MB-FGE Test: Laminar flow between two cylinders. ************************************************************** DISPLAY This case concerns laminar flow between two rotating cylinders. The grid in this case is similar to that in the 200-case in a sense that it has only one link to itself. But link is natural one, which enables to calculate fluid flow. The link is very simple and can be reproduced by XCYCLE option of PHOENICS. Note, that using links it is possible to introduce as YCYCLE-, as ZCYCLE-linked grids. Q1-file contains Photon Use information. --------------------------------------------------------- ENDDIS L(PAUSE ************************************************************** PHOTON USE p ; ; ; ; ; g k 1 msg This is the Grid. Press return... pause vec k 1 sh msg These are the velocity vectors. Press return... pause con p1 k 1 fi;0.001 msg This is the pressure field ENDUSE GROUP 1. Run title and other preliminaries TEXT(MB-FGE: Laminar flow between two cylinders. TITLE REAL(REYNO,UINT,UEXT,RINT,REXT,PI) INTEGER(NX1,NY1,NZ1,IC) ** Problem definition: PI = 3.14159 REYNO= 300; UINT= 1.0; UEXT= -1.0; RINT= 0.5; REXT= 1.0 NX1 = 30; NY1 = 15; NZ1 = 1 GROUP 6. Body-fitted coordinates or grid distortion BFC= T; GSET(D,NX1,NY1,NZ1,REXT,REXT-RINT,0.1) GSET(T,J:NY1+1:,F,J1,1,NX1,1,NZ1,S1.8); IC = NX1+1 GSET(C,I:NX1+1:,F,I1,RZ,2*PI,0.0,REXT,INC,1.0) GSET(C,K:NZ1+1:,F,K1,1,NX1,1,NY1,+,0.0,0.0,0.1,INC,1.0) DUMPC(MBGR1) ** Assemble blocks: NUMBLK= 1; READCO(MBGR+L) GVIEW(Z); VIEW ** Set links: ** The following command can be used instead of READCO(...+L). MBLINK(1,WEST,1,EAST) GROUP 7. Variables stored, solved & named STORE(VPOR); SOLVE(P1,U1,V1) L($F150) GROUP 9. Properties of the medium (or media) ENUL= UINT*(REXT-RINT)/REYNO GROUP 13. Boundary conditions and special sources ** Walls. MPATCH(1,WS,SWALL,1,NX1,1,1,1,NZ1,1,LSTEP) COVAL(WS,UC1,1.0,UEXT); COVAL(WS,VC1,1.0,0.0) MPATCH(1,WN,NWALL,1,NX1,NY1,NY1,1,NZ1,1,LSTEP) COVAL(WN,UC1,1.0,UINT); COVAL(WN,VC1,1.0,0.0) ** Pressure relief MPATCH(1,FIXPRS,CELL,NX1/4,NX1/4,NY1/2,NY1/2,1,NZ1,1,LSTEP) COVAL(FIXPRS,P1,FIXP,1.0) GROUP 15. Termination of sweeps LSWEEP = 100; TSTSWP = -1 GROUP 16. Termination of iterations SELREF = T; RESFAC = 1.E-3 GROUP 17. Under-relaxation devices RELAX(P1,LINRLX,0.5) GROUP 19. Data communicated by satellite to GROUND * LSG3 = T, activates curvilinearity treatment; CSG3= LCRU; LSG3= T GROUP 22. Spot-value print-out IXMON = NX1/2+1; IYMON = NY1/2+1; IZMON = 1