TALK=f;RUN(1,1) ************************************************************ Group 1. Run Title and Number ************************************************************ TEXT(1/2/3D thermal stress in a cube; s352 INTEGER(CASENO) ! start of menu mesg(thermal stress in a cube [Boley and Weiner's test] mesg(case with Boundary Flow-layers mesg(caseno 1 : 1D(X) mesg(caseno 2 : 1D(Y) mesg(caseno 3 : 1D(Z) mesg(caseno 4 : 2D(x,y) mesg(caseno 5 : 2D(x,z) mesg(caseno 6 : 2D(y,z) mesg(caseno 7 : 3D(x,y,z) caseno=1 mesgm(caseno = :caseno: Enter another if not OK readvdu(caseno, int, 1) caseno NX =1 NY = 1 NZ = 1 if(caseno.eq.1.or.caseno.eq.4) then NX = 10 endif if(caseno.eq.5.or.caseno.eq.7) then NX = 10 endif if(caseno.eq.2.or.caseno.eq.4) then NY = 10 endif if(caseno.eq.6.or.caseno.eq.7) then NY = 10 endif if(caseno.eq.3.or.caseno.eq.5) then NZ = 10 endif if(caseno.eq.6.or.caseno.eq.7) then NZ = 10 endif ************************************************************ Group 2. Time dependence STEADY = T ************************************************************ Group 3. X-Direction Grid Spacing CARTES = t XULAST = 1.0 XFRAC ( 1) = 1.000000E+00 ************************************************************ Group 4. Y-Direction Grid Spacing YVLAST = 1.0 ************************************************************ Group 5. Z-Direction Grid Spacing ZWLAST = 1.000000E+00 #UNIGRID ************************************************************ Group 7. Variables: STOREd,SOLVEd,NAMEd ONEPHS = T SOLVE(P1,U1,V1,W1) if(nx.eq.1) then solutn(u1,n,n,n,n,n,n) endif if(ny.eq.1) then solutn(v1,n,n,n,n,n,n) endif if(nz.eq.1) then solutn(w1,n,n,n,n,n,n) endif STORE(TEM1,u1/t,v1/t,w1/t) STORE(PRPS,DEN1,ENUL,DVO1,DRH1) STORE(EPST,STRX,EPSX,STRY,EPSY) STORE(STRZ,EPSZ) inform7begin inform7end GROUP 8. ITERATION NUMBERS ETC RESREF(u1)=0.0 RESREF(V1)=0.0 RESREF(w1)=0.0 RESREF(TEM1)=0.0 ************************************************************ GROUP 9. PROPERTIES CSG10='Q1' MATFLG=T;NMAT=1 160 7800.0 0.3 473.0 43.0 1.0e-5 0.5E-11 ************************************************************ GROUP 11. INITIAL VALUES FIINIT(PRPS)=0 PATCH(block,INIVAL,2,nx-1,2,NY-1,2,nz-1,1,1) INIT (block,PRPS,FIXVAL,160) inform11begin char(formt,formu,formv,formw) real(aa,bb,cc,dd,al) ! Boley and Weiner's constants al=1.0e-5 ! to conform with the matflg line if( then aa=-0.5*xulast bb=1.0 endif if( then aa=-0.5*yvlast cc=1.0 endif if( then aa=-0.5*zwlast dd=1.0 endif formt=:aa:+:bb:*xg+:cc:*yg+:dd:*zg (initial of TEM1 at BLOCK is :formt:) inform11end ************************************************************ GROUP 13. BOUNDARY & SPECIAL SOURCES inform13begin if( then formu=:al:*((:aa:+:bb:*xu+:cc:*yg+:dd:*zg)*xu-$ .5*:bb:*(xu^2+yg^2+zg^2)) (stored var u1th is :formu: with swps) (stored var u1/t is u1/u1th) endif if( then formv=:al:*((:aa:+:bb:*xg+:cc:*yv+:dd:*zg)*yv-$ .5*:cc:*(xg^2+yv^2+zg^2)) (stored var v1th is :formv: with swps) (stored var v1/t is v1/v1th) endif if( then formw=:al:*((:aa:+:bb:*xg+:cc:*yg+:dd:*zw)*zw-$ .5*:dd:*(xg^2+yg^2+zw^2)) (stored var w1th is :formw: with swps) (stored var w1/t is w1/w1th) endif PATCH(FIXMOV,VOLUME,nx/2,nx/2,ny/2,ny/2,nz/2,nz/2,1,1) if( then (source of u1 at FIXMOV is COVAL(1.e4,:FormU:)) endif if( then (source of v1 at FIXMOV is COVAL(1.e4,:FormV:)) endif if( then (source of w1 at FIXMOV is COVAL(1.e4,:FormW:)) endif PATCH(dmn,cell,1,NX,1,ny,1,nz,1,1) ! via COVAL(DMN,p1,FIXVAL,0) inform13end spedat(boundary,xconst,r,1.e20) ! 1.e20 means surface is fixed spedat(boundary,zconst,r,1.e20) spedat(boundary,xconst,r,0) ! 0 means surface is fixed spedat(boundary,zconst,r,0) ************************************************************ GROUP 15. TERMINATE SWEEPS LSWEEP = 200 ISG21=LSWEEP ************************************************************ GROUP 17. RELAXATION #CONPROM relax(tem1,linrlx,1.0) ************************************************************ GROUP 19. DATA TRANSMITTED TO GROUND STRA = T ************************************************************ GROUP 23.FIELD PRINT-OUT & PLOT CONTROL NYPRIN=1 NXPRIN=1 TSTSWP=-1 output(drh1,n,n,n,n,n,n) output(dvo1,n,n,n,n,n,n) output(den1,n,n,n,n,n,n) output(enul,n,n,n,n,n,n) output(prps,n,n,n,n,n,n) output(strz,n,n,n,n,n,n) output(strx,n,n,n,n,n,n) output(stry,n,n,n,n,n,n) output(v1th,n,n,n,n,n,n) output(u1th,n,n,n,n,n,n) output(w1th,n,n,n,n,n,n) output(epsx,n,n,n,n,n,n) output(epsy,n,n,n,n,n,n) output(epsz,n,n,n,n,n,n) ISG52 = 3 ! probe & res #ENDPAUSE IXMON = NX-1 IYMON = NY-1 IZMON = NZ-1 STOP