TALK=T;RUN(1,1) PHOTON USE p p1 msg Drilling the sphere GR Z 1 con mark x 1 fil;.01 con mark x 20 fil;.01 con mark z 20 fil;.01 msg Please wait ..... surf mark x 0.99 msg Hit Enter to continue pause p p2 msg Drilling the cylinder gr z 1 y 1 19 gr z m y 1 19 msg Please wait ..... surf mark x 0.99 msg Hit Enter to continue pause p p3 msg Drilling the bullet gr z 5 y 1 19 msg Please wait ..... surf mark x 0.99 msg Hit Enter to continue pause p p4 msg Drilling the annulus GR Z 1 con mark Z 1 X 1 20 Y 1 M fil;.01 con mark Z 10 X 1 20 Y 1 M fil;.01 con mark Z m X 1 20 Y 1 M fil;.01 GR OU Y M;GR OU Z M;GR OU Z M msg Please wait ..... surf mark x 0.99 msg Hit E to finish enduse DISPLAY This input demonstrates the "drilling-milling" technique available in PLANT to generate marker distribution to fit the complex shapes on polar, CARTES=F, grids. The method rests on PLANT ability to handle virtually "live" mathematical expressions as the arguments of its functions. All cases of the file are wholly focused on calculation of marker disributions. Therefore, no other actions are supported by input data. Four different cases, in which the variants of "drilling" are used to get different shapes, are arranged as unsteady problem: at each time moment the new marker distribution is PLANTed calculated and dumped into specified file to be viewed by PHOTON commands supplied. ENDDIS PLANTBEGIN 1. Drilling the sphere PATCH(INI1,INIVAL,1,NX,1,NY,1,NZ,1,1)VAL=SPHERE(1.,10.,10.,10.,5.) INIT (INI1,MARK,0.,GRND) Ih the above settings the sphere is "drilled-out" in cylinder. Crucial faeture of this example is the specification of center coordinates: unlike for cartesian cases, the line of X=0 and Y=0 in cylindrical polar coordinate system has got the coordinates Xr=RV2D and Yr=RV2D in reference frame. It is the latter in which the arguments of geometrical functions must be specified. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Comment ends <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 2. Drilling the cylinder MARK=0. IF(ISTEP.EQ.2.AND.LSWEEP.EQ.1) MARK=SPHERE(1.,10.,10.,ZGNZ,5.) IF(ISTEP.EQ.2.AND.LSWEEP.EQ.1) This example seems to be even simpler than foregoing one. It deals with the "drilling-out" the cylinder cavity of 5 m diameter in coaxial cylindrical domain by spherical "drill bit". The "drilling " effect is activated by using the distances from Z=0 plane as coordinates of sphere centre. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Comment ends <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 3. Drilling the bullet shape MARK=0. IF(ISTEP.EQ.3.AND.LSWEEP.EQ.1) MARK=SPHERE(1.,10.,10.,10.,5.) IF(ISTEP.EQ.3.AND.LSWEEP.EQ.1) MARK=XYCIRC(1.,10.,10.,5.) REGION(1,NX,1,NY,5,20,3,3) /LSWEEP.EQ.1 Another variant of "drilling" technique is used for specification of bullet-shape cavity. The shape is combination of stationary sphere and 2D circle "drill-bit". The "drilling" is activated by extents of REGION commands over which XYCIRC function is applied. The command PLACE may also be used with advantage to employ physical rather than cell numbers extents. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Comment ends <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 4. Drilling the annulus MARK=0. IF(ISTEP.EQ.4.AND.LSWEEP.EQ.1) MARK=SPHERE(1.,15.,10.,ZGNZ,4.) IF(ISTEP.EQ.4.AND.LSWEEP.EQ.1) This examples differs from "drilling" the cylinder case mainly in shifting the axis of "drill bit" of 5 meter away from domain centre line. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Comment ends <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< PLANTEND ************************************************************ Group 1. Run Title and Number ************************************************************ ************************************************************ TEXT( DRILling CYLINDER: CARTES=F ) ************************************************************ ************************************************************ IRUNN = 1 ;LIBREF = 603 ************************************************************ Group 2. Time dependence STEADY = F * Set overall time and no. of steps TFIRST =0. ;TLAST =4. FSTEP = 1 ;LSTEP = 4 TFRAC(1)=0.25 ;TFRAC(2)=0.5 TFRAC(3)=0.75 ;TFRAC(4)=1. ************************************************************ Group 3. X-Direction Grid Spacing CARTES = F NX = 40 XULAST =6.28 XFRAC(1)=0.025 ;XFRAC(2)=0.05 XFRAC(3)=0.075 ;XFRAC(4)=0.1 XFRAC(5)=0.125 ;XFRAC(6)=0.15 XFRAC(7)=0.175 ;XFRAC(8)=0.2 XFRAC(9)=0.225 ;XFRAC(10)=0.25 XFRAC(11)=0.275 ;XFRAC(12)=0.3 XFRAC(13)=0.325 ;XFRAC(14)=0.35 XFRAC(15)=0.375 ;XFRAC(16)=0.4 XFRAC(17)=0.425 ;XFRAC(18)=0.45 XFRAC(19)=0.475 ;XFRAC(20)=0.5 XFRAC(21)=0.525 ;XFRAC(22)=0.55 XFRAC(23)=0.575 ;XFRAC(24)=0.6 XFRAC(25)=0.625 ;XFRAC(26)=0.65 XFRAC(27)=0.675 ;XFRAC(28)=0.7 XFRAC(29)=0.725 ;XFRAC(30)=0.75 XFRAC(31)=0.775 ;XFRAC(32)=0.8 XFRAC(33)=0.825 ;XFRAC(34)=0.85 XFRAC(35)=0.875 ;XFRAC(36)=0.9 XFRAC(37)=0.925 ;XFRAC(38)=0.95 XFRAC(39)=0.975 ;XFRAC(40)=1. ************************************************************ Group 4. Y-Direction Grid Spacing NY = 40 YVLAST =10. YFRAC(1)=0.025 ;YFRAC(2)=0.05 YFRAC(3)=0.075 ;YFRAC(4)=0.1 YFRAC(5)=0.125 ;YFRAC(6)=0.15 YFRAC(7)=0.175 ;YFRAC(8)=0.2 YFRAC(9)=0.225 ;YFRAC(10)=0.25 YFRAC(11)=0.275 ;YFRAC(12)=0.3 YFRAC(13)=0.325 ;YFRAC(14)=0.35 YFRAC(15)=0.375 ;YFRAC(16)=0.4 YFRAC(17)=0.425 ;YFRAC(18)=0.45 YFRAC(19)=0.475 ;YFRAC(20)=0.5 YFRAC(21)=0.525 ;YFRAC(22)=0.55 YFRAC(23)=0.575 ;YFRAC(24)=0.6 YFRAC(25)=0.625 ;YFRAC(26)=0.65 YFRAC(27)=0.675 ;YFRAC(28)=0.7 YFRAC(29)=0.725 ;YFRAC(30)=0.75 YFRAC(31)=0.775 ;YFRAC(32)=0.8 YFRAC(33)=0.825 ;YFRAC(34)=0.85 YFRAC(35)=0.875 ;YFRAC(36)=0.9 YFRAC(37)=0.925 ;YFRAC(38)=0.95 YFRAC(39)=0.975 ;YFRAC(40)=1. ************************************************************ Group 5. Z-Direction Grid Spacing PARAB = F NZ = 40 ZWLAST =20. ZFRAC(1)=0.025 ;ZFRAC(2)=0.05 ZFRAC(3)=0.075 ;ZFRAC(4)=0.1 ZFRAC(5)=0.125 ;ZFRAC(6)=0.15 ZFRAC(7)=0.175 ;ZFRAC(8)=0.2 ZFRAC(9)=0.225 ;ZFRAC(10)=0.25 ZFRAC(11)=0.275 ;ZFRAC(12)=0.3 ZFRAC(13)=0.325 ;ZFRAC(14)=0.35 ZFRAC(15)=0.375 ;ZFRAC(16)=0.4 ZFRAC(17)=0.425 ;ZFRAC(18)=0.45 ZFRAC(19)=0.475 ;ZFRAC(20)=0.5 ZFRAC(21)=0.525 ;ZFRAC(22)=0.55 ZFRAC(23)=0.575 ;ZFRAC(24)=0.6 ZFRAC(25)=0.625 ;ZFRAC(26)=0.65 ZFRAC(27)=0.675 ;ZFRAC(28)=0.7 ZFRAC(29)=0.725 ;ZFRAC(30)=0.75 ZFRAC(31)=0.775 ;ZFRAC(32)=0.8 ZFRAC(33)=0.825 ;ZFRAC(34)=0.85 ZFRAC(35)=0.875 ;ZFRAC(36)=0.9 ZFRAC(37)=0.925 ;ZFRAC(38)=0.95 ZFRAC(39)=0.975 ;ZFRAC(40)=1. ************************************************************ Group 6. Body-Fitted Coordinates ************************************************************ Group 7. Variables: STOREd,SOLVEd,NAMEd ONEPHS = T NAME(150)=MARK * Y in SOLUTN argument list denotes: * 1-stored 2-solved 3-whole-field * 4-point-by-point 5-explicit 6-harmonic averaging SOLUTN(MARK,Y,N,N,N,N,Y) ************************************************************ Group 8. Terms & Devices * Y in TERMS argument list denotes: * 1-built-in source 2-convection 3-diffusion 4-transient * 5-first phase variable 6-interphase transport DIFCUT =0.5 ;ZDIFAC =1. GALA = F ;ADDDIF = F ISOLX = -1 ;ISOLY = -1 ;ISOLZ = -1 ************************************************************ Group 9. Properties used if PRPS is not stored, and where PRPS = -1.0 if it is! RHO1 =1. ;TMP1 =0. ;EL1 =0. TSURR =0. ;TEMP0 =0. ;PRESS0 =0. DVO1DT =0. ;DRH1DP =0. EMISS =0. ;SCATT =0. RADIA =0. ;RADIB =0. ENUL =1.0E-05 ;ENUT =0. CP1 =1. ;CP2 =1. ************************************************************ Group 10.Inter-Phase Transfer Processes ************************************************************ Group 11.Initial field variables (PHIs) FIINIT(MARK)=0. PATCH(INI1 ,INIVAL, 1, 40, 1, 40, 1, 40, 1, 1) INIT(INI1 ,MARK,0. , GRND ) INIADD = F FSWEEP = 1 NAMFI =CHAM ************************************************************ Group 12. Patchwise adjustment of terms Patches for this group are printed with those for Group 13. Their names begin either with GP12 or & ************************************************************ Group 13. Boundary & Special Sources No PATCHes yet used for this Group XCYCLE = F EGWF = T WALLCO = GRND2 ************************************************************ Group 14. Downstream Pressure For PARAB ************************************************************ Group 15. Terminate Sweeps LSWEEP = 1 ;ISWC1 = 1 LITHYD = 1 ;LITFLX = 1 ;LITC = 1 ;ITHC1 = 1 SELREF = T RESFAC =1.0E-02 ************************************************************ Group 16. Terminate Iterations ************************************************************ Group 17. Relaxation RELAX(MARK,LINRLX,1.) OVRRLX =0. EXPERT = F ;NNORSL = F ************************************************************ Group 18. Limits VARMAX(MARK)=1.0E+10 ;VARMIN(MARK)=-1.0E+10 ************************************************************ Group 19. Data transmitted to GROUND NAMSAT =MOSG PARSOL = F ISG62 = 1 SPEDAT(SET,GXMONI,TRANSIENT,L,F) SPEDAT(SET,GXMONI,PLOTALL,L,T) ************************************************************ Group 20. Preliminary Printout DISTIL = T ;NULLPR = F NDST = 0 DSTTOL =1.0E-02 EX(MARK)=0.1812 ************************************************************ Group 21. Print-out of Variables INIFLD = F ;SUBWGR = F * Y in OUTPUT argument list denotes: * 1-field 2-correction-eq. monitor 3-selective dumping * 4-whole-field residual 5-spot-value table 6-residual table OUTPUT(MARK,Y,N,Y,N,N,N) ************************************************************ Group 22. Monitor Print-Out IXMON = 1 ;IYMON = 1 ;IZMON = 1 NPRMON = 100000 ;NPRMNT = 1 ;TSTSWP = 1 UWATCH = T ;USTEER = T HIGHLO = F ************************************************************ Group 23.Field Print-Out & Plot Control NPRINT = 100000 ;NUMCLS = 5 NTPRIN = 100000 ;ISTPRF = 1 ;ISTPRL = 100000 NXPRIN = -1 ;IXPRF = 1 ;IXPRL = 10000 NYPRIN = -1 ;IYPRF = 1 ;IYPRL = 10000 NZPRIN = -1 ;IZPRF = 1 ;IZPRL = 10000 XZPR = F ;YZPR = F IPLTF = 1 ;IPLTL = -1 ;NPLT = -1 ISWPRF = 1 ;ISWPRL = 100000 ITABL = 3 ;IPROF = 1 ABSIZ =0.5 ;ORSIZ =0.4 NTZPRF = 1 ;NCOLPF = 50 ICHR = 2 ;NCOLCO = 45 ;NROWCO = 20 No PATCHes yet used for this Group ************************************************************ Group 24. Dumps For Restarts SAVE = T ;NOWIPE = F NSAVE =CHAM IDISPA = 1 ;IDISPB = 0 ;IDISPC = 0 CSG1 ='P' STOP