#cls text(In-Form momentum sources; bottom friction title libref=709 DISPLAY This In-Form case does what Z109 does, but without fortran coding or re-compilation. First, case z109 is loaded. Then NAMSAT = NONE is set, to deactivate PLANT. Also the use of the GRND3 option to represent free- surface-height variation is de-activated as bing irrelevant to In-Form, Here In-Form SOURCE statements are used for calculating momentum losses. The friction coefficient depends upon the square root of symmetrically-computed velocity-squared quantity which is stored as VABS variable. The Q1 contains PHOTON USE commands ENDDIS PHOTON USE p gr ou X 1 VEC X 1 SH msg WATER RECIRCULATION IN A STILLING POND msg Velocity vectors pause vec off;red con vabs x 1 fil;0.1 msg relative velocity msg Press e to END ENDUSE load(z109) text(In-Form equivalent of simplified PLANT case Z109 libref=709 The square root of symmetrically-computed velocity-squared STORE(VABS) LSWEEP=300 ** The next lines de-activates PLANT use of PLANT and also the free-surface treatment used in z109 NAMSAT=NONE BOTSTRES=SKIP RHO1=1000.0; DRH1DP=0.0 INFORM13BEGIN ** In-Form formulae which are equivalent to the PLANT formulae of z109 0.003 is the presumed friction factor, 1000.0 is the density The bottom surface has the EAST (normal to x) area PATCH(IBOTSTR,WEST,1,1,1,NY,1,NZ,1,1000) (SOURCE of W1 at IBOTSTR is -0.003*1000.*VABS*W1 with LINE) (SOURCE of V1 at IBOTSTR is -0.003*1000.*VABS*V1 with LINE) INFORM13END #maxabs #endpause DISTIL=T EX(P1)=1.459E+01; EX(V1)=8.701E-02; EX(W1)=9.518E-02 EX(VABS)=1.553E-01; EX(RHO1)= 9.792E+02 STORE(PRPS) EX(PRPS)=9.792E-01