Load core-library case 244, which concerns laminar flow with heat transfer in a circular-sectioned pipe LOAD(244) text(Laminar pipe flow with non-linear resistance :Z244 DISPLAY Use PLANT to create a flow resistance proportional to W1**1.8 in the central section of the pipe ENDDIS PHOTON USE p phi 4 1 view -x msg picture is enlarged 4 times in y direction gr ou x 1 msg contours of concentration of material with Pr = 10.0 con c x 1 fi;0.0001;pause;con off; red msg contours of concentration of material with Pr = 0.1 con b x 1 fi;0.0001;pause; msg velocity vectors vec x 1 enduse namsat=mosg real(resco,power) resco=1.e3;power=0.8 PLANTBEGIN patch(resist,volume,1,1,1,ny,nz/4+1,3*nz/4,1,1)cof=:resco: * w1 ** :power: coval(resist,w1,grnd,0.0) PLANTEND The above statements result in the inclusion of the following line of Fortran into Group 13, section 1 of Ground C Source name: SORC1 IF(INDVAR.EQ.INAME('W1 ').AND.NPATCH.EQ.'RESIST ') THEN LFCO =L0F(CO ) LFW1 =L0F(W1 ) DO 13701 IX=IXF,IXL IADD=NY*(IX-1) DO 13701 IY=IYF,IYL I=IY+IADD L0W1 =LFW1 +I 13701 F(LFCO +I)=1000*F(L0W1)**8.0000E-01 ENDIF tstswp=-1 dmpstk=t DISTIL=T EX(P1)=8.753E-01; EX(V1)=1.387E-03; EX(W1)=1.089E-01 EX(H1)=5.240E-01; EX(A)=4.360E-01 EX(B)=9.085E-01; EX(C)=1.427E-01 LIBREF=244 STOP