#$r002 PHOTON USE AUTOPLOT file phi 5 cl da 1 tem1 col 3; blb2 1 sca y 965 1000 le y 968 k 13 0.61593E+03 0.28080E+04 a 0.38113E+04 0.63161E+03 CR 0.38113E+04 0.63161E+03 x r msg Temperature profile msg Analytical solution shows that Tw=968K (distance 1.0) msg orange line - analytical solution msg blue squares - PHOENICS solution ENDUSE * GROUP 1. Run identifiers and other preliminaries. TEXT(1-D Y-DIRECTION SHELL SURFACE: R105 TITLE DISPLAY The features in this case are: * Internal surface-to-surface radiation * External linear heat transfer from a surface The external linear transfer coefficient is 10 W/m2/K * Heat conduction __________________________ /| |/<---TW /| |/ Te=293K /| AIR |/ /| PRPS=0 |/ /|<---Radiative zone 1 |/<---Radiative zone 2 /| |/ /|<---TL=1000K |/ |________________________ | ----------> Y length of domain = 1.0 m, height of domain = 1.0m The problem is steady, one-dimensional and convection is absent. The surface temperature at the left side is 1000K. The surface at the right side has a heat-transfer coefficient of 10W/m^2/K to an external temperature of 293K. The surface temperature of the right side, Tw, is calculated. The PHOENICS solution can be compared with the analytical solution which shows that TS=968K , and the external heat transfer rate=6.750kW ENDDIS ************************************************************ * User declared Real variables * GROUP 4. y-direction grid specification. NREGY=1;REGEXT(Y,5.0000E-01) IREGY=1;GRDPWR(Y,4,1.,-1.60) * GROUP 7. Variables (including porosities) named, * stored & solved. SOLVE(TEM1);SOLUTN(TEM1,Y,Y,Y,N,N,Y) STORE(PRPS) * GROUP 9. Properties of the medium (or media). SETPRPS(1,0) PRESS0=1.0000E+05; TEMP0=0 * GROUP 11. Initialization of fields of variables, * porosities, etc. FIINIT(TEM1)=293. * GROUP 13. Boundary conditions and special sources * WALL boundary condition, name TFIXR to set the fixed TL for the conductive boundary condition PATCH(TFIXR,SWALL,1,1,1,1,1,1,#1,#NREGT) COVAL(TFIXR,TEM1,1.,1000.) * Radiative zones have PATCH name of the form @RI###, ### are digits indicating the zone number. @RI indicates that the PATCH is for an internal radiating zone. * Radiation zone 1. This zone is located at the left wall and has a fixed temperature boundary condition. The COefficient is set to 0.0 and VALue to the required temperature. PATCH(@RI001,SOUTH,1,1,1,1,1,1,#1,#NREGT) COVAL(@RI001,TEM1,0.0,1000.) * Radiation zone 2. This zone is located at the right wall and has a calculated temperature. The COefficient is set to GRND2 and VALue set to the imposed heat flux. PATCH(@RI002,NORTH,1,2,4,4,1,1,#1,#nregt) COVAL(@RI002,TEM1,GRND2,0) * Radiation zone 2 also loses heat convectively to an external temperature. The PATCH name for the external radiation heat transfer must start with @EL, and has to be of type area. CO is set to the heat transfer coefficient, and VAL to the external temperature. PATCH(@EL001,NORTH,1,2,4,4,1,1,#1,#1) COVAL(@EL001,TEM1,10.,293) * GROUP 15. Termination criteria for sweeps and LSWEEP=10;TSTSWP=-1 * GROUP 16. Termination criteria for inner iterations. RESREF(TEM1)=1.E-12*55000. S2SR=T LIBREF = 105 spedat(set,cvd,radcvd,l,t) STOP