PHOTON USE p gr out z 1 gr out z 1 x 1 4 y 1 8 text 1 1 Five isothermal particles are introduced in 0.69211E+03 0.24361E+04 CR text 1 1 the domain. Two of the particles start 0.69211E+03 0.23058E+04 CR text 1 1 their journey in the recirculation region. 0.69211E+03 0.21755E+04 CR text 1 1 All the particles are under the combined 0.69211E+03 0.20453E+04 CR text 1 1 effect of drag and inertia. 0.69211E+03 0.19150E+04 CR upause 1 GEOMETRY READ T00001 upause 3 GEOMETRY READ T00002 upause 3 GEOMETRY READ T00003 upause 3 GEOMETRY READ T00004 upause 3 GEOMETRY READ T00005 upause 5 set vec ref 50 vec z 1 upause 2 text 3 Pressto end 0.68570E+03 0.14265E+04 CR pause enduse TEXT(Backward-facing step : G200 TITLE DISPLAY This simulation concerns incompressible, turbulent flow over a backward-facing step in a two-dimensional closed channel. Particles are injected immediately after the backward-facing step. The Stochastic Turbulence Model is used to simulate particle dispersion due to turbulence. wall ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// ----------------------------------------------------- Pressure Inlet -------> ---------> fixed at zero /________________ | ////////////////| Exit | wall /| Recirculation | /| <---- -----> | /|____________________________________ | ////////////////////////////////////// | wall \ ENDDIS INTEGER(NYS,NXS) REAL(HEIGHT,WIDTH,CLEN,SLEN,REYNO,UIN,TKEIN,EPSIN,GENUT) ** Calculation of domain specifications HEIGHT=0.0381;WIDTH=3.*HEIGHT;SLEN=4.*HEIGHT;CLEN=20.*HEIGHT NXS=4;NYS=10;REYNO=4.5E4;UIN=13. GROUP 1. Run title and other preliminaries GROUP 2. Transience; time-step specification GROUP 3. X-direction grid specification NX=20;XULAST=1.0 ** Full length of channel = 0.762 XFRAC(1)=-4.0;XFRAC(2)=3.81E-2;XFRAC(3)=16.0;XFRAC(4)=3.81E-2 GROUP 4. Y-direction grid specification NY=15;YVLAST=1.0 ** Full width of channel = 0.1143 YFRAC(1)=-10.0;YFRAC(2)=3.81E-3;YFRAC(3)=5.0;YFRAC(4)=1.524E-2 GROUP 7. Variables stored, solved & named SOLVE(P1,U1,V1);SOLUTN(P1,Y,Y,Y,N,N,N);TURMOD(KEMODL);STORE(ENUT) GROUP 8. Terms (in differential equations) & devices DIFCUT=0.0 GROUP 9. Properties of the medium (or media) RHO1=1.0;ENUL=UIN*HEIGHT/REYNO GROUP 10. Inter-phase-transfer processes and properties GROUP 11. Initialization of variable or porosity fields ** Calculation of KE (where fric=0.018)... TKEIN=0.25*UIN*UIN*0.018 ** Calculation of EP (where lmix=0.09 x h)... EPSIN=TKEIN**1.5*0.1643/3.429E-3 ** Initial values FIINIT(U1)=UIN;FIINIT(P1)=1.3E-4;FIINIT(KE)=TKEIN;FIINIT(EP)=EPSIN ** Initialization of variables in blocked region CONPOR(0.0,CELL,1,-NXS,1,-NYS,1,1) GROUP 13. Boundary conditions and special sources ** Inlet INLET(GXINLET,WEST,1,1,NYS+1,NY,1,1,1,1) VALUE(GXINLET,P1,UIN);VALUE(GXINLET,U1,UIN) VALUE(GXINLET,KE,TKEIN);VALUE(GXINLET,EP,EPSIN) ** Exit PATCH(GXOUT,EAST,NX,NX,1,NY,1,1,1,1);COVAL(GXOUT,P1,1.0E5,0.0) COVAL(GXOUT,U1,ONLYMS,0.0);COVAL(GXOUT,V1,ONLYMS,0.0) COVAL(GXOUT,KE,ONLYMS,0.0);COVAL(GXOUT,EP,ONLYMS,0.0) ** N-wall WALL(WFUNNORT,NORTH,1,NX,NY,NY,1,1,1,1) ** S2-wall WALL(WFUNSOUT,SOUTH,NXS+1,NX,1,1,1,1,1,1) GROUP 14. Downstream pressure for PARAB=.TRUE. GROUP 15. Termination of sweeps LSWEEP=170 GROUP 16. Termination of iterations RESREF(U1)=1.E-6;RESREF(P1)=1.E-6;RESREF(V1)=1.E-6 RESREF(KE)=1.E-6;RESREF(EP)=1.E-6 GROUP 17. Under-relaxation devices RELAX(U1,FALSDT,1.0E-2);RELAX(V1,FALSDT,1.0E-2) RELAX(KE,FALSDT,1.0E-2);RELAX(EP,FALSDT,1.0E-2) GROUP 22. Monitor print-out IYMON=NYS-2;IXMON=NXS+2;NPRMON=100 GROUP 23. Field print-out and plot control NPLT=1;IPLTL=LSWEEP;NXPRIN=2;NYPRIN=2; TSTSWP=-1 PATCH(MAP,CONTUR,1,NX,1,NY,1,1,1,1) PLOT(MAP,P1,0.0,10.0);PLOT(MAP,U1,0.0,10.0) PLOT(MAP,V1,0.0,10.0);PLOT(MAP,KE,0.0,10.0) PLOT(MAP,EP,0.0,10.0) #GENTRA *------------------------------------------------------- * GENTRA GROUP 1: Particle physics *------------------------------------------------------- * Particle type - PARTICLES_IN_ISOTHERMAL_FLOW GPTYPE=30 * Gravity components /buoyancy GGRAX=0;GGRAY=0;GGRAZ=0;GBUOYA=F * Stochastic model of turbulence GSTOCH=T * Data for particles in isothermal flow GDRAG=-10120 *------------------------------------------------------- * GENTRA GROUP 2: Boundary conditions for particles *------------------------------------------------------- * Inlet data -------------------------------------- * X Y U V DIA RHO MASSFLO 0.0E+00 9.0E-02 11.5 -8.45E-00 1.E-05 100. 5.08E-05 0.0E+00 7.0E-02 11.5 -8.45E-00 1.E-05 100. 5.08E-05 0.0E+00 5.0E-02 4.57 -3.79E-01 1.E-05 100. 1.36E-04 2.4E-01 0.1E-02 1.80 -5.57E-01 1.E-05 100. 1.99E-04 2.0E-01 1.0E-02 8.54 -3.07E-01 1.E-05 100. 1.14E-04 --------------------------------------- * Wall treatment, and rest coefficient if appropriate GWALLC=3;GWREST=1.0 * Porosity threshold GPOROS=0 *------------------------------------------------------- * GENTRA GROUP 3: Numerical controls *------------------------------------------------------- * 1st GENTRA sweep; frequency of calls GSWEP1=1;GSWEPF=20 * Maximum Lagrangian time-step GDTMAX=1;GRTFRC=100000. * Min # of t-steps per cell; max # of t-steps; timeout GLAGTS=5;GSTEMX=1000;GTIMMX=3.0 *------------------------------------------------------- * GENTRA GROUP 4: Output controls *------------------------------------------------------- * Trajectory-file identifier, history-file identifier and frequency for output GT1STC=T;GSWOUT=10;NGWSTR=1;NGWEND=20;NGWINT=1 *------------------------------------------------------- * PIL provisions for the GENTRA-Earth run *------------------------------------------------------- * Storage for interphase sources of momentum STORE(MOMX);STORE(MOMY) * Storage for cell residence-time STORE(REST) * Interphase sources of heat and momentum PATCH(GENPAT,CELL,1,NX,1,NY,1,NZ,1,LSTEP) COVAL(GENPAT,3,FIXFLU,GRND);COVAL(GENPAT,5,FIXFLU,GRND) * Relaxation of interphase sources GLNRLX=1.0 RELAX(MOMX,LINRLX,GLNRLX);RELAX(MOMY,LINRLX,GLNRLX) L(GENSET * ---------------------------------------------------------- * GENTRA GROUP 7: GENTRA test * ---------------------------------------------------------- * GENTRA auto test RG(51)--RG(58) are reserved RG(51)= 6.86E-01;RG(52)= 6.42E+02;RG(53)= 4.91E-03 RG(54)= 3.81E+00;RG(55)= 1.68E-01;RG(56)= 2.50E+00 RG(57)= 5.00E+16;RG(58)= 5.00E-02