLXFAC);RELAX(W1,FALSDT,4.*RLXFAC) +RELAX(EP,LINRLX,1.0);RELAX(ENUT,LINRLX,0.25) +RELAX(KE,FALSDT,4.*RLXFAC);RELAX(OMEG,FALSDT,4.*RLXFAC) +LSWEEP=1800 +OUTPUT(EP,P,P,P,P,Y,Y) WHEN KWS,3 +RLXFAC=ZWLAST/WINJ/NZ +RELAX(V1,FALSDT,4.*RLXFAC);RELAX(W1,FALSDT,4.*RLXFAC) +RELAX(EP,LINRLX,1.0);RELAX(ENUT,LINRLX,0.25) +RELAX(KE,FALSDT,4.*RLXFAC);RELAX(OMEG,FALSDT,4.*RLXFAC) +LSWEEP=1800 +OUTPUT(EP,P,P,P,P,Y,Y) ENDCASE GROUP 18. Limits on variables or increments to them GROUP 20. Preliminary print-out ECHO=T GROUP 21. Print-out of variables NYPRIN=1 GROUP 22. Spot-value print-out TSTSWP=-1 IYMON=NYF+2;IZMON=NZ-1;NPLT=10;ITABL=3;NZPRIN=1 SPEDAT(SET,GXMONI,PLOTALL,L,T) GROUP 23. Field print-out and plot control GROUP 24. Dumps for restarts ** compute jet half-width at each axial station -------------------------------------------- (stored of WH is 0.5*W1[&1&] ) (stored of YGP is YG) PATCH(HWIDTH,CELL,1,NX,1,NY,1,NZ-1,1,LSTEP) (stored of YH is 0.0) (stored of YH at HWIDTH is YGP with IF(W1.GE.WH.AND.W1[,+1,].LE.WH)) ** compute jet half-width spreading rate by sampling two axial stations -------------------------------------------------------------------- ** first axial station INTEGER(IZ1);IZ1=3*NZ/4 PATCH(HWIDTH1,CELL,1,NX,2,NY-1,IZ1,IZ1,1,LSTEP) (make1 YH1) (store1 of YH1 at HWIDTH1 is MAX(YH,1.1E-10)) (print YH1 is YH1) ** second axial station PATCH(HWIDTH2,CELL,1,NX,2,NY-1,NZ-1,NZ-1,1,LSTEP) (make1 YH2) (store1 of YH2 at HWIDTH2 is MAX(YH,1.1E-10)) (print YH2 is YH2) ** jet half-width spreading rate (make1 DYHDZ) (stored of ZGM is ZG) (store1 of DYHDZ is (YH2-YH1)/(ZGM[,1,NZ-1]-ZGM[,1,:IZ1:])) (print DYHDZ IS DYHDZ) ** check using ground coding in public ground.for LG(1)=T STORE(YHLF) (make1 yhjet) (store1 yhjet is (YHLF[,1,NZ-1]-YHLF[,1,:IZ1:])/(ZGM[,1,NZ-1]-ZGM[,1,:IZ1:])) (print yhjet is yhjet) ** generate axial .csv file named IY1.csv ** compute jet half width & store at jet axis for profile plot (make1 YH0D is 0) (store1 of YH0D at HWIDTH is YGP with IF(W1.GE.WH.AND.W1[,+1,].LE.WH)) (stored of YH3D is YH0D) PATCH(IY1,PROFIL,1,1,1,1,1,NZ-1,1,1) PLOT(IY1,W1,0.0,0.0);PLOT(IY1,KE,0.0,0.0);PLOT(IY1,YH3D,0.0,0.0) RESFAC=1.E-4 DISTIL=T CASE :CTURB: OF WHEN KE,2 +EX(P1 )=9.599E-02;EX(V1 )=1.382E-01 +EX(W1 )=3.588E+00;EX(KE )=2.341E+00 +EX(EP )=1.389E+02;EX(ZGM )=7.009E-01 +EX(YH )=1.195E-03;EX(YGP )=1.437E-01 +EX(WH )=6.250E+00;EX(EPKE)=1.994E+01 +EX(ENUT)=9.597E-03;EX(YH3D)=7.315E-02 +EX(LEN1)=1.389E-02 WHEN CK,2 +EX(P1 )=7.320E-02;EX(V1 )=1.227E-01 +EX(W1 )=3.723E+00;EX(KE )=2.074E+00 +EX(EP )=1.291E+02;EX(ZGM )=7.009E-01 +EX(YH )=9.887E-04;EX(YGP )=1.437E-01 +EX(WH )=6.880E+00;EX(EPKE)=2.261E+01 +EX(ENUT)=8.212E-03;EX(YH3D)=6.058E-02 +EX(LEN1)=1.448E-02 WHEN RNG,3 +EX(P1 )=1.099E-01;EX(V1 )=1.431E-01 +EX(W1 )=3.536E+00;EX(KE )=2.441E+00 +EX(EP )=1.281E+02;EX(ZGM )=7.009E-01 +EX(YH )=1.303E-03;EX(YGP )=1.437E-01 +EX(WH )=6.298E+00;EX(EPKE)=2.038E+01 +EX(ENUT)=1.253E-02;EX(YH3D)=8.003E-02 +EX(LEN1)=1.620E-02 WHEN RKE,3 +EX(P1 )=1.305E-01;EX(V1 )=1.469E-01 +EX(W1 )=3.445E+00;EX(KE )=2.526E+00 +EX(EP )=1.544E+02;EX(ZGM )=7.009E-01 +EX(YH )=1.415E-03;EX(YGP )=1.437E-01 +EX(WH )=5.621E+00;EX(C1E )=4.774E-01 +EX(DWDZ)=4.708E+00;EX(DWDY)=5.334E+01 +EX(DVDZ)=7.864E-01;EX(DVDY)=4.056E+00 +EX(DUDX)=2.478E+00;EX(EPKE)=1.887E+01 +EX(CMU )=1.103E-01;EX(ENUT)=1.300E-02 +EX(YH3D)=8.649E-02;EX(LEN1)=1.269E-02 WHEN KW,2 +EX(P1 )=9.930E-01;EX(V1 )=1.183E-01 +EX(W1 )=1.265E+00;EX(KE )=9.985E+00 +EX(EP )=5.880E+02;EX(YH3D)=2.467E-01 +EX(ZGM )=7.009E-01;EX(YH )=4.057E-03 +EX(YGP )=1.437E-01;EX(WH )=1.289E+00 +EX(LEN1)=3.344E-02;EX(OMEG)=1.116E+02 +EX(ENUT)=3.202E-02 WHEN KWR,3 +EX(P1 )=1.653E-01;EX(V1 )=1.550E-01 +EX(W1 )=3.359E+00;EX(KE )=3.095E+00 +EX(YH3D)=8.553E-02 +EX(ZGM )=7.009E-01;EX(LEN1)=2.541E-02 +EX(DWDZ)=4.919E+00;EX(DWDY)=4.797E+01 +EX(DVDZ)=1.216E+00;EX(DVDY)=4.177E+00 +EX(DUDX)=2.592E+00;EX(GEN1)=1.750E+04 +EX(FBP )=8.659E-01;EX(XWP )=4.811E+02 +EX(OMEG)=1.757E+02;EX(ENUT)=1.250E-02 +EX(LEN1)=1.945E-02;EX(WH )=5.212E+00 +EX(EP )=1.703E+02;EX(YH3D)=8.322E-02 +EX(YH )=1.363E-03;EX(YGP )=1.437E-01 WHEN KWM,3 +EX(P1 )=1.519E-01;EX(V1 )=1.564E-01 +EX(W1 )=3.351E+00;EX(KE )=2.869E+00 +EX(EP )=1.694E+02;EX(YH3D)=9.558E-02 +EX(ZGM )=7.009E-01;EX(YH )=1.518E-03 +EX(YGP )=1.437E-01;EX(WH )=5.219E+00 +EX(OMEG)=1.898E+02;EX(ENUT)=1.240E-02 +EX(LEN1)=1.651E-02;EX(YH3D)=9.256E-02 +EX(SIGW)=1.168E+00;EX(SIGK)=1.000E+00 +EX(CDWS)=5.716E+03 WHEN KWS,3 +EX(P1 )=1.462E-01;EX(V1 )=1.551E-01 +EX(W1 )=3.380E+00;EX(KE )=2.804E+00 +EX(EP )=1.654E+02;EX(YH3D)=9.369E-02 +EX(ZGM )=7.009E-01;EX(YH )=1.490E-03 +EX(YGP )=1.437E-01;EX(WH )=5.331E+00 +EX(GEN1)=1.638E+04;EX(CDWS)=5.849E+03 +EX(OMEG)=1.928E+02;EX(ENUT)=1.197E-02 +EX(LEN1)=1.605E-02;EX(YH3D)=9.113E-02 +EX(SIGW)=1.168E+00;EX(SIGK)=1.000E+00 ENDCASE LIBREF = 309 STOP