TALK=T;RUN(1,1) display This Q1 demonstrates the use of the "Transfer" feature of the GSET command. This feature is used for creating smooth transitions between regions of different shape. In this example it is used to create a circle-to-square transition. The commands for creating the circle and the square are the same as in case 538. They will therefore not be dwelt on at length. Set the grid type to BFC by the command: Please enter circle radius (default 1.m): Enter length of square side (default 0.5m) The input data to be used in this example are therefore: where root is defined as 0.707*radius -- Create a circle -- Define points A,B,C and D by the following command: Point A positioned at (0,-root,root) GSET(P,A,0,-root,root) Point B positioned at (0,root,root) GSET(P,B,0,root,root) Point C positioned at (0,root,-root) GSET(P,C,0,root,-root) Point D positioned at (0,-root,-root) * Draw four arc lines (AB,BC,CD,DA) from A to D to create a circle. Lines AB&CD must have equal number of cells, as well as lines BC&DA. Power is set to 1.0, ie. cells are uniformly distributed. Enter number of cells for AB(&CD) lines (default 10) Arc AB (A-B) goes through point (0,0,radius) GSET(L,AB,A,B,nab,1.0,ARC,0,0,radius) Enter number of cells for BC(&DA) lines (default 5) Arc BC (B-C) goes through point (0,radius,0) GSET(L,BC,B,C,nbc,1.0,ARC,0,radius,0) Arc CD (C-D) goes through point (0,0,-radius) GSET(L,CD,C,D,nab,1.0,ARC,0,0,-RADIUS) Arc DA (D-A) goes through point (0,-radius,0) Define frame ABCD (circle) which has corner points A,B,C,D by the command: !!!! The following is a point of difference from case 538 in which the square and the circle were just 1 I-interval apart. !!!! Please enter number of cells for I direction (default 10) Set the BFC grid dimension as nx x nab x nbc cells with reference length radius+side x side x side by the command: * Laplace method with 10 iterations by the command: -- Create a square -- Define points E,F,G and H by the following commands: Point E positioned at (-side,-side/2,side/2) GSET(P,E,-side,-side/2,side/2) Point F positioned at (-side,side/2,side/2) GSET(P,F,-side,side/2,side/2) Point G positioned at (-side,side/2,-side/2) GSET(P,G,-side,side/2,-side/2) Point H positioned at (-side,-side/2,-side/2) * Draw four lines (EF,FG,GH,HE) from E to H to create a square. Lines EF&GH have nab uniformly distributed cells each and lines FG&HE have nbc uniformly distributed cells each; they have to match number of cells on the circle. The commands are: GSET(L,EF,E,F,nab,1.0) GSET(L,FG,F,G,nbc,1.0) GSET(L,GH,G,H,nab,1.0) * Define frame EFGH (square) which has corner points E,F,G,H by the command: * Match grid plane I1 on frame EFGH using the trans-finite method of interpolation by the command: * !!!! This where the "transfer feature" is employed !!!! --------------------------------------------- Use Transfer command to connect smoothly circle (plane I:it1:) and square (plane I1). Include all internal planes and use power-law distribution for them. Enter power (default 1.5); for symmetric-law precede number with S. The PIL command for effecting the transfer is: enddis ************************************************************ Group 1. Run Title and Number ************************************************************ ************************************************************ TEXT(TRANSFER_BETWEEN_TWO_SHAPES : B539) ************************************************************ ************************************************************ IRUNN = 1 ;LIBREF = 1 ************************************************************ Group 2. Time dependence STEADY = T ************************************************************ Group 3. X-Direction Grid Spacing CARTES = T NX = 1 XULAST =1.5 ************************************************************ Group 4. Y-Direction Grid Spacing NY = 10 YVLAST =0.5 ************************************************************ Group 5. Z-Direction Grid Spacing PARAB = F NZ = 5 ZWLAST =0.5 ************************************************************ Group 6. Body-Fitted Coordinates BFC = T ;NONORT = F NCRT = -1 RSTGEO = F ;SAVGEO = F UUP = F ;VUP = F ;WUP = F NGEOM =CHAM NAMXYZ =CHAM ANGMIN =20. DOMAIN( 1, 1, 1, 11, 1, 6) * Set fixed sub-domain FIXDOM( 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) FIXDOM( 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) FIXDOM( 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) FIXDOM( 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) FIXDOM( 5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) FIXDOM( 6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) FIXDOM( 7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) FIXDOM( 8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) FIXDOM( 9, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) FIXDOM( 10, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) MSWP = 10 LIJ = F ;LJK = T ;LIK = F IMON = 1 ;JMON = 6 ;KMON = 3 ************************************************************ Group 7. Variables: STOREd,SOLVEd,NAMEd ONEPHS = T * Y in SOLUTN argument list denotes: * 1-stored 2-solved 3-whole-field * 4-point-by-point 5-explicit 6-harmonic averaging ************************************************************ Group 8. Terms & Devices * Y in TERMS argument list denotes: * 1-built-in source 2-convection 3-diffusion 4-transient * 5-first phase variable 6-interphase transport DIFCUT =0.5 ;ZDIFAC =1. GALA = F ;ADDDIF = F ISOLX = -1 ;ISOLY = -1 ;ISOLZ = -1 ************************************************************ Group 9. Properties used if PRPS is not stored, and where PRPS = -1.0 if it is! RHO1 =1. ;TMP1 =0. ;EL1 =0. TSURR =0. ;TEMP0 =0. ;PRESS0 =0. DVO1DT =0. ;DRH1DP =0. EMISS =0. ;SCATT =0. RADIA =0. ;RADIB =0. ENUL =1.0E-05 ;ENUT =0. CP1 =1. ;CP2 =1. ************************************************************ Group 10.Inter-Phase Transfer Processes ************************************************************ Group 11.Initial field variables (PHIs) No PATCHes yet used for this Group INIADD = F FSWEEP = 1 NAMFI =CHAM ************************************************************ Group 12. Patchwise adjustment of terms Patches for this group are printed with those for Group 13. Their names begin either with GP12 or & ************************************************************ Group 13. Boundary & Special Sources No PATCHes yet used for this Group XCYCLE = F EGWF = T WALLCO = GRND2 ************************************************************ Group 14. Downstream Pressure For PARAB ************************************************************ Group 15. Terminate Sweeps LSWEEP = 1 ;ISWC1 = 1 LITHYD = 1 ;LITFLX = 1 ;LITC = 1 ;ITHC1 = 1 SELREF = T RESFAC =1.0E-05 ************************************************************ Group 16. Terminate Iterations ************************************************************ Group 17. Relaxation OVRRLX =0. EXPERT = F ;NNORSL = F ************************************************************ Group 18. Limits ************************************************************ Group 19. Data transmitted to GROUND PARSOL = F ISG62 = 1 SPEDAT(SET,GXMONI,PLOTALL,L,T) ************************************************************ Group 20. Preliminary Printout ************************************************************ Group 21. Print-out of Variables INIFLD = F ;SUBWGR = F * Y in OUTPUT argument list denotes: * 1-field 2-correction-eq. monitor 3-selective dumping * 4-whole-field residual 5-spot-value table 6-residual table ************************************************************ Group 22. Monitor Print-Out IXMON = 1 ;IYMON = 1 ;IZMON = 1 NPRMON = 100000 ;NPRMNT = 1 ;TSTSWP = 1 UWATCH = T ;USTEER = T HIGHLO = F ************************************************************ Group 23.Field Print-Out & Plot Control NPRINT = 100000 ;NUMCLS = 5 NYPRIN = -1 ;IYPRF = 1 ;IYPRL = 10000 NZPRIN = -1 ;IZPRF = 1 ;IZPRL = 10000 XZPR = F ;YZPR = F IPLTF = 1 ;IPLTL = -1 ;NPLT = -1 ISWPRF = 1 ;ISWPRL = 100000 ITABL = 3 ;IPROF = 1 ABSIZ =0.5 ;ORSIZ =0.4 NTZPRF = 1 ;NCOLPF = 50 ICHR = 2 ;NCOLCO = 45 ;NROWCO = 20 No PATCHes yet used for this Group ************************************************************ Group 24. Dumps For Restarts SAVE = T ;NOWIPE = F NSAVE =CHAM STOP