PHOTON USE p 0.20443E+04 0.15633E+04 CR set title off red text Backward facing step with the ALCM solver. 0.35366E+03 0.12376E+03 CR use patgeo vec z 1 sh @ 0.10125E+04 0.12246E+04 CR Velocity vectors.@ @ 0.11215E+04 0.65787E+03 @ Press RETURN to continue.@ pause vec cl red con p1 z 1 fill;0.01 @ 0.10382E+04 0.12246E+04 CR Pressure contours.@ @ 0.14483E+04 0.65136E+03 CR Press RETURN to continue.@ pause con cl red str 2d z 1 sh int 30 @ 0.91000E+03 0.12636E+04 CR Streamlines@ @ 0.13201E+04 0.64484E+03 CR Press RETURN to end@ pause end ENDUSE GROUP 1. Run title and other preliminaries L(290) TEXT(CORE CASE 290 WITH ALCM SOLVER :N212 TITLE DISPLAY ** Phoenics core library case 290 with the additive correction multi-grid solver with LU-decomposition smoother and adaptive solution strategy (ALCM) ** Information required to use this solver is: 1. CSG3=ALCM to specify the name of the solver. 2. ICNGRB <= phi <= ICNGRC to specify which phis to solve for, all phis in this range will be solved, though P1,U1,V1,W1 are also solved by default. 3. NFUSER=19*NX*NY*NZ for workspace. 4. USEGRX=T;USOLVE=T to ensure that it is called from grex. 5. IG(11) To specify the number of grid levels 6. RG(12) iterative parameter for MSIP ENDDIS GROUP 19. Data communicated by satellite to GROUND ** Pass the information for the required solver: CSG3=ALCM ICNGRB=12;ICNGRC=13 NFUSER=19*NX*NY*NZ USEGRX=T;USOLVE=T IG(11)=3;RG(12)=0.9 GROUP 24. Dumps for restarts TSTSWP=-1