#cls text(3D heating spiral: 768) title libref=768 DISPLAY This case exemplifies the setting of sources in In-Form objects. It concerns the temperature of water flowing within a cylindrical vessel which contains a spiral heating element. The spiral is an In-Form object formed by use of the SPHERE function with the cartesian x, y and coordinates of the sphere centre varying with the angular coordinate xg of the cylindrical-polar co-ordinate system (CARTES=F), as follows (INFOB at PATCH1 is SPHERE(1+.5*sin(xg),1+.5*cos(xg),1+.5*xg,$ .2)+SPHERE(1+.5*sin(xg),1+.5*cos(xg),4.14+.5*xg,.2) with INFOB_1) Two SPHERE functions are used because two turns of the spiral are required. The following formula sets a heat source: char(heatfl) heatfl=2000. (SOURCE of TEM1 at PATCH1 is :heatfl: with INFOB_1) The flow resistance exerted by the spiral is represented by a momentum source as follows: char(uresis,vresis,wresis) uresis=-1000.*VABS*VOL*U1 vresis=-1000.*VABS*VOL*V1 wresis=-1000.*VABS*VOL*W1 (SOURCE of U1 at PATCH1 is :uresis: with LINE!INFOB_1) (SOURCE of V1 at PATCH1 is :vresis: with LINE!INFOB_1) (SOURCE of W1 at PATCH1 is :wresis: with LINE!INFOB_1) The following formulae defines MARK variable. MARK is used by PHOTON for marks of borders of a spiral. (INITIAL of MARK at PATCH1 is 1. with INFOB_1) In addition this example illustrates how RESIDUALS and CORRECTIONS can be stored with In-Form using. First declare 3D storage of TRES and TCOR variables in which residuals and corrections values will be saved. STORE(TRES,TCOR) Then store residuals of temperature in TRES by the statement: (STORED of TRES is RESI(TEM1)) Then store temperature corrections in TCOR by the statement: (STORED of TCOR is CORR(TEM1)) The Q1 contains PHOTON USE commands ENDDIS GROUP 1. Run title and other preliminaries TEXT(3D heating spiral: 768 GROUP 3. X-direction grid specification CARTES=F;GRDPWR(X,40,6.28,1.0) GROUP 4. Y-direction grid specification GRDPWR(Y,40,1.,1.0) GROUP 5. Z-direction grid specification GRDPWR(Z,40,8.,1.0) GROUP 7. Variables stored, solved & named NAME(150) =TEM1 SOLUTN(P1,Y,Y,Y,N,N,Y) SOLUTN(U1,Y,Y,N,N,N,Y) SOLUTN(V1,Y,Y,N,N,N,Y) SOLUTN(W1,Y,Y,N,N,N,Y) SOLUTN(TEM1,Y,Y,Y,N,N,Y) STORE(MARK) The square root of symmetrically-computed velocity-squared quantity STORE(VABS) *** The next In-Form statements store residuals and corrections of temperature STORE(TRES,TCOR) INFORM7BEGIN The storage residuals of temperature in TRES (STORED of TRES is RESI(TEM1)) The storage corrections of temperature in TCOR (STORED of TCOR is CORR(TEM1)) INFORM7END GROUP 9. Properties of the medium (or media) RHO1=9.9823E+02 PRESS0=1.E+05 TEMP0=2.73E+02 CP1=4.1818E+03 ENUL=1.006E-06 ENUT=0. DVO1DT=1.18E-04 PRNDTL(TEM1)=-5.97E-01 GROUP 11. Initialization of variable or porosity fields INIADD=F; FIINIT(MARK)=0.0; FIINIT(TEM1)=0. *** Patch for heating spiral PATCH(PATCH1,CELL,1,NX,1,NY,1,NZ,1,LSTEP) INFORM11BEGIN *** In-Form formula describes a spiral: It is required to create a spiral with two coils. The SPHERE(xce,yce,zce,radius) function creates In-Form object with the sphere shape where radius is a sphere radius (radius is equal 0.2 for this case) and xce, yce and zce are constants describing in X, Y and Z coordinates of the sphere center in a own local cartesian coordinates system. For cartesian examples this coordinates system coincides with coordinates system of domain. But they differ for polar cases. The local system is located so the XY plane of a polar coordinate system lies in positive part of the XY plane of the local cartesian system. Thus the origin of a local system will be always outside of the polar domain and X and Y the coordinates of the origin of the polar system will be equal YVLAST + RINNER in the local system. For this case they are equal 1. The Z coodinates of oridins and the directions of Z axes of both coordinate systems coincide with one another. If coordinates of the sphere centre will depend upon current coordinates of cells of the domain then the sphere will be moved inside the domain. To create In-Form object with the ring shape it is enough to define X and Y coordinates of the sphere centre by the following formulas SPHERE(1+.5*sin(xg),1+.5*cos(xg), 1. , 0.2 ) where 1 is the coordinates of the origin of the polar system, .5 is a radius of a circle on which the sphere will be moved and xg is current X polar coordinate of cell cetnre in radians. The Z coordinate will constant and be equal for example 1. For creation of In-Form object with the spiral shape the Z coordinate of the sphere center should depend upon cells coordinates also. Thus for creation of the spiral is offered to use following formula for the calculation of Z coordinates of the sphere centre: 1+.5*xg where 1 is Z coordinate of the start point of the spiral. The Z coordinate of the final point of the spiral will be 1+.5*XULAST=1+.5*6.28=4.13 The complete In-Form statement will look as (INFOB at PATCH1 is SPHERE(1+.5*sin(xg),1+.5*cos(xg),1+.5*xg,.2) with INFOB_1) Thus the spiral with one coil will be created. The additional In-Form statement is required for creation of the second spiral coil. That they were connected without a break the Z coordinate of the starting point of the second coil should be equal for the Z coordinate of the final point of the first coil. In this case Z coordinate will be calculated by the next formula 4.14+.5*xg Thus the In-Form object with shape of the spiral with two coits can be created by following two In-Form statements (INFOB at PATCH1 is SPHERE(1+.5*sin(xg),1+.5*cos(xg),1+.5*xg,.2) with INFOB_1) (INFOB at PATCH1 is SPHERE(1+.5*sin(xg),1+.5*cos(xg),4.14+.5*xg, .2) with INFOB_1) Moreover they can be incorporated into one statement thus: (INFOB at PATCH1 is SPHERE(1+.5*sin(xg),1+.5*cos(xg),1+.5*xg,$ .2)+SPHERE(1+.5*sin(xg),1+.5*cos(xg),4.14+.5*xg,.2) with INFOB_1) *** Setting of MARK values into spiral (INITIAL of MARK at PATCH1 is 1. with INFOB_1) INFORM11END GROUP 13. Boundary conditions and special sources PATCH(INLET,LOW,1,NX,1,NY,1,1,1,LSTEP) COVAL(INLET,P1,FIXFLU,9.9823) COVAL(INLET,U1,ONLYMS,0.) COVAL(INLET,V1,ONLYMS,0.) COVAL(INLET,W1,ONLYMS,.01) COVAL(INLET,TEM1,ONLYMS,0.) PATCH(OUTLET,HIGH,1,NX,1,NY,NZ,NZ,1,LSTEP) COVAL(OUTLET,P1,1000.,0.) COVAL(OUTLET,TEM1,0.,SAME) PATCH(WALLN,NWALL,1,NX,NY,NY,1,NZ,1,LSTEP) COVAL(WALLN,U1,1.,0.) COVAL(WALLN,W1,1.,0.) INFORM13BEGIN *** Heat source inside heating spiral char(heatfl); heatfl=2000. (SOURCE of TEM1 at PATCH1 is :heatfl: with INFOB_1) *** Resistance inside spiral char(uresis,vresis,wresis) uresis=-1000.*VABS*VOL*U1 vresis=-1000.*VABS*VOL*V1 wresis=-1000.*VABS*VOL*W1 (SOURCE of U1 at PATCH1 is :uresis: with LINE!INFOB_1) (SOURCE of V1 at PATCH1 is :vresis: with LINE!INFOB_1) (SOURCE of W1 at PATCH1 is :wresis: with LINE!INFOB_1) INFORM13END GROUP 15. Termination of sweeps LSWEEP=100 GROUP 17. Relaxation GROUP 18. Limits VARMIN(TEM1)=0. GROUP 19. Data transmitted to ground ISG62 = 0 GROUP 21. Print-out of Variables OUTPUT(P1,Y,Y,Y,N,Y,Y) OUTPUT(U1,Y,Y,Y,N,Y,Y) OUTPUT(V1,Y,Y,Y,N,Y,Y) OUTPUT(W1,Y,Y,Y,N,Y,Y) OUTPUT(TEM1,Y,N,Y,Y,Y,Y) GROUP 22. Spot-value print-out NPRMON=LSWEEP;IXMON=NX/4+1;IYMON=NY/4+1;IZMON=NZ/4+1 GROUP 23. Print-out & plot control TSTSWP=-1 libref=768 DISTIL=T EX(P1)=2.545E-02; EX(U1)=1.398E-04; EX(V1)=1.123E-04 EX(W1)=1.006E-02; EX(TCOR)=1.262E-02; EX(TRES)=2.509E-01 EX(MARK)=3.159E-02; EX(TEM1)=1.660E+01; EX(VABS)=1.006E-02 In-Form debug commands infrbegin debug f formula t stored t infrend PHOTON USE p up z gr ou y m ve x 1 sh ve x 20 sh msg Please wait surf mark x 0.99 surf mark z 0.99 msg Velocity vectors msg Pressto continue pause ve cl con p1 x 1 fil;.01 con p1 x 20 fil;.01 red msg Pressure contours msg Press to continue pause con cl con tem1 x 1 fil;.01 con tem1 x 20 fil;.01 red msg Temperature contours pause con cl con tres x 1 fil;.01 con tres x 20 fil;.01 red msg Residuals of temperature contours pause con cl con tcor x 1 fil;.01 con tcor x 20 fil;.01 red msg Corrections of temperature contours pause con cl do izz=1,40,8 con tem1 iz izz fi;0.001 enddo ENDUSE STOP