PHOTON USE P;;;;; VIEW X CON POT X 1 FI;0.01 CON POT X 6 FI;0.01 CON UCRT X 1 FI;0.01 CON UCRT X 6 FI;0.01 CON VCRT X 1 FI;0.01 CON VCRT X 6 FI;0.01 PAUSE;CLS;CON OFF VIEW 1 2 3 do kk=1,100 CON POT Z kk FI;0.01 CON W1 Z kk FI;0.01 CON WCRT Z kk FI;0.01 enddo ENDUSE ustrbegin namplt axis ustrend ************************************************************** Group 1. Run title and other preliminaries TEXT(Bent-pipe grid, created by GSET :567) TITLE DISPLAY This Q1 uses parameterised GSET commands to create a grid for a bent pipe of circular cross-section. It consists of a straight section of length LENG1, a section of length LENG2 bent into a circular arc, and a further straight section of length LENG3. The diameter of the pipe is DIAM. The angle between the two straight sections is ANGLE. ENDDIS REAL(DIAM,LENG1,LENG2,LENG3,ANGLE,YCEN,ZCEN,POWER) DIAM=0.6;LENG1=1.0;ANGLE=-3.14159;POWER=1.0 LENG2=LENG1*2;LENG3=LENG1 INTEGER(LASTK,FIRSTK,NZ1,NZ2,NZ3) NZ1=10;NZ2=20;NZ3=10 NX=10;NY=10 YCEN=-LENG2/ANGLE; ZCEN=LENG1 NZ=NZ1+NZ2+NZ3 ************************************************************** Group 3,4,5. X,Y,Z-direction grid specification CARTES=F; XULAST=6.2832; YVLAST=DIAM*0.5; ZWLAST=LENG1*NZ/NZ1 L(UNIGRID ************************************************************** Group 6. Body-fItted coordinates or grid dIstortion BFC=T NCRT=1 first NZ1 cells remain unbent and bend the next NZ2 cells FIRSTK=NZ1+1 ; LASTK=FIRSTK+NZ2 GSET(C,K:LASTK:,F,K:FIRSTK:,1,NX,1,NY,RX,ANGLE,YCEN,ZCEN,INC,:POWER$ :) next NZ3 cells are straight FIRSTK=LASTK ; LASTK=NZ+1 REAL(SL3,CL3) SL3=-SIN(ANGLE)*LENG3 ; CL3=COS(ANGLE)*LENG3 GSET(C,K:LASTK:,F,K:FIRSTK:,1,NX,1,NY,+,0,SL3,CL3,INC,:POWER:) GSET(C,K:LASTK:,F,K:FIRSTK:,1,NX,1,NY,+,0,SL3,CL3,INC,:POWER:) XCYIZ(1,NZ,T) VIEW(I,1) VIEW(J,NY+1) GVIEW(P,1,1,1); GDRAW ************************************************************** Group 7. Variables stored, solved & named SOLVE(POT); SOLUTN(POT,Y,Y,Y,P,P,P) STORE(U1,V1,W1,UCRT,VCRT,WCRT) ************************************************************** Group 13. Boundary conditions and special sources PATCH(IN,LOW,1,NX,1,NY,1,1,1,1) COVAL(IN,POT,1.E5,1.0) PATCH(OUT,HIGH,1,NX,1,NY,NZ,NZ,1,1) COVAL(OUT,POT,1.0,0) ************************************************************ Group 15. Terminate Sweeps LSWEEP = 100; RESFAC = 1.000E-06 ************************************************************ Group 16. Terminate Iterations LITER(POT)=-200 ************************************************************ Group 19. EARTH Calls To GROUND Station POTVEL=T ************************************************************ Group 22. Monitor Print-Out IZMON = NZ/2; TSTSWP = -1 PATCH(AXIS,PROFIL,1,1,1,1,1,NZ,1,1) COVAL(AXIS,POT,0.0,0.0) COVAL(AXIS,W1,0.0,0.0)