PHOTON USE p con den1 z 1 fil;0.1 use patgeo use genuse rot ang 30 pause ENDUSE TEXT(Oblique impingement of box on water: G722 TITLE REAL(INIVEL) INIVEL=8. * Air density passed to GROUND for density calculation ************************************************************ Group 2. Transience STEADY=F TFRAC(1)=-1000 TFRAC(2)=0.025 LSTEP=100 ************************************************************ Groups 3, 4, 5 Grid Information * Overall number of cells, RSET(M,NX,NY,NZ,tolerance) RSET(M,45,35,1) * Set overall domain extent: * xulast yvlast zwlast name XSI= 2.000E+02;YSI= 1.400E+02;ZSI= 1.000E+00;RSET(D,CHAM ) * Set objects: x0 y0 z0 * dx dy dz name XPO= 8.500E+01;YPO= 4.880E+01;ZPO= 0.000E+00 XSI= 0.000E+00;YSI= 4.000E+00;ZSI= 1.000E+00;RSET(B,B4 ) XPO= 4.000E+01;YPO= 4.000E+01;ZPO= 0.000E+00 XSI= 4.500E+01;YSI= 1.590E+01;ZSI= 1.000E+00;RSET(B,B5 ) XPO= 4.000E+01;YPO= 4.560E+01;ZPO= 0.000E+00 XSI= 0.000E+00;YSI= 5.600E+00;ZSI= 1.000E+00;RSET(B,B6 ) XPO= 4.000E+01;YPO= 5.350E+01;ZPO= 0.000E+00 XSI= 0.000E+00;YSI= 2.400E+00;ZSI= 1.000E+00;RSET(B,B7 ) * Modify default grid RSET(X,1,-10,1.500E+00) RSET(X,2,-20,1.100E+00) RSET(X,3,15,1.500E+00) RSET(Y,1,10,-1.400E+00) RSET(Y,2,3,1.000E+00) RSET(Y,3,2,1.000E+00) RSET(Y,4,2,1.000E+00) RSET(Y,5,1,1.000E+00) RSET(Y,7,2,1.000E+00) RSET(Y,8,14,1.500E+00) ************************************************************ Group 6. Body-Fitted coordinates ************************************************************ Group 7. Variables: STOREd,SOLVEd,NAMEd SOLVE(P1 ,U1 ,V1) * Stored variables list STORE(DEN1,C1) * Additional solver options SOLUTN(P1 ,Y,Y,Y,N,N,N) SOLUTN(U1 ,Y,Y,N,N,N,N) SOLUTN(V1 ,Y,Y,N,N,N,N) ************************************************************ Group 8. Terms & Devices GALA = T ************************************************************ Group 9. Properties !! The following settings in the q1 and in gentra.htm have been replaced by the the in-form (property....) statement below in the q1.... * RHO2 water density passed to GROUND for density calculation RHO1 = GRND RG(1) = 1.189 RHO2=998.2 in gentra.htm... IF(LG(30).AND.ISTEP.GT.1) CALL FN2(DEN1,C1,RG(1),RHO2-RG(1)) ! lg(30) relates only to library case g722 ! it sets the density = rg(1) i.e. density of air ! + c1*(rho2 - rg(1)) i.e. vol fraction of liquid * ! density difference ! In-Form can now handle this more directly inform9begin (property rho1 is 1.189 + c1*(998.2 - 1.189)) inform9end ENUL = 1.E-5 ************************************************************ Group 11.Initialise Var/Porosity Fields FIINIT(P1)=0.0;FIINIT(U1)=8.;FIINIT(V1)=0. FIINIT(DEN1)=1.189 fiinit(c1)=0.0 !! The following settings in the q1 and in gentra.htm have been replaced by the the in-form (initial....) statement below Further simplifications could be effected by re-coding trkden.htm; for, strictly speaking, there is no need to make use of variable c1 as a marker at all. * in q1.... patch(start,inival,1,nx,1,ny,1,nz,1,1) coval(start,DEN1,0.0,grnd) * in gentra.htm ... IF((XG + 1.63177*YG).LT.XULAST*RG(6)) F(L0VAL+I)= RHO2 inform11begin (initial of den1 is 998.2 with if((XG+1.63177*YG).LT.:XULAST:*$ 0.58)) (initial of c1 is 1.0 with if((XG+1.63177*YG).LT.:XULAST:*$ 0.58)) inform11end INIADD=F ************************************************************ Group 13. Boundary & Special Sources *** Lower side of the module * Friction wall(acclow,north,#2,#2,#1,#1,1,nz,1,lstep) *** Right side of the module wall(sidr1,east,#1,#1,#3,#4,1,nz,1,lstep) wall(sidr2,east,#1,#1,#7,#7,1,nz,1,lstep) *** Left side of the module wall(sidl1,east,#2,#2,#2,#2,1,nz,1,lstep) wall(sidl2,east,#2,#2,#4,#5,1,nz,1,lstep) *** Top side of the module wall(acctop,north ,#2,#2,#7,#7,1,nz,1,lstep) ** Inflow at the bottom PATCH(gxinlt,west,1,1,1,ny,1,nz,1,LSTEP) COVAL(gxinlt,P1,FIxval,0.0) coval(gxinlt,u1,fixval,8.) coval(gxinlt,v1,fixval,0.0) patch(exit,east,nx-1,nx,1,ny,1,nz,1,lstep) coval(exit,p1,fixval,0.0) coval(exit,u1,fixval,8.) ** Exit - left ### Try to match external pressure to rho.g.h Pext = 1.189 * 9.81 * y * cos(angle) do jj = 1,ny PATCH (EXIT1:jj:,east ,nx,nx,jj,jj,1,nz,1,lstep) coval (exit1:jj:, p1, 1, 8.36*1.189*yvlast*(1-yfrac(jj))) enddo inform13begin (source of p1 at exit is coval(1,8.36*1.189*yg)) inform13end ### as the domain is sliding into the water exactly along the y axis, assume no flow through N & S faces *Gravity PATCH(buoy,PHASEM,1,NX,1,NY,1,NZ,1,LSTEP) COVAL(buoy,v1,FIXFLU,grnd1) COVAL(buoy,u1,FIXFLU,grnd1) *** x-comp (buoya) = 9.81*sin(impact angle) *** y-comp (buoyb) = 9.81*cos(impact angle) BUOYA=-5.1257 BUOYB=-8.3644 EGWF = T *********************************************************** Group 15. Terminate Sweeps LSWEEP = 5 SELREF = T RESFAC = 1.000E-03 ************************************************************ Group 16. Terminate Iterations + liter(u1)=2 + liter(v1)=2 ************************************************************ Group 17. Relaxation relax(u1,falsdt,0.1); relax(v1,falsdt,0.1) ************************************************************ Group 19. EARTH Calls To GROUND Station LG(30)=T IG(30)=1 RG(6)=0.58 SPEDAT(SET,GXMONI,TRANSIENT,L,F) ************************************************************ Group 20. Preliminary Printout ECHO = T ************************************************************ Group 21. Print-out of Variables ************************************************************ Group 22. Monitor Print-Out IXMON = 25 ;IYMON = 20 ;IZMON = 1 TSTSWP=-1 ************************************************************ Group 23.Field Print-Out & Plot Control NTPRIN = 20 ;ISTPRF = 1 ;ISTPRL = 10000 ITABL = 1 OUTPUT(NPOR,N,N,N,N,N,N) OUTPUT(EPOR,N,N,N,N,N,N) OUTPUT(DEN1,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y) IXMON=20;IYMON=20 idispa=1; csg1=a ********************************************************** #GENTRA GTSTRT=0.0; GTEND=0.0;GFLENG=0.5 *------------------------------------------------------- * GENTRA GROUP 1: Particle physics *------------------------------------------------------- * Particle type - 10 GPTYPE=10 * Gravity components/buoyancy GGRAX=0;GGRAY=0;GGRAZ=0;GBUOYA=F * Stochastic model of turbulence GSTOCH=F *------------------------------------------------------- * GENTRA GROUP 2: Boundary conditions for particles *------------------------------------------------------- * Inlet-data file-name GINFIL=Q1----------------------------------- * X Y Z 1.000E-04 7.053E+01 5.000E-01 1.100E+02 1.000E-04 5.000E-01 ------------------------------------ * Wall treatment, and rest coefficient if appropriate GWALLC=2;GWREST=1.0 * Porosity threshold GPOROS=0 IF (.NOT.STEADY) THEN + GTSTRT=0.0; GTEND=1.1*TFRAC(2) ENDIF *------------------------------------------------------- * GENTRA GROUP 3: Numerical controls *------------------------------------------------------- * 1st GENTRA sweep; frequency of calls GSWEP1=lsweep;GSWEPF=1 * Maximum Lagrangian time-step GDTMAX=0.01 * Min # of t-steps per cell; max # of t-steps; timeout GLAGTS=10;GSTEMX=500;GTIMMX=5 *------------------------------------------------------- * GENTRA GROUP 4: Output controls *------------------------------------------------------- * Trajectory-file identifier, history-file identifier and frequency for output GSWOUT=10;NGWSTR=1;NGWEND=20;NGWINT=1 *------------------------------------------------------- * PIL provisions for the GENTRA-Earth run *------------------------------------------------------- * Storage of Cartesian components in BFC cases STORE(UCRT,VCRT,WCRT) NCRT=1 * Storage for interphase sources of momentum * Storage for cell residence-time STORE(REST) * Interphase sources of heat and momentum * Relaxation of interphase sources * Activation of GENTRA GROUND-station L(GENSET RG(68)=GFLENG;RG(69)=GTSTRT; RG(70)= GTEND LG(20)=GBUOYA;LG(19)=GSTOCH CG(10)=:GT1STC:;CG(9)=:GH1STC: CG(8)=:GINFIL:;CG(7)=:GRSFIL: CG(6)=:GHFILE: NOCOPY=T * ---------------------------------------------------------- * GENTRA GROUP 7: GENTRA test * ---------------------------------------------------------- * GENTRA auto test RG(51)--RG(58) are reserved restrt(all)