photon use ext p0 x0 msg the starting grid gr y m gr z 1 gr z m vec z 1 sh vec z 2 sh vec z 3 sh vec z 4 sh vec z 5 sh vec z 6 sh msg press RETURN to continue pause ext p2 x2 msg the end of the second time step gr y m gr z 1 gr z m vec z 1 sh vec z 2 sh vec z 3 sh vec z 4 sh vec z 5 sh vec z 6 sh msg press RETURN to continue pause ext p5 x5 gr y m msg the end of the fifth time step gr z 1 gr z m vec z 1 m sh red msg press RETURN to continue pause;vec off view z msg w1 contours near outlet con w1 z 5 fi;0.001 pause;con off msg the view from the side view x pause msg pressure contours and vectors con p1 ix 4 fi;0.001 con p1 ix 10 fi;0.001 vec x ix 4;vec ix 10 ENDUSE DISPLAY Coding in GXBFGR is accessed, and caused to create a cylindrical grid, which may be distorted at the start, and during time, in various ways. Fluid within it can be squeezed out; or fluid can be sucked in from the outside, according to the parameter settings. ENDDIS GROUP 1. Run title and other preliminaries TEXT(cylinder with grid distortion :B967 GROUP 2. Transience; time-step specification STEADY=F;LSTEP=5;GRDPWR(T,LSTEP,10.0,1.0) GROUP 3, 4, 5. X-, Y-, Z-direction grid specifications NX=12; xulast=1.0; ny=6; yvlast=1.0; nz=6; zwlast=1.0 XCYIZ(1,NZ,T) GROUP 6. Body-fitted coordinates or grid distortion char(movebfc);movebfc=$B005 #movebfc GROUP 7. Variables stored, solved & named #solvel GROUP 9. Properties of the medium (or media) REAL(GAMA);GAMA=1.0 RHO1=COMPRESS;RHO1B=1./GAMA;PRESS0=1.E5;RHO1A=1./PRESS0**GAMA DRH1DP=COMPRESS;ENUL=1.0 GROUP 11. Initialization of variable or porosity fields FIINIT(P1)=0.0;FIINIT(U1)=0.0;FIINIT(V1)=0.0;FIINIT(W1)=0.0 GROUP 13. Boundary conditions and special sources PATCH(EXIT,HIGH,1,NX,1,NY/2,NZ,NZ,1,LSTEP); COVAL(EXIT,P1,0.1,0.0) PATCH(INWALL,SWALL,1,NX,1,1,1,NZ,1,LSTEP); COVAL(INWALL,W1,1.0,0.0) PATCH(OUTWALL,NWALL,1,NX,NY,NY,1,NZ,1,LSTEP) COVAL(OUTWALL,W1,1.0,0.0) GROUP 15. Termination of sweeps SELREF=T;RESFAC=1;LSWEEP=20 GROUP 16. Termination of iterations LITER(P1)=20 GROUP 17. Under-relaxation devices RELAX(U1,FALSDT,0.1);RELAX(V1,FALSDT,0.1);RELAX(W1,FALSDT,0.1) RELAX(P1,LINRLX,0.5) GROUP 19. Data communicated by satellite to GROUND SPEDAT(GRIDS, CASE, C, CYLINDER) SPEDAT(GRIDS, RADIN0, R, 0.0) SPEDAT(GRIDS, RADOUT, R, 0.05) SPEDAT(GRIDS, ZLENGT, R, 0.1) SPEDAT(GRIDS, XAXFAC, R, 1.0) SPEDAT(GRIDS, YAXFAC, R, 1.0) SPEDAT(GRIDS, ZPOWER, R, 0.0) SPEDAT(GRIDS, TMFCRI, R, 1.0) SPEDAT(GRIDS, TMFCRO, R, 0.95) SPEDAT(GRIDS, TMFCZL, R, 0.8) SPEDAT(GRIDS, TMFCXF, R, 1.0) SPEDAT(GRIDS, TMFCYZ, R, 1.0) SPEDAT(GRIDS, TMFCZP, R, 1.0) SPEDAT(GRIDS, ECCFAC, R, 0.0) SPEDAT(GRIDS, DRDZ , R, 0.0) SPEDAT(GRIDS, GAPFAC, R, 0.0) SPEDAT(SET,GXMONI,TRANSIENT,L,F) GROUP 22. Spot-value print-out TSTSWP=-1;IXMON=NX/2;IYMON=NY/2;IZMON=NZ/2 GROUP 23. Field print-out and plot control NPLT=1;NTPRIN=1;CSG1=PHI;CSG2=XYZ;IDISPA=1;IDISPB=1;IDISPC=LSTEP IPLTF=3;XZPR=T;NXPRIN=NX/2;NPRINT=1;ISWPRF=LSWEEP-1 ISWPRF=LSWEEP-3