PHOTON USE p 1 5 1 msg The grid (magnified by 5 in the y direction) gr z 1 msg Pressto continue pause cl msg Velocity vector field set vec ref 0.4 gr ou z 1 vec z 1 sh msg Press to continue pause cl msg Concentration contours of particle 1 gr ou z 1 con pt1 z 1 fi;0.01 msg Press to continue pause cl msg Concentration contours of particle 2 gr ou z 1 con pt2 z 1 fi;0.01 msg Press to continue pause cl msg Concentration contours of particle 3 gr ou z 1 con pt3 z 1 fi;0.01 msg Press e to END enduse GROUP 1. Run title and other preliminaries TEXT(Particle accumulation along duct walls:P108 TITLE DISPLAY 2-dimensional (x-y), Cartesian, steady, elliptic simulation This case calculates the accumulation of particles in a flow in which the particle-slip velocities are normal to the main flow direction, which is from low to high x. Three groups of particles, of different densities but the same diameter, are included. They are such that the first group is denser than the continuous phase, the second group is neutrally buoyant and the third group is less dense. ///////////////////////// ------------------------- north wall y^ | --> in --> out (3 exits) | ----> ------------------------- south wall x ///////////////////////// ENDDIS nx=10; xulast=5.0; ny=10; yvlast=0.2; nz=1; zwlast=1.0 #unigrid #aslp0 defaults npt=3; rho2=1000. #aslp1 GROUP 9. Properties of the medium (or media) dens0=1000.0; diam0=1.0 ; visc0= 1.e-5 dens1=2000.0; diam1=1.0e-4; visc1= 2.e-5 ; vfrac1=0.2 dens2=1000.0; diam2=1.0e-4; visc2= 1.e-5 ; vfrac2=0.001 dens3=500.0 ; diam3=1.2e-4; visc3= 1.e-6 ; vfrac3=0.2 #aslp2 mesg(rhom= :rhom: vfrac0= :vfrac0: GROUP 11. Initialisation of variable or porosity fields REAL(UIN); UIN=2.0e-1 FIINIT(P1)=10000.0; FIINIT(U1)=UIN; FIINIT(V1)=0.0 FIINIT(PT0)=VFRAC0; FIINIT(PT1)=VFRAC1; FIINIT(PT2)=VFRAC2 FIINIT(PT3)=VFRAC3 GROUP 13. Boundary conditions and special sources ** Inlet PATCH(ASMIN,WEST,1,1,1,NY,1,1,1,LSTEP) COVAL(ASMIN, P1 ,FIXFLU, UIN*RHOM); COVAL(ASMIN, U1 ,ONLYMS, UIN) patnam=asmin #aslp3 ** Outlets PATCH(ASMOU1,EAST,NX,NX,1,1,1,1,1,LSTEP) COVAL(ASMOU1,P1,1.E1,2000.0) PATCH(ASMOU2,EAST,NX,NX,NY,NY,1,1,1,LSTEP) COVAL(ASMOU2,P1,1.E1,0.0) PATCH(ASMOU3,EAST,NX,NX,NY/2,NY/2,1,1,1,LSTEP) COVAL(ASMOU3,P1,1.E1,1000.0) #gravity gravdir=2 #density GROUP 15. Termination of sweeps LSWEEP=70 RESREF(P1)=1.E-8; RESREF(U1)=1.e-8; RESREF(V1)=1.e-8 RESREF(PT0)=1.e-8; RESREF(PT1)=1.e-8 LITER(PT0)=2; LITER(PT1)=5; ENDIT(PT0)=1.E-8; ENDIT(PT1)=1.E-5 GROUP 17. Under-relaxation devices RELAX(P1,LINRLX,1.0); RELAX( U1,FALSDT,1.0); RELAX(V1,FALSDT,1.0) RELAX(PT0,LINRLX,0.5); RELAX(PT1,LINRLX,0.5) GROUP 21. Print-out of variables OUTPUT(VFOL,N,N,y,N,N,N) GROUP 22. Spot-value print-out TSTSWP=-1;IXMON=NX/2; IYMON=2 GROUP 23. Field print-out and plot control IPLTF=2;IPLTL=LSWEEP;YZPR=T;IPROF=1 GROUP 24. Dumps for restarts NXPRIN=1; NYPRIN=1; SELREF=F; RESFAC=1.E-2