macro L001 'displays' of stirred-reactor diagram and words
  but makes no settings. These are made in macros:
  L002: solve(p1); declarations and defaults of ra, rb, flowa
mesg(macro stirdisp, ie L001, starts
TEXT(WSR, 1D (Reactedness) Population  
         provided by l001.htm
  Stirred reactor with a 1D population distribution, and
  reactedness, ranging from zero to 1, as the population-
  distinguishing attribute.
  It is supposed that two streams of fluid         |           |
  enter a reactor which is sufficiently       A ====>          |
  well-stirred for space-wise differences          |  stirred  |
  of conditions to be negligible, but not          |  \\\|/// C===>
  sufficiently for micro-mixing to be              |  reactor  |
  complete.                                   B ====>          |
  The two streams have the same elemental
  composition; but one may be more reacted than the other.
  The flow is steady, and the total mass flow rate per unit volume
  is 1 kg/s m**3 .
  The chemical reaction rate is supposed to depend upon reactedness
  in accordance with the formula:
     rate (in kg/s m**3)  = const * (1 - R) / R ** ratexp
  where R =      reactedness,
        ratexp = a prescribed constant
        const  = conrea / integral [{(1 - R) / R ** ratexp} dR]
        conrea = a second prescribed constant.
  The micro-mixing rate (as defined in MFM theory) is taken as
  conmix kg/s m**3 times the product of the mass fractions of
  interacting fluids, in accordance with the "promiscuous Mendelian"
  hypothesis, where conmix is again a prescribed constant.
  The task is to compute:
  (1) the fluid-population distribution in the reactor, and
  (2) the population-average reactedness
  (3) the root-mean-square of the reactedness fluctuations
  These values depend upon 7 dimensionless parameters, namely:-
  (a) the prescribed constants: RATEXP, CONREA & CONMIX;
  (b) the relative proportions of the two mass flow rates,
      namely FLOWA and FLOWB (= 1 - FLOWA);
  (c) the reactednesses of the two streams, RA and RB;
  and on the number of fluids in terms of which the population
  distribution is to be described, NFLR.
  In the following Q1, the values employed are as follows:
  5.0     10.0    10.0    0.5    0.0    1.0    25
  The opportunity is provided to change NFLR interactively in
  the satellite, and CONREA and CONMIX during the EARTH run.
  Cases 1-1 and 102 allow choice of FLOWA and RATEXP.
  mesg(macro stirdisp, ie L001, ends