TALK=T;RUN(1,1) DISPLAY The submarine part of a floating body sits in the domain of integration, which extends from the water surface to the bottom. The z coordinate is vertically downwards. The water flows in the positive x-direction around, & under the body. In this first case the flow is treated as incompressible, to contrast with the following case in which compressibility is introduced throughout the domain so as to simulate the surface waves. The model cases are subsequently refined in various ways. The results of the calculations resulting from the inputs in this and subsequent cases in this section, together with background information are in the paper entitled 'The Computation of Flow around Ships with Allowance for Free-Surface and Density-Gradient Effects' by D Brian Spalding in the Proceedings of the First Intercontinental Symposium on Maritime Simulation (June 1985). ENDDIS DISPLAY Shallow water theory is invoked in this case to emulate the surface waves. This theory recognizes the analogy with the isentropic flow of an ideal gas with a ratio of principal specific heats of 2. RHO1=COMPRESS activates the isentropic gas law formula in GREX3. ENDDIS ************************************************************ Group 1. Run Title and Number ************************************************************ ************************************************************ TEXT(Rigid-Surface Flow, 3D Compress ) ************************************************************ ************************************************************ IRUNN = 1 ;LIBREF = 450 ************************************************************ Group 2. Time dependence STEADY = T ************************************************************ Group 3. X-Direction Grid Spacing CARTES = T NX = 15 XULAST =15. XFRAC(1)=0.066667 ;XFRAC(2)=0.133333 XFRAC(3)=0.2 ;XFRAC(4)=0.266667 XFRAC(5)=0.333333 ;XFRAC(6)=0.4 XFRAC(7)=0.466667 ;XFRAC(8)=0.533333 XFRAC(9)=0.6 ;XFRAC(10)=0.666667 XFRAC(11)=0.733333 ;XFRAC(12)=0.8 XFRAC(13)=0.866667 ;XFRAC(14)=0.933333 XFRAC(15)=1. ************************************************************ Group 4. Y-Direction Grid Spacing NY = 10 YVLAST =5. YFRAC(1)=0.1 ;YFRAC(2)=0.2 YFRAC(3)=0.3 ;YFRAC(4)=0.4 YFRAC(5)=0.5 ;YFRAC(6)=0.6 YFRAC(7)=0.7 ;YFRAC(8)=0.8 YFRAC(9)=0.9 ;YFRAC(10)=1. ************************************************************ Group 5. Z-Direction Grid Spacing PARAB = F NZ = 5 ZWLAST =2.5 ZFRAC(1)=0.2 ;ZFRAC(2)=0.4 ZFRAC(3)=0.6 ;ZFRAC(4)=0.8 ZFRAC(5)=1. ************************************************************ Group 6. Body-Fitted Coordinates ************************************************************ Group 7. Variables: STOREd,SOLVEd,NAMEd ONEPHS = T NAME(1)=P1 ;NAME(3)=U1 NAME(5)=V1 ;NAME(7)=W1 NAME(148)=PRPS ;NAME(150)=RHO1 * Y in SOLUTN argument list denotes: * 1-stored 2-solved 3-whole-field * 4-point-by-point 5-explicit 6-harmonic averaging SOLUTN(P1,Y,Y,Y,N,N,N) SOLUTN(U1,Y,Y,N,Y,N,Y) SOLUTN(V1,Y,Y,N,Y,N,Y) SOLUTN(W1,Y,Y,N,Y,N,Y) SOLUTN(PRPS,Y,N,N,N,N,N) SOLUTN(RHO1,Y,N,N,N,N,Y) DEN1 = 150 PRPS = 148 ************************************************************ Group 8. Terms & Devices * Y in TERMS argument list denotes: * 1-built-in source 2-convection 3-diffusion 4-transient * 5-first phase variable 6-interphase transport TERMS(P1,Y,Y,Y,N,Y,Y) TERMS(U1,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y) TERMS(V1,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y) TERMS(W1,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y) DIFCUT =0.5 ;ZDIFAC =1. GALA = F ;ADDDIF = F NEWRH1 = T ISOLX = -1 ;ISOLY = -1 ;ISOLZ = -1 ************************************************************ Group 9. Properties used if PRPS is not stored, and where PRPS = -1.0 if it is! RHO1 = GRND3 ;TMP1 =0. ;EL1 =0. TSURR =0. ;TEMP0 =0. ;PRESS0 =0.24525 DVO1DT =0. ;DRH1DP = GRND3 RHO1A =2.019275 ;RHO1B =0.5 ;RHO1C =0. EMISS =0. ;SCATT =0. RADIA =0. ;RADIB =0. ENUL =1.0E-05 ;ENUT =0. PRNDTL(U1)=1. ;PRNDTL(V1)=1. PRNDTL(W1)=1. PRT(U1)=1. ;PRT(V1)=1. PRT(W1)=1. CP1 =1. ;CP2 =1. ************************************************************ Group 10.Inter-Phase Transfer Processes ************************************************************ Group 11.Initial field variables (PHIs) FIINIT(P1)=0. ;FIINIT(U1)=1. FIINIT(V1)=0. ;FIINIT(W1)=0. FIINIT(PRPS)=-1. ;FIINIT(RHO1)=1. PATCH(BODY ,INIVAL, 4, 7, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 1) INIT(BODY ,PRPS,0. ,199. ) INIADD = F FSWEEP = 1 NAMFI =CHAM ************************************************************ Group 12. Patchwise adjustment of terms Patches for this group are printed with those for Group 13. Their names begin either with GP12 or & ************************************************************ Group 13. Boundary & Special Sources PATCH(UPSTRM ,WEST , 1, 1, 1, 10, 1, 5, 1, 1) COVAL(UPSTRM ,P1 , FIXFLU ,1. ) COVAL(UPSTRM ,U1 ,0. ,1. ) COVAL(UPSTRM ,V1 ,0. ,0. ) COVAL(UPSTRM ,W1 ,0. ,0. ) PATCH(DWNSTRM ,EAST , 15, 15, 1, 10, 1, 5, 1, 1) COVAL(DWNSTRM ,P1 , FIXVAL ,0. ) COVAL(DWNSTRM ,U1 ,0. ,0. ) COVAL(DWNSTRM ,V1 ,0. ,0. ) COVAL(DWNSTRM ,W1 ,0. ,0. ) XCYCLE = F EGWF = T WALLCO = GRND2 ************************************************************ Group 14. Downstream Pressure For PARAB ************************************************************ Group 15. Terminate Sweeps LSWEEP = 25 ;ISWC1 = 1 LITHYD = 1 ;LITFLX = 1 ;LITC = 1 ;ITHC1 = 1 SELREF = T RESFAC =1.0E-05 ************************************************************ Group 16. Terminate Iterations LITER(P1)=-20 ;LITER(U1)=10 LITER(V1)=10 ;LITER(W1)=10 ENDIT(P1)=1.0E-03 ;ENDIT(U1)=1.0E-03 ENDIT(V1)=1.0E-03 ;ENDIT(W1)=1.0E-03 ************************************************************ Group 17. Relaxation RELAX(P1,LINRLX,1.) RELAX(U1,FALSDT,1.) RELAX(V1,FALSDT,1.) RELAX(W1,FALSDT,1.) RELAX(PRPS,LINRLX,1.) RELAX(RHO1,LINRLX,1.) OVRRLX =0. EXPERT = F ;NNORSL = F ************************************************************ Group 18. Limits VARMAX(P1)=1.0E+10 ;VARMIN(P1)=-0.24425 VARMAX(U1)=1.0E+06 ;VARMIN(U1)=-1.0E+06 VARMAX(V1)=1.0E+06 ;VARMIN(V1)=-1.0E+06 VARMAX(W1)=2.0E-03 ;VARMIN(W1)=-1.0E+11 VARMAX(PRPS)=1.0E+10 ;VARMIN(PRPS)=-1.0E+10 VARMAX(RHO1)=2. ;VARMIN(RHO1)=0.5 ************************************************************ Group 19. Data transmitted to GROUND PARSOL = F ISG62 = 1 SPEDAT(SET,GXMONI,PLOTALL,L,T) SPEDAT(SET,MATERIAL,199,L,T) ************************************************************ Group 20. Preliminary Printout ************************************************************ Group 21. Print-out of Variables INIFLD = F ;SUBWGR = F * Y in OUTPUT argument list denotes: * 1-field 2-correction-eq. monitor 3-selective dumping * 4-whole-field residual 5-spot-value table 6-residual table OUTPUT(P1,Y,N,Y,Y,Y,Y) OUTPUT(U1,Y,N,Y,Y,Y,Y) OUTPUT(V1,Y,N,Y,Y,Y,Y) OUTPUT(W1,Y,N,Y,Y,Y,Y) OUTPUT(PRPS,Y,N,Y,N,N,N) OUTPUT(RHO1,Y,N,Y,N,N,N) ************************************************************ Group 22. Monitor Print-Out IXMON = 5 ;IYMON = 5 ;IZMON = 1 NPRMON = 100000 ;NPRMNT = 1 ;TSTSWP = 1 UWATCH = T ;USTEER = T HIGHLO = F ************************************************************ Group 23.Field Print-Out & Plot Control NPRINT = 100000 ;NUMCLS = 5 NXPRIN = 1 ;IXPRF = 1 ;IXPRL = 15 NYPRIN = -1 ;IYPRF = 1 ;IYPRL = 10 NZPRIN = 1 ;IZPRF = 1 ;IZPRL = 1 XZPR = F ;YZPR = F IPLTF = 1 ;IPLTL = 100 ;NPLT = 1 ISWPRF = 1 ;ISWPRL = 100000 ITABL = 3 ;IPROF = 1 ABSIZ =0.5 ;ORSIZ =0.4 NTZPRF = 1 ;NCOLPF = 50 ICHR = 2 ;NCOLCO = 45 ;NROWCO = 20 PATCH(CONT1 ,CONTUR, 1, 15, 1, 10, 1, 1, 1, 1) PLOT(CONT1 ,P1 ,0. ,50. ) PATCH(PROF1 ,PROFIL, 5, 5, 1, 10, 1, 1, 1, 1) PLOT(PROF1 ,P1 ,-0.5 ,1. ) PLOT(PROF1 ,U1 ,-0.5 ,1.5 ) PATCH(PROF2 ,PROFIL, 3, 3, 1, 10, 1, 1, 1, 1) PLOT(PROF2 ,P1 ,-0.5 ,1. ) PLOT(PROF2 ,U1 ,-0.5 ,1.5 ) PATCH(PROF3 ,PROFIL, 8, 8, 1, 10, 1, 1, 1, 1) PLOT(PROF3 ,P1 ,-0.5 ,1. ) PLOT(PROF3 ,U1 ,-0.5 ,1.5 ) ************************************************************ Group 24. Dumps For Restarts SAVE = T ;NOWIPE = F NSAVE =CHAM STOP