PHOTON USE p gr ou y 1 MSG Velocity vectors vec y 1 sh msg msg Press return to plot pressure contours pause cont p1 y 1 fil;.01 msg msg Type e to End ENDUSE #$B522) TEXT(TRANSONIC FLOW THRU A NOZZLE: B551 TITLE This is based on library case B522 for the XZ plane with solved static enthalpy, SOLH=T, (or stored total enthalpy, SOLH=F) with momentum and enthalpy correction. BOOLEAN(SOLH) SOLH=T STORE(TMP1,MACH,PTOT,VABS) STORE(UCMP,WCMP) IF(SOLH)THEN #$900 SOLUTN(H1,P,P,Y,P,P,P) ENDIF GROUP 9. Properties of the medium (or media) ** Use Ideal Gas Density Law RHO1=IDEALGAS; RHO1A=0.0; RHO1B=1/GASCON; RHO1C=1./GAMMA PRESS0=0.0;DRH1DP=IDEALGAS CP1=(GASCON*GAMMA)/(GAMMA-1) IF(SOLH) THEN TMP1=LINH;TMP1A=0.0 ELSE TMP1=CONSTAGH;TMP1A=CP1*TTOTAL ENDIF GROUP 11. Initialization of variable or porosity fields FIINIT(P1)=PEXIT;FIINIT(H1)=TIN*CP1 GROUP 13. Boundary conditions and special sources COVAL(INLET,H1,ONLYMS,TIN*CP1) GROUP 15. Termination of sweeps LSWEEP=500 RELAX(H1,FALSDT,ZWLAST/(WIN*NZ)) RESFAC=0.01 GROUP 19. Data communicated by satellite to GROUND UCONV=T;NAMGRD=CONV GROUP 22. Spot-value print-out NPRINT=LSWEEP IXMON=2;IZMON=15 TSTSWP=-1